Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1233: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (496)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling is really hard to stand up this afternoon.

However, her usual temper is known to the entire team, especially the few thorns that are usually problem-prone, which has been settled by her, so even if I heard all the rumors from the base, I heard Mr. Li acknowledged her as a granddaughter of her grandson in public, but she dared to take time to look at her expression during training, and saw that her eyes and expressions were not different, but it seemed that her mood should not be very bad. I should be in a good mood, I can only see these, but I can't see the others.

After finally getting into the night, Feng Ling saw that it was almost time, and quietly avoided A Feng's sight. Instead of returning to the base hall, he went to Li Nanheng's residence.

From a distance, he saw the light in his room was on, Feng Ling walked directly over, and met Xiao Xu halfway, Xiao Xu saw the direction she was walking, smiled at her immediately, with a pair of "It doesn't matter if you go to me casually It ’s not that A Feng will never tell you. ”Hey hesitated for a long while and left.

Feng Ling entered Li Nanheng's residence, and only knocked twice on the door, and the door opened.

Li Nanheng had just taken a shower and came to help her open the door. Naturally she didn't wear a shirt, but she only wore a pair of black trousers. Her perfect figure and sharp lines flickered before her eyes.

"Knowing that you will come back at night, I took a cold shower first, so as to avoid being easy to beastish as soon as I see you." The man also put a towel on his shoulder, said the one-handed towel while wiping the short hair on his head, and said at the same time Step out of the door and motion her in.

It has been a long time since he entered his room again. Feng Ling walked in and saw a portfolio on the table closest to the door.

Seeing the words DNA on the portfolio, and a string of English words behind her, her eyelids jumped and her feet stood still.

Li Nanheng closed the door, walked to her, put down the towel in his hand, and randomly pulled the short ink on his head twice, saying, "The truth you want to know is in it. If you are ready, open it. If you are not ready, put it here first, and come back when you want to see it. "

Even though I first guessed what Li Nanheng wanted to show myself, when I really wanted to face everything, it was an individual who was at a loss.

Even if she is Feng Ling, it is the same.

But it ’s all here, there ’s no difference between seeing one minute early and one minute late.

Feng Ling only stood there for half a minute of silence, went directly to it, picked up the portfolio, opened it, and took out a stack of standard A4 paper files.

It's all in English and some academic sentences in the medical field, but she has been growing up in the United States, and of course understands it.

After looking at all this seriously, she silently put the documents back on the table.

The man's voice was right behind her: "Your parents went out to handle business when you were one year old, because you are too young to be weaned, you can only hold you for a trip, but you are missed by a cruise ship on the way Falling into the sea, this daughter who they couldn't hold tightly was a pain in their lives. They have never rested for twenty years, so whether you want to recognize your loved ones or not, at least you should know that you It ’s not an orphan who has been abandoned, it ’s just that they all think you are gone. "

Feng Ling's hand slowly fisted into a fist, and then slowly let go. After a moment of silence, he said, "So why did Feng Mingzhu suddenly strike me?"

Li Nanheng knew that Feng Ling didn't want to go back to her family. She didn't want to contact those complicated families and struggles. He asked her: "Because you are not sisters who grew up together, she has no affection for you, only mustard and defense, what she can see is not A blood relationship is a conflict of interests. If you are not here, she is the only child of the Feng family. She is the only child who can inherit everything. When you are here, everything changes. "

In saying this, Li Nanheng imagined how uncomfortable Feng Ling would be, but there were things she could avoid, but there were things she had to face.

Li Nanheng looked down. What he really wanted her to face was her own true identity. It was not important whether she returned to her family or not, but she had to know that she was not an abandoned orphan. She had to know that there were still many people in this world. I was thinking she was in love with her, but also knew that she was the real surname Feng Ling. She was the second lady of the Feng family, and the wife he had married into the door. This kind of yin and yang error is the greatest achievement for him, and it is also the greatest luck in his 28-year life.


After the Yu Pei incident, Feng Ling thought many times about her relationship with the Feng family, and also several times whether she would recognize her family in her life, and under what circumstances would she recognize her. I never imagined that Li Nanheng already knew everything. He put the truth in front of her when she was ready. Without giving her a little shock and helpless time, she tore all the truth apart and put it in front of her eyes. .

Li Nanheng also thought about Feng Ling's attitude towards her own life and the attitude she might have. However, she had nothing at all. She was much calmer than he expected. She left with the DNA testimony that night. After returning, he didn't say anything, even he didn't answer the phone call.

As a result, she resumed the same as usual the next day. There was no difference. What to say and what to do seemed to be completely unaffected by her life experience. She also said nothing about the relationship between herself and her family. Nothing has happened, and Li Nanheng is the same as before, and I don't see any difference.

After half a month, someone came uninvited.

Of course, the XI base is not a place where anyone can enter casually. Feng Mingzhu was clamoring outside the base to see Feng Ling. They were blocked, and even one day was forced to be sent away by the people in the base. However, The next day she continued to come, and no longer troubled, just guarding outside saying that she would meet Feng Ling.

It happened a few days later that Feng Ling was only aware of a few new people who had been out of the base a few weekends.

When she walked out of the base, she saw Feng Mingzhu's car parked outside, about tens of meters away from the XI base, the windows were closed, and when Feng Ling finally appeared in front of the door, the window of the driver's seat fell, Feng Mingzhu took off the sunglasses in the car, and just looked at her from a distance, suddenly started the engine in angrily, stepped on the accelerator, and drove directly towards her.

Feng Ling stood expressionlessly in front of the base door without moving. The two brothers on duty outside the base door hurried forward subconsciously, but the car was too fast and rushed towards the door.

Feng Ling didn't hide, her eyebrows were cold and waveless, and the car stopped suddenly at a distance of less than two centimeters in front of her. A strong wind from the front of the car blew her short hair over her ears, her eyes remained calm and calm. frightened--

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