Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1241: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (504)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

It seems that God is not particularly cruel to her destiny.

Even if she fell into the ocean when she was one year old, even if she fled from a little wolf girl and had to dress up as a man to survive outside, even if she had lived a hard life, her fate gave her a Li Nanheng, one who could pass her All the encounters were smoothed by Li Nanheng.

She looked at the tools on the ground, listening to the movement of the outside man patiently against the stones, suddenly dropped the basket in her hand, turned and walked out, rushed behind the man and hugged him suddenly behind him.

The man moved, and looked back at her: "What?"

Feng Ling buried her face behind him. She was really not very good at expressing words, especially in terms of emotion. When she knew that she really liked him, she would choose not to be so passive anymore, and would give He responded, trying to let himself learn to cooperate as much as possible, without hurting his heart.

At this moment, she was moved by the sky. She didn't know what to say, but just clung to his waist tightly through his already sweaty clothes, but couldn't speak.

After being held so hard for a while, Li Nanheng smiled suddenly and didn't push her away. She just leaned down and continued to pick up the polished stones. She turned her head to find a suitable place for embedding. This place is very important to you. I wo n’t destroy it. I just connect a wooden house outside the cave, next to the cave inside, at least like a home. Even if I leave later, I want to come back and take a look And a decent place to live. "

Feng Ling nodded and stuck it on his back, and it took a while to say a word: "Do I need any help from you?"

Li Nanheng suddenly took a look at his arm and took off his sweaty T-shirt decisively. Seeing that the man was suddenly naked, Feng Ling suddenly looked at him with a flushed face, and didn't understand him. What was done during the day, but the man just threw the clothes into her hand: "Help me do the laundry and cook, the rest don't need you."

Feng Ling: "... you really treat me like a woman."

Li Nanheng glanced at her: "Aren't you a woman?"


In this jungle, what guns, great guns, and agile skills are useless. If it comes to building a house, Feng Ling doesn't seem to be really helpful. She just saw the man's ability and She has the ability to build structures, and now she seems to be able to wash clothes and cook.

Why all of a sudden someone feels like you plowing the field and weaving ...

Feng Ling herself was self-sufficient when she lived here, and she felt very powerful. Now she suddenly changed from Feng Ling instructor to a woman who was doing laundry and cooking. She was a bit helpless in transferring this status, but she looked at the man naked She's even more at a loss with her upper body and sweaty back. She just walked away holding his clothes like this and quickly washed him.

The sweat of the man is not bad at all. This clothes also carries the unique smell of cigarettes and a touch of tobacco, but Feng Ling knows that Li Nanheng has a clean habit, so he still carefully cleans him. , Hanging on the drying rack in the cave that was temporarily erected by himself with some wooden sticks.

After all, the house is also a big project. No matter how fast it is coupled with tools, it will not be possible to build it in one day. After the stones and foundations surrounding the cave are laid, the sky has already darkened.

Li Nanheng went to Qingxi to take a bath. After washing, he came back refreshingly and relaxedly. He was wearing the clothes in his travel bag, which were very simple and loose clothes. If he could n’t see the tools, Feng Ling would think that He's here on vacation in the jungle.

She has also taken a bath long ago and is sitting in a cave to eat. She used to have fewer chances to cook in person when she was outside, and she had fewer things to make, just a few simple things, but in this jungle She can only rely on herself for three meals a day, and she can't eat any takeaway in this place. She is also used to it.

Just suddenly a man was added, as if there had been something different in the peaceful and unchanging life in these months, so she didn't know what was jumping in her heart.

Just happy.

Just in a good mood.

She can clearly feel that she is in a good mood.

Also, when Li Nanheng took a bath and walked back safely, determined that it was really impossible for him to get lost, she turned a corner of her mouth, looked at a refreshing man, and put the prepared dinner On the small stone platform: "Boss, eat."

Li Nanheng has come over, sitting next to her, took the bowl, picked up the chopsticks and lowered his head, and took a bite. The posture was naturally casual, as if he had not just come from a big city like Los Angeles, and seemed to have been with her I have lived in this kind of place for many years, and there is no sense of contradiction.

"This kind of place is really suitable for a living environment other than eating and sleeping. It is really quiet." Li Nanheng narrowed his eyes to the foundation surrounded by the stones outside the cave: "Wake up tomorrow morning to continue, a tree can make The boards that came out were not enough. Are there any other dead trees around here? "

"Yes, there are two more than 200 meters away on the other side, and others are nearby." Feng Ling lowered the bowl in his hand and looked at him at the same time: "You have to help me build a house My heart is enough. I have the heart. I don't have to work so hard. "

Li Nanheng sneered coldly because she was so polite that she could no longer be polite. She continued to eat, put down the tableware after eating, and at the same time she looked at her while eating.

The fire was reflected on Feng Ling's face, and her skin tone was healthy and bloody.

It was just because I hadn't seen it for a few months, and I wanted to take a break now and sit and take a closer look at her.

As a result, he looked at her, and then swallowed the white neck while eating, and the man's eyes gradually became uncontrollably hot.

Feng Ling turned to look at him because of his eyesight, facing the man's gradually darker eyes, she slowly moved her eyes away again, as if she had just lowered her head and continued to eat, she had eaten just now The speed is quite normal, but it seems a bit slower than the speed of a big man next to eating, but it really slowed down at this moment.

It took a while to finish. After I finished eating, I put down the tableware, and she had nothing to hold. She said for two seconds, "I'll wash the dishes."

It was said that they would put away the tableware and go out to take it to Qingxi.

People had just stood up by the fire and wanted to go out with the utensils. Suddenly, the man sitting beside him sighed and said, "It's dark outside, put it in the water first, and wash it tomorrow morning."

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