Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1254: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (517)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The nearest international hospital in the Malibu Beach area of ​​Los Angeles.

Feng Ling went for a blood test, and did several other tests, and it was finally determined that it was really just an upset stomach.

The doctor asked her if she had eaten cold food a few days ago. Feng Ling recalled that the bacon she had eaten in the past few days may not be easy to digest, and because there was too much meat, she was afraid that it would be damaged if left for a long time. I do n’t want to waste food, so I eat more than usual, and eat a few meals in a row, which leads to accumulation of food, and I often take advantage of Li Nanheng's attention when drinking water. If there is no hot water, drink cold water directly. Several times in this way may cause a burden on the stomach.

Therefore, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite suddenly occurred. She was sick when she saw bacon because she had eaten too much these days.

Make sure she isn't pregnant. Although Li Nanheng knows that he usually pays attention, so the possibility of pregnancy is not very high, but she still holds a test sheet and loses her face with emotion.

In fact, he should be "accidental" occasionally, maybe his child will fall to the ground in a few months.

When did he Li Nanheng start to be so honest? Every time she was so restrained as far as possible not to let her conceive.

"What are you missing?" Feng Ling snatched the test sheet in his hand: "It's not time yet ..."

"Well, how could it not be lost?" Li Nanheng walked towards the parking lot of the hospital with his young daughter-in-law: "If you are really pregnant now, you can just go back and get married right away? Let me marry into Li's house one day earlier, When you return to the base, you are no longer just the little Fengling in the eyes of the grandsons, but Mrs. Li, my wife-in-law! "

As the man spoke, he bowed his head directly in her ears: "Don't you go back and create a person now?"

Feng Ling originally thought she was really pregnant last night. I knew it was just a misunderstanding, but her stomach was uncomfortable. In this mood, she couldn't tell whether she was relaxed or just a little bit sorry like him. .

Obviously, the relationship is so good. In fact, if there is a child, it is really good. Anyway, as he said, if she has time to take care of the child herself, she can learn to be a mother. If there is no time The old masters of Li family can help them bring their children, which is indeed a matter of great joy.

When he heard that he wanted to make a person, she didn't say anything, did n’t object, and did n’t agree. When she saw her, she obviously did n’t completely reject it. Li Nanheng ’s eyes were all shining. As a result, Feng Ling was kissed by him in the car for a while and then suddenly said: "Since it is difficult to find it, buy some quilts and coats nearby. After all, you have to live in it all winter, buy a duvet, and Light and comfortable. "

"Okay." Li Nanheng went home to make people with his head full. It was better to change to a more comfortable quilt. He agreed without saying a word, hugged her and took a couple of sips. He held up Feng Ling and pushed his hand to push. He smiled and drove towards the nearby mall.

After all, this area is a scenic area, there is nothing missing, the shopping mall is very close, Feng Ling has not visited such a place for a long time, I bought a duvet for a while, and bought some other daily necessities, by the way I bought a beautiful-looking shell wind chime that is common in this kind of scenic area with the sea. Feng Ling and the wind chime are the same sound. She instinctively liked this thing and bought it directly. She wanted to go back and hang it in front of the cabin as a decoration. .

Of course, this kind of scenic area is not lacking in cuisines from various countries. There is a hot pot place on the top floor of the shopping mall. Although the taste is not as authentic as the last time, the soup is full of light ingredients, which can be regarded as a solution and it is also not good for the stomach. It will be exciting.

After buying a lot of things and having enough food, I set off to go back.

The two just put the things they bought into the trunk of the car and were sorting them behind the car. Suddenly I heard some tourists in the vicinity were speaking different languages ​​in different countries and pointing in a certain direction.

Li Nanheng seemed to understand a Korean or Japanese sentence of the nearest people, and suddenly put his hand in the car, and suddenly turned to look in the direction of those people.

In the distance, the sea surface was calm, and in the direction of about ten kilometers away, the piece of jungle where he had accompanied Feng Ling for half a year, in the sky, there was a thick smoke, and the taste had gradually drifted to this location. , There is a burning smell in the air.

Feng Ling also turned his eyes sharply at that moment and looked in that direction. The clear underneath of the eyes reflected the dark smoke, and his eyebrows jumped suddenly, and he suddenly turned his eyes and looked at Li Nanheng.

They said nothing, closed the trunk decisively, quickly got in the car and drove back.

The closer to the direction of the jungle, the more you can feel the scorching sensation in the air, until you can clearly see a light, Li Nanheng frowned coldly, he does not need to look at Feng Ling's eyes at this moment, but also can know her The mood now.

The fire has spread all over the jungle. In the early winter, the air is dry and the trees in the jungle have already turned yellow. As long as a little source of fire, the wind can spread the fire quickly.

By the time they drove the car to a few hundred meters from the fire, the sea of ​​fire had almost devoured the entire jungle.

Too late to think about their home, their house, everything they left in the jungle, Li Nanheng just heard the movement of many fire trucks, and saw the black business car parked not far away, and saw the station A pair of old men who were rushing into the sea of ​​fire were excited by the side of the car, and their eyebrows suddenly jumped fiercely.

The second Feng family?


Feng Ling stared at the sea of ​​fire, looking a little down the line of Li Nanheng's eyes to the two anxious old men who were emotionally anxious towards the sea of ​​fire. The voice of his voice was already dumb: "Who are they?"

"Master Feng and Mrs. Feng." When Li Nanheng said these words, he didn't know what he thought of, and accidentally clenched the steering wheel and drove the car directly.

When the car was parked next to the second old man, he had just opened the door and suddenly heard Mrs. Feng's desperate and sad cry: "What to do ... What to do ... They are all inside ... They are inside ... How can there be so big? Fire ... what to do ... "


Who is inside

Li Nanheng got out of the car directly, Feng Ling also quickly got out of the car, followed him and walked quickly to Fengjia Erlao, the two emotionally excited old men suddenly turned their eyes, recognized Li Nanheng, and turned sharply Over head, eyes on Feng Ling.

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