Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1252: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (515)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Can't be 100% guaranteed?" Feng Ling certainly didn't understand these, but even if Li Nanheng didn't bring any contraceptives or condoms when he came here, he would really pay attention every time he ended up in bed.

Until she is fully prepared, before she actually marries into Li's family, he really won't let her get pregnant easily, and she won't get her into a tangled or persecuted situation.

"I've been here for almost half a year."

Li Nanheng didn't say more, just a sentence, and his meaningful eyes were enough to make her understand the meaning of his words.

In this kind of place, nightlife is not as rich as outside, there are so many entertainment methods and activities. After it gets dark here, I have a meal and chat for a while, then I take Li Nanheng's round small stones polished with tools. As a pawn, the child fiddled on the ground for a while, and after a while the two lay down and prepared to sleep.

What to do when you can't sleep?

Of course, every night when he can't sleep, he is bullied by the bed. This man seems to have ruthless and endless energy, and it is always not enough, unless she is really tired every month or some day Otherwise, he is really open all night.

Doing this at a high frequency, now it is said that she cannot guarantee the success of contraception 100%, indicating that she is probably pregnant.

How else would you suddenly feel sick?

Feng Ling didn't know what kind of pregnancy was, but according to the performance of Ji Nuan, it seems that she is often inexplicably disgusted and can't eat too oily or too shy stuff.

Think about her state just now, isn't it almost the same?

Seeing her blankness and helplessness, Li Nanheng put down the tableware: "Go to the hospital tomorrow to check?"

Feng Ling froze for a while, then looked back at him.

Both of them know well that she has been in this base for ten months. She has never really left the jungle in these ten months. There are only occasional occasions when she needs to buy some necessary things. While contacting the base, Li Nanheng went outside the jungle to find the car he parked in a secluded parking lot, drove to the city, bought things back, and continued to accompany her here.

Malibu Beach is a scenic area that has already been opened. It ’s just that there are no people close to the jungle near it. After all, there are rumors that there are all kinds of beasts in the jungle here. In fact, it is just that the local tourism bureau does not want this big movie The natural jungle is disturbed by tourists, but not far from here, there are many institutions in the Malibu Beach Scenic Area, parking lots, large supermarkets, hospitals, and many hotels with sea views.

Li Nanheng's car was parked nearby.

If you really leave the jungle, everything is very convenient.

She had thought about leaving after the winter passed, and Feng Ling didn't think too much about whether she would go out to the hospital now. What really made her nervous was: "In case there really is ..."

"Just get married and give birth right away," the man said smoothly.

Feng Ling's tone stagnated, staring straight at him.

"Why? Don't want to be born? Not ready yet?" Li Nanheng raised an eyebrow, always patient in his tone.

"No." Feng Ling looked at him and said, "I just never experienced this kind of thing. I don't know what to do ... What should I do besides going to the hospital for examination?"

Li Nanheng smiled, his voice was a little grinning: "It seems like I have experienced it, first go to the hospital to check, and then listen to the doctor?"

After all, if you are really pregnant, that is not a joke.

Feng Ling nodded, and after simply taking a few bites, he started to clean up the chopsticks.

Seeing her hurry to end the day, I want to go to bed quickly, as if I can go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow morning, Li Nanheng smiled and looked at her: "Don't be too nervous."

"No, I'm not nervous ..." Feng Ling put the chopsticks in the water, just about to be washed.

As a result, the man behind came to take her hand out of the water at this time, and naturally took over the job of washing dishes, soothing while washing: "I usually pay so much attention, although not 100% successful in contraception, but I think the chance of pregnancy It should n’t be very big. If you are not pregnant, our original plan will not be disrupted. If you are really pregnant, how can you be a mother if you are not ready? You can be born and thrown at Lijia. The four old, absolute volunteers take turns to take the children, without bothering you. "

Feng Ling hadn't thought about it that much. He heard such a sentence, and immediately returned the sentence subconsciously: "... throw to Li Family? Your own child, do you use the word to throw?"

Li Nanheng hooked his lips, pecked on her lips by looking at the two while standing while washing her face, "I'm not sure if I have, now I'm going to protect the calves? I have to care about every word?"

Realizing that he had been ridiculed by him, Feng Ling gave him a sideways look, ignored him, turned and sat back on the bed, taking a look at her own belly from time to time.

"So if you really have it, you plan to bring the child yourself in the future?" Li Nanheng washed the bowl and turned to help her to bathe directly.

Now the weather is cold, I ca n’t go to Qingxi to wash directly. There are large water storage buckets made by Li Nanheng in the room. Two buckets per day are enough for both of them to cook and wash things, and use water to bathe at night. There was some trouble coming back from the water, of course, all these efforts were stolen by Li Nanheng.

"I didn't think about it." Feng Ling unconsciously put her hand on her own belly, thinking that when the season was warm and pregnant, she would always subconsciously protect her own belly. This was the feeling originally, and now I still I don't know if I am pregnant or not.

So, when Ji Nuan woke up in the hospital and found that her own child was gone, how did she survive the months, especially when Mr. Mo hadn't awoken.

How painful and sad.

"I haven't thought about it before, now I can think about it seriously." Li Nanheng squeezed her chin as she walked over to the bed, and then continued to get water. After a few months, the young master of Li's family was used to it From loving her to taking care of her, and trying to keep her from doing all kinds of things as little as possible, he rushed to do everything he could, causing Feng Ling to get used to his care, even bathing water. No need for her to prepare.

When Li Nanheng prepared the water and signaled that she could take a bath, Feng Ling looked down at her flat belly while taking a bath.

What is it like being a mother?

She suddenly remembered the time in the cafe where Qin Qiu was sitting in front of her, her eyes were always staring at her face, the kind of careful, warm, but daring entangled eyes.

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