Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1231: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (494)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

I never expected that things would go to the point where Mr. Li invited Feng Ling to eat at Li's house.

Feng Ling's expression did not reflect her face, and she repeatedly looked at the old people in front of her. She didn't know how to answer for a while. She thought to herself that this should have something to do with Li Nanheng, but she remembered that Li Li was very stubborn. And it's not an old man who is easy to shake, but his attitude now ... obviously not only shaken, but he has accepted her.

She was curious how Nan Heng did it.

But now it ’s not good to glance at him anymore. She only looked at Father Li Li cautiously. Seeing that the expressions of Li Junyan and the other three old gentlemen did not seem to be the same, at least Li Junyan was there. He obviously knew that What he was talking about and doing, and the other three should not know.

This is even more embarrassing.

She didn't speak, but Han Jin coughed aside. Everyone in the room heard it. Father Li was letting down his eighty-year-old face. He was kicked out in public at the beginning, and now this is an apology to her in public. No matter what, she had to show it, and the old man put down his attitude. If she keeps mute and doesn't speak, it is justified.

Feng Ling also knew that she shouldn't be silent. She thought for a few seconds before she said, "A few years ago, I was young, and the way of doing things was too harsh and astringent. When you were very old and you denied me, I didn't know what to do. Prove yourself in front of you, and now you come back so rashly, Li can forgive me. This is a great forgiveness to me, and it is really enough for me to stay in the XI base. "

As she said, she continued to look at Li Junyan: "Li old, your old man is magnanimous, and you don't care about your face in front of so many people. We are all children in your eyes. You can apologize to a child, enough to explain Li Lao, you are very satisfied now. Thank you Li Lao for accepting me. "

It has never been a special understanding of human beings. In the past three years, I have learned a little euphemistic way of speaking.

She said more or less along the face of Mr. Li, although it was not perfect, but he also recovered the face of Mr. Li, and neither of them suffered any loss.

Han Jin was also very relieved listening to them, quietly sighed, and looked at Xiao Xu next to him, secretly conveying the satisfaction of each other: Yes, Feng Ling really grew up.

Li Junyan is just looking at the face of Fengjia and Li Nanheng, giving her a chance to stay. After all, it wasn't that she hadn't seen the little girl's backbone at that time. How old was she then? Seventeen? Eighteen years old?

Apparently lying on the ground, but when raising his head, his eyes were clearly alienated, with a touch of indifference that was thousands of miles away, and the arrogance engraved in her bones. Even if pointed by Qianfu, she was just there She did not ask for a sentence or complained about suffering. If she could explain it, she explained it. If she could not explain it clearly, she would no longer waste her tongue.

He thought that a person like Feng Ling should be in a good mood today because he found his face, but it turned out that she hadn't seen her for a few years. Not only had she grown up and matured, her character was no longer so straight. At least know how to talk about scenes to complement each other.

This is quite in line with the mind of Mr. Li. He just watched Feng Ling for half a minute and saw that Feng Ling suspected that there was something wrong with her, so he was looked at like this. After a while, Li The old smiled slightly: "Okay, the past things will not be mentioned anymore, we are old, and the things in the base are not what we can control. You were brought by Nanheng. Yours Everything is infused with all his painstaking efforts, and I ca n’t hurt his heart, and your child does have a visible excellence. It is undeniable that our four old men are as big as you In addition to being a little brute, you may not be able to beat you with your skills and skills alone, so what can we say? Of course, excellent members must stay, let alone ... "

Li Junyan's tone paused, and suddenly he said something meaningful: "Sooner or later, you are also our family, so don't toss each other."

Mr. Li ’s surprising attitude is enough to shock the people present, especially the members of the three teams who have just ridiculed and mocked Feng Ling. Standing behind the crowd, their faces are like eggplants beaten by cream. For a while, it was dark and colorful for a while, and finally, I didn't dare to say a word.

But this sudden sentence is sooner or later from the Li family, does it mean that Li Li knows the ambiguity between Li Nanheng and Feng Ling? The four old men came to drive away Feng Ling three years ago, and they came again three years later. Could it be that they came to see his wife and children?

Feng Ling stared at Li Junyan suddenly: "Ah?"

The other three fathers were also inexplicable, looked at each other, and then looked at the boss sitting on the main seat, and then looked back at the staircase with arms around his chest and standing not far away. Li Nanheng, seeing Li Nanheng's look always looks like he was watching from a distance, the three old men can't figure out what the situation is today, although they have their own tempers, but they all spoke out. It's not easy to discuss each other in front of the members of this base, and they simply don't talk, but they still have a confused expression and look at the Feng Ling again.

Just such a tomboy, although he is indeed a pure and clean man, and indeed a woman, but how could he be related to Li's family?

When I heard that there was a little ambiguity between Nan Heng and this tomboy, wasn't the elder brother Li Junyan the first to curse on the crutch on the spot, and said that it was absolutely impossible to agree?

It's too fast now to slap ...

Mr. Li did not wait for her to answer the question, and was still talking to her: "Speaking of, you have been in the base for so many years and have known Nanheng for many years. It is indeed time to go to Li's for a meal. There are two chefs from the Li family who come from China. The Chinese food they cook is very delicious. I think you will like it very much. "

"I really like to eat Chinese food ..." Feng Ling paused: "But wouldn't it be a bit of a surprise to go to Lijia? In fact, you can leave me at the base, which is really very much for me ..."

"Sooner or later are our daughter-in-law of Li's family. Now I'm going to visit Li's family, and then going to Li's family means going home. What's the inconvenience?" Why did Sun Tzu catch up with people for so many years, he couldn't hold back for a while, and just made his words clear.

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