Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1242: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (505)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Now it's not only dark, it sounds like it's raining outside the cave, but it's not much.

"It's raining. Are there any problems with those boards getting wet?"

"No problem, at most there is moisture in the wooden boards. After the house is built, it will be left to dry for two days before living. The problem is not big."

When Feng Ling heard this, he did n’t ask again. He put those utensils in another basin with clear water next to it. It was so simple to wash it and set it aside. He planned to take it to Qingxi next morning and wash it well. .

Finally, when she briefly wiped her hands, she turned back and saw that Li Nanheng was still sitting there cross-legged. It seemed that she hadn't moved for a long time, but she just looked at her like this, and her eyes did not leave.

Feng Ling has seen many aspects of Li Nanheng.

I've seen many different eyes that belong to him.

But every time she seemed to see him like this, she would soften her whole body, put away her armor, she wanted to take the initiative to approach, and wanted to embrace him with her enthusiasm, but she was not very good at expressing, so every time When she almost fell into his eyes, she subconsciously wanted to divert her attention.

However, the man managed to arrange the time and everything. He entered the wild jungle and found her to accompany her. In this place where he did n’t even have a signal when he wanted to spend time with his mobile phone, he certainly could n’t give her attention. Chance of strength, when Feng Ling just wiped her hands and walked this way, her long arm stretched out and directly held her hand, so she pulled.

Feng Ling was a little bit guarded. She stood still. She was about to break away subconsciously. As a result, the man just pulled her and raised her cold and beautiful eyebrows with a slight smile in her eyes. She paused, letting go of the effort, but for a moment hesitated, the strength of the man's hands increased, pulling the person over and falling into his arms.

Feng Ling slammed into his arms while sitting on his thigh. The man's lips pressed directly against her hairline, and a deep voice said in her ear: "Hide what?"

Feng Ling: "... don't hide."

At the same time she turned her eyes and wanted to see him, but at this moment the man dropped a kiss between her eyebrows, and then slowly fell down on her eyelid: "Don't you know, I have been in these months How you survived it, you ’re good. You can enjoy the peace and joy outside alone, saying that you will go back soon. As a result, you have n’t seen it for four months. Lao Tzu escaped from the boss of a mighty XI base. A wife-watching stone. "


"If it weren't for the poor wife Shi, I thought, A Feng, they would let me leave the base for you so easily?"


Feng Ling wondered, feeling that Li Nanheng ’s so-called hope wife is too pitiful, so the reason he was allowed to take a vacation must be a bit of a fake element. It ’s like A Feng ’s temperament for Li ’s family and base So easy to relax?

He must have used some other method.

But no matter what he did, he did find it now.

She leaned against his arms, but just rubbed his head lightly and rubbed his shoulders: "Sorry, I have forgotten the time in the months I have lived here, and I also realized that I had left. It's been four months. "

"Apologizing is too insincere and does not accept." The man said lightly, holding her hand without letting go.

Feng Ling realized that this man turned out to be proud, and suddenly raised his eyes to glance at him, but saw the man glance down at her.

Knowing he was digging a pit and jumping for himself, Feng Ling simply pretended to be stupid: "What do you want?"

"What do I want?" The man's hand clasped around her waist, implying that she pressed her firmly in his arms, and lowered her head, pressing her forehead against her forehead, the warmth of her lips On her lips: "I want everything, I want to do this, are you willing? When did you cooperate well?"

Feng Ling blinked and did not speak. The man raised his hand and stroked her back, staring deeply at her clear eyes, suddenly suddenly going to kiss directly, when she was about to shrink her neck back subconsciously. , Did not give her the opportunity to avoid, a click on the consequences in her back of the head, instead turned into Feng Ling's lips hit his lips heavily, the man accepted with a smile, and sucked directly Her soft lips.

The kiss was calm, not the kind of eagerness that seemed as anxious as if she could not wait to press her on the ground and stripped her clothes, but kissed patiently, and finally kissed her at the corner of her lips and caressed She had slightly longer hair, and her voice was dumbly pressed against her lips. "Like this, take the initiative, when can you learn?"

Feng Ling was initially missing because of a few months, a little embarrassed in shallow consciousness, being held in the arms by a man like this, and being kissed by such a relationship, the feeling in the past was also stimulated, she saw At the same time, he felt that the man seemed to understand her at the same time, and was digging into her heart gradually and patiently, even if there was indeed the most direct physiological valley owe, but he should always respect her Respect her very much.

Just like now, he clearly said that he wanted to, but he just hugged her, kissed her gently, looked at her patiently, and talked to her.

Seeing that she had been leaning in his arms without any snoring and no action, Li Nanheng soothed her head and reassured him: "I walked in the jungle for a long time before coming in, and in the afternoon I was busy making those woods and stones, I'm really tired, let's go to bed, but it would be more difficult for you to sleep two people on this stone bed. When the house is built, I will try to get a bed. "

With that, he motioned her eyes to her to lie down on the stone bed: "You sleep on it, I will simply spread some hay on the ground next to the bed and sleep for one night. I think you have hay here, it should work, tomorrow ..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Ling, who had always been honest in his arms, suddenly raised his eyes and looked at him. His eyes were bright and he didn't know what he was thinking, but Li Nanheng's tone stopped because of her look. Suddenly for a second, she suddenly raised her hands and hugged his neck, and raised her head to kiss her.

First kissed the man's sturdy Qingjun's chin, and then he went up again, kissed on his face, and then turned to his lips, and kissed without hesitation.

After all, he has kissed so many times, how can he learn a little trick, carefully open his lips with the tip of his tongue, and feel that the man suddenly dazzled his eyes and became darker, and his hands were even tighter. Holding his neck tightly and not letting go, it was as if he had experienced something new, and then carefully licked the soft contour of his lips with the tip of his tongue twice--


(I ask for a monthly pass ~)

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