Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1253: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (516)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

After living in the jungle for many months, Feng Ling has figured out many things.

In fact, there was no fault. Her parents just missed her and left her in the sea. In the middle of the night, the sea on the cruise ship could n’t find her. It was impossible for her parents to jump to the sea and commit suicide. Come for her life?

The Feng family has never forgotten her, they are not cold-blooded, and they have enough memory of her "dead", and always keep her in her heart.

Although I think back to my childhood experience, I feel that I can really walk out of the jungle alive and walk into the XI base to reverse my life. It is really a miracle, but after all, she is the miracle itself. What's more, she never lost the love of her loved ones to herself, and a man like Li Nanheng appeared beside her.

She was actually very successful.

There is nothing to hate, all she has is satisfaction.

So if she really leaves the jungle, she may find time to meet Qin Qiu, of course, she may not go home, but after all, Qin Qiu is her mother, and her mother and daughter should always communicate with each other positively. In any case, she can see that Qin Qiu really respects her.

Such a mother should not be left out, at least to give her a peace of mind.

After all over the years, the most suffering person must be Qin Qiu.

Seeing her alone and calling her mother should make Qin Qiu happy?

Thinking like this, Feng Ling's heart warmed up.


The next day.

Feng Ling got up very early and used to prepare breakfast after getting up.

She slept early last night. Although she got up early today, she is also in a very good spirit.

After all, Li Nanheng took care of her body last night. In case she was really pregnant, she must not be able to touch her easily again. Last night, the man was stumbling on the bed and turned over and over, and finally held her to fall asleep. It's dishonest, you have to hold her firmly in his arms, make sure that she has always been his, and then sleep gradually.

Feng Ling got up early, Li Nanheng also woke up, the man was lying on the side of the bed, tilted his head and watched her figure preparing to come back and forth for breakfast. She raised her head with one hand and stared at her for such a long time that her lips were all smiling.

Realizing that the man was awake and feeling his sight again, Feng Ling put the breakfast on the stove to warm it up, and looked back at him: "What are you looking at me for?"

"I was thinking that although there are too many responsibilities to fulfill in my life, I ca n’t stay in this kind of place all my life, but when we get older, maybe we can come back to live here, and then I will build a house for you. I will also have experience in rebuilding. How about building a double layer directly? "

Feng Ling chuckled, poked the fire in the stove with a small wooden stick, and watched the fire in the stove warm up slightly, shaking the small wooden stick in his hand: "If you are really old, you have trouble moving, you ca n’t even pick up water. How can you live here? "

"Well, at that time, we will prepare some water pipes directly outside and extend it to the side of Qingxi. We will find a way to direct the water directly, or we can drill a well near the house if we can't. People can breathe, Anything can be done, what are you worried about? "The man sneered.

Feng Ling wanted to laugh at the lightness of his sentence. It ’s so easy to get a water pipe in such a place, but drilling is not impossible. It was close to the sea and fresh water and clear streams. It should not be too deep. water.

She didn't say more, just thought that if she could really come back in the future, it would be really exciting.

In the past, she just felt that the place was very quiet and had too much to do with her childhood. But now, the meaning of this jungle to her has changed. Everything is because of Li Nanheng.

Li Nanheng.

It's really a name that changed her life.

Feng Ling didn't realize that he was sitting next to the stove and writing these three words on the solid mudstone ground with a wooden stick.

"What are you writing?" The man's voice suddenly appeared behind her, and she suddenly had a spirit behind her, subconsciously covering her feet with the three slightly obvious words on the ground.

I just didn't notice when he got out of bed and when he came over.

Li Nanheng saw it long ago, bowed her head behind her, and chuckled in her ear, and said, "Why don't I know you love me so much? Sitting here early in the morning was so boring that I could write my name on the ground to pass the time?" "

The wooden stick in her hand was just picked in the stove for a while. The black section at the front has a section of semi-rigid charcoal. When writing on the ground, a little black mark will be left. She just repeatedly wrote here Repeatedly depicting the words that were not clear enough, Li Nanheng's eyes were fine, how could he not see them.

Feng Ling stepped on it with her two feet at the moment, and silently hid her little love that she couldn't help extricating herself.

Li Nanheng laughed directly because of her little woman's side. Feng Ling heard him laugh. Suddenly, he stood up and shot. It was a trick. The man flew away in time. After a while, the two of them hit the bed directly until Feng Ling was caught by him. Give the kiss to the breath, and the aroma of breakfast wafts in the air.


Before leaving the jungle, Feng Ling put out the fire in the stove. After living here for so long, she usually pays attention to fire prevention. After all, in a place like the jungle, the most feared thing is the fire, which is flammable all around Flowers and trees, especially now that it has just entered winter, the air is dry, and a little carelessness may cause forest fires.

Even if she just came out to the hospital for a check, she might return in a few hours, she still paid attention to these.

When she first came out, Feng Ling was not uncomfortable because she was ten months inside, but Li Nanheng's car parked in the scenic area of ​​Malibu Beach in front. Now this season is a bit cold and there are few tourists. Only three or two people are here. Nearby, Feng Ling looked at those people, and then looked at the sea not far away.

"Is there anything I can't adapt to?" After getting on the bus, Li Nanheng helped her fasten her seat belt. At the same time, she circled her in the co-driver's seat and looked at her with concern: "Would you go to the hospital directly or first? Find a place to sit for a while? "

He took into account that she hadn't seen anyone else for a long time, and wondered if she would be affected in some aspects of interpersonal communication. After all, Feng Ling was very cautious about these things about people and things, not very open.

"It's okay, I'm fine, go to the hospital directly." Feng Ling blinked at him: "I'm not the five-year-old little girl who just came out of the old year, I have already adapted."

Li Nanheng smiled and raised her hand and rubbed it over her head, and started the engine directly.

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