Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1232: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (495)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Lying down! Mr. Li acknowledges his grandson at the scene!

What's more exciting about the various news in this XI base for so many years?

Instead, it was Feng Ling three years ago. She could not imagine that she would be in the base one day, in the presence of so many people, and in the presence of several old fathers.

Li Nanheng, still standing not far from watching, was helpless, but also sighed because the old man was more anxious than him.

Feng Ling is still in a state that has not been reflected. Suddenly, the man's voice came: "Since you were invited to Lijia, you simply agreed. Anyway, you are busy bringing new people now, and you ca n’t find any time to go to Lijia. Accompany them for a few old meals, and promise to come down first. It's up to you to decide whether to go back or not. Don't take it too seriously. "

As soon as Li Nanheng's voice fell, Feng Ling glanced at him and gave him a glance at him. Father Li also turned his head and stared at him fiercely. He crutched hard at the ground in front of his eyes: "You jerk, so you can get your daughter in hand earlier , Old man, I don't need to lose face, and I'll help you here, do you even come to tear down my desk? "

"I am indeed a jerk. Who doesn't know that Li Nanheng was a **** from an early age. It is nothing new." Li Nanheng smirked: "Feng Ling is thin-skinned, and I knew you would say these things when she was unprepared. How could I find a place with few people, now that this is a public place, what do you want her to say? "

"I didn't let her have to say anything." Father Li stared at him again, using his eyes to warn him that it was his claim now, and that he shouldn't tear down his stage.

Li Nanheng moved his handsome eyebrow with a smile, and when he saw that Feng Ling wasn't particularly unable to get off the stage, he simply didn't say much. He leaned his arms around his chest leisurely, but his eyes were full of attention. Feng Ling's body.

Had it not been for Li Nanheng to go directly to his own grandfather for the sake of Feng Ling, the members of the various bases present were afraid that they would never see Li Boss in this life ... grounded.

Including Feng Ling, she never thought of it herself.

She hurriedly said: "Recently I was really busy because of the newcomer. I was afraid that I agreed randomly. In case I really couldn't spare time, Li Lao would think that I had no sincerity, and this kind of thing to come to thank you must still be ... "

"Thank you, I'll be my own family in the future." A Feng suddenly inserted a word in the back, and when Feng Ling froze and turned to look at him, he blinked at him with a particularly serious expression, meaning Let her hurry down the steps.

Feng Ling received a look and changed his mouth: "Thank you for your kind invitation, I must find time to pass."

However, what Li family members, grandsons and children, and her own family members must not be able to say, she only nodded sincerely to Mr. Li.

Father Li was satisfied and nodded: "Okay, that's it."

"Fixed? What fixed?" Li's second child lowered his voice at the back and asked: "What the **** is going on with this Fengling? Brother, don't you say that she and Nanheng are impossible in this life? Isn't it? Does Nan Heng dare to marry her into Li's family, even if he breaks his leg and breaks the relationship? What the **** are you doing now? "

Li Junyan didn't explain, only turned back and said quietly: "I'm here today, I also decided to look at the current situation of this girl before making a decision, go back and tell you."

The three old ones couldn't understand it at all, but when they heard this, they had to do nothing.

Until the people in the base hall were dispersed, Feng Ling hadn't reflected what she had just experienced. When she planned to walk out of the base hall, the man suddenly shot on her head, she turned back suddenly, turned Passed but nearly crashed into the arms of the man behind him.

She quickly stabilized her shape, looking at Li Nanheng's side and looked inside. The members of the base were dispersed. The old masters of Li's family were talking to A Feng inside, but Li Nanheng didn't go in to accompany him. A few are old.

Feng Ling had to go out quickly subconsciously, but Li Nanheng directly stretched his arms back into his arms: "Hide what? Afraid to see?"

"Li Li is inside ..."

"Even Sun Yun's wife and children recognize it. Even if they are standing next to each other, they should be able to hold it. Be honest, don't always think about running." Li Nanheng held people in his arms and looked at her again. With a sullen expression, he said lazily, "I have been publicly recognized by Li's elders. What else can you avoid?"

The man's arms slumped behind her again, Feng Ling leaned against his arms like this, and after two seconds of silence, he didn't break away.

Li Nanheng was satisfied, and she stroked her hands behind her head: "Now, haven't all your shackles been released to Li's family?"

Feng Ling: "There wasn't much **** at first. Although some old men were really too harsh, they didn't specifically target me. After I left the base, they didn't pay attention to me anymore, nor did they ask me to stop me Lu, it means that they just refused to accept women at the base and had no other ideas. What can I do? "

Li Nanheng touched her head again, knowing that her mouth was hard, but also knew that she really didn't remember it in her heart.

"Now everything outside you will no longer interfere with you, it is time to solve your own business."

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Feng Ling looked up in his arms.

The man looked down at her, and looked into her clear eyes while looking at each other: "Remember I said that after the newcomer's assessment, I will show you something?"

Feng Ling nodded.

"Go to my room at night and show you."

Feng Ling: "..."

The man raised an eyebrow and squeezed his hand on her shoulder: "What do you want? Your period is not over yet, what can I tell you to do in the past?"

Feng Ling thought for a moment with a sullen head in his arms: "I see, I'll go tonight."

The man hooked his lips. It was incredible to see her now being obedient and cooperative in front of him. He bowed his head and was about to kiss on her forehead.

As a result, A Feng's cough sounded very uncomfortably behind.

Hearing the movement of A Feng, Li Nanheng suddenly jumped the blue tendon on his forehead, and pressed Feng Ling's head into his arms, turning his eyes as if looking at A Feng as if looking at A Feng: "Fart fast. "

A Feng was very embarrassed, and his expression was very panicky: "The old man is looking for you, not me, and Feng Ling will not be lost in the base. The old man wants to talk about the military. Fang's thing, I think it's quite Serious."

Li Nanheng: "..."

He rubbed Feng Ling's head hard again, feeling that she couldn't wait to get directly into his body to avoid A Feng's sight, and whispered in her ear, "Go back to the academy first, remember at night Come to me. "

Beside him, A Feng who scatters the dog food again: What evil did Lao Tzu make, and the cold dog food slaps on my face frantically ...

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