Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1251: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (514)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The jungle outside the wooden house, because it has already entered winter, even if it is not covered by snow, it is still cold air.

The wooden house was as warm as spring. There was fire in the clean stove, and there was a very safe temporary stove built by the window. It was covered with barbed wire. It was very clean. On the barbed wire was suspended half of the bacon that was not eaten at noon. The top is slowly warming, and you can eat it whenever you want.

However, the room was not very quiet at this moment. Several birds waiting to be fed were set up by the bed. I had a long neck and a long mouth waiting for feeding.

Feng Ling used a pair of tweezers to feed an earthworm into their mouths, and from time to time laughed and teased these big mouthed birds.

Speaking of these birds, she also wanted to laugh.

Originally, she just used to dig out the eggs and wanted to come back for cooking, but it may be because in the winter, the mother bird did n’t know where to fly, and the birdhouse fell under the tree, and she saw I picked it up by the way, but I did n’t want to eat it that night, and I did n’t know how to cover a bird ’s nest by coincidence. It was still in a warm place near the stove, and waited until the third night to think of those Bird eggs were about to come over and found that several eggs had cracked on top, and then she watched the first bird struggling out of the cracked egg.

Then, one after another ...

She harvested a nest of birds waiting to be fed.

At that time, Li Nanheng just came back outside and saw the squatting beside the birdhouse next to the bed. With a blank expression, he didn't know what to do. He thought that something had happened, but he came across and saw these in front of her. small things.


Hearing the words of the man, Feng Ling looked up at him a little bit, then pointed to a few small things in front of him and said, "I was going to get some egg soup at night, but I didn't expect these birds to be caught. Our two clothes have hatched ... "

Li Nanheng saw the two thick clothes next to him, and then saw the remaining eggs gradually cracked at this moment. Looking at the little things that had been drilled out, he kept growing up and called, and he couldn't help crying and laughing. .

"Do you want to raise?" Li Nanheng asked with a smile.

"I want to eat." Feng Ling's expression was very sincere.

Li Nanheng raised an eyebrow: "Eat them?"

"I want to eat bird eggs. It's getting colder these days, and these eggs are not as easy to find in summer." Feng Ling looked blankly: "But the bird has hatched. What should I do?"

Li Nanheng laughed, knowing that Feng Ling was upright. She said that if she wanted to eat, she really wanted to eat, but these birds were too small, and even if they wanted to make a bird broth, it was impossible, so he could only throw a sentence while smiling "You take care of yourself."

Such a line of instructions led Feng Ling to squat in front of the birds for a long time, and finally they saw that they wanted to eat. It happened that there were a lot of earthworms that she had dug out before. She didn't know what the birds ate. But I heard that it should be eating insects, so should earthworms be okay?

So she tried to feed it, but she didn't expect it to be true.

So she kept feeding like this for about a week and raised these little birds for a full week.

Li Nanheng came in and saw that she was feeding the birds. She walked over and kicked her with her toes. She deliberately made some more comfortable birdhouses with some old cloth. Of course, she just touched it slightly and Feng Ling quickly lifted it. Come and pat him away, "Oh, don't touch them."

Li Nanheng laughed: "I see that they have grown a lot in these days and can cook soup."

Feng Ling's expression was stagnant, he looked at him sharply, but saw that the man was standing condescendingly with a smile on his face.

She twitched the corner of her mouth, and quickly leaned down like a cub to hold a nest of birds on the bed, while covering her nest with her body, she said, "If I keep them for a week, if you dare to eat them, I will tell you Endless. "

Instead of walking away, Li Nanheng got closer, just as she was squatting by the bed, she bent down and trapped her directly next to the bed, bowed her head and kissed her on the face: "what do you want to use?" Endless way with me? "

Feng Ling hurriedly pushed him with his hand: "Don't make trouble, don't hold them down ... they are still small and their feathers are not full. I warn you, don't think of them, eat other things if you want to eat, this I'll keep a few of them first ... eh! "

Without saying a word, the man leaned down and hugged him, and kissed directly.

Obviously, it ’s been so tired every day for half a year. Li Nanheng ’s enthusiasm for her has continued to increase, even as if she loves her more and more every day. Her enthusiasm has never diminished.

Feng Ling has also adapted to his habit of wanting to kiss her just to touch her and to overwhelm her on the bed. After being kissed for a while, the man releases her, and then touches her hair that has been on the shoulder. Kissed again in her hair, then hugged her and smiled.

Feng Ling didn't know what the man was laughing at, but instinctively felt that he definitely didn't think of anything good.

Of course, she couldn't think of it. Li Nanheng saw her in the position of protecting a few birds in this way, so she considered whether she should have a child. Feng Ling grew up but was not used to handling things too much on the woman's side, but in fact her bones In the end, she is still a woman. This kind of instinct is innate. The bird that has been fed for a week can be regarded as a baby. If she really has a child of her own, that scene ... think about it all Makes people look forward to ...

Although I couldn't get the bird soup, there was bacon during the day, Feng Ling carefully sliced ​​the meat into thin slices, and then simply made two vegetarian dishes.

Life in the jungle is not particularly simple because of Li Nanheng's existence, it can even be said to be extravagant. Feng Ling made a living in the jungle when he was a child, but Li Nanheng has been in the base for so many years, and his ability to survive in the wild is not comparable. How bad she is, he got a lot of game by the way. It is very rich and does n’t lack food or clothes every day.

At dinner, Feng Ling originally wanted to eat a piece of bacon, but suddenly he felt nauseous, suddenly put down his chopsticks, turned his head to the table and vomited twice.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, the stomach is not very comfortable." Feng Ling did not spit out for a long time, took a sip of warm water handed to her by Li Nanheng, and then took a deep breath, clamped two chopsticks, and stopped eating meat.

Li Nanheng looked at her and suddenly said: "Are you there?"

Feng Ling first didn't reflect it. When he understood what the two words meant after half a minute, he almost didn't hold the bowl in hand: "How is that possible?"

Li Nan Hengqi calmed his lips: "Although I pay attention every time I get to the back, no contraceptive measures can be guaranteed."

Feng Ling: "... ????? !!!"


(I ask for a monthly pass ~)

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