Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1255: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (518)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Suddenly, when I met my eyes, the two old eyes stared into Feng Ling's eyes, all shocked.

Mrs. Feng looked at her with tears in her eyes, her hands tremblingly raised, but while looking at her, she stretched out anxiously in the direction of the jungle that was on fire: "This ... this ... child ... …This……"

"This is the second old man?" Li Nanheng realized the seriousness of the matter in the eyes of the two elderly men, and frowned, "What happened?"

Mr. Feng ’s eyes also fell on Feng Ling ’s body, but now he had no time to say anything. When he saw Li Nanheng, the old hand was raised, pointing at the direction of the fire: “They are inside ... They go in to find You guys ... hurry up, find a way to save people! "

Li Nanheng Meiyu jumped: "They? Who?"

At this moment, Mrs. Feng burst into a cry and hurriedly walked forward and hugged Feng Ling, who had been lost for a long time. She hugged her and buried her in front of her. Crying: "My granddaughter ... you are my granddaughter ... Feng Ling ... my good granddaughter ... grandma can see you! What do you do now ... your parents just came in, they I thought you were in the jungle, afraid that our two old legs and feet would be bad, so they said to go find someone in advance, but why did you suddenly catch fire ... What should I do now ... "

Mrs. Feng was crying in a whisper, and Li Nanheng heard the words intermittently while crying.

Suddenly learned that Qin Qiu and Mr. Feng were actually in the jungle, Li Nanheng's eyes were calm and he looked at Feng Ling. Feng Ling was still only there, and suddenly the old man who was crying in front of himself could not let himself know that Where to put it, but also heard that his biological parents were in the fire in the jungle, and their sweaty hairs were erected at this moment.

The moment Li Nanheng's eyes turned to her, she turned and stared at him.

Contrary to the four eyes, the inertia that they are accustomed to in the XI base makes them have no extra words to say now, and the immediate need is to save people quickly.

"How did they get in with such a big fire?" Li Nanheng said as he quickly looked at the fire above the jungle. Hearing the sound of the fire truck approaching, he turned to the fire truck and decisively walked towards those cars. past.

Feng Ling thought that Qin Qiu was inside, it was her mother, and her father she had never met.

Every habit of rescue missions and a sense of consciousness reminded her to let her immediately go to the fire truck with Li Nanheng to apply for rescue, but the old man who was crying to the point of almost fainting made her unable to withdraw, two hands Stiffened on both sides of the body, listening to the elderly crying anxiously, Feng Ling looked down at her, her lips moved, but she didn't know what to say or what to call.

When life was at stake, no one could spare extra thoughts to consider what life and title, and after a pause, she looked up at the old man who was coming: "Feng ... Mr. Feng, I'm sorry, I Now it is important to participate in the rescue together, to rescue people first, okay? "

Feng Lao looked at her deeply, suppressed the anxiety as much as possible, nodded her, and said, "How do you rescue? Such a big fire, you children should never take risks. Your parents are now It's dangerous. If you go in, if there's something wrong, then we ... "

"I am a member of the XI base. I have professional rescue methods. I have participated in countless dangerous blasting tasks. Please trust us." Feng Ling said, pushing the crying old man in his arms to Feng Feng. In front of the old man, he quickly turned and ran towards the fire truck where Li Nanheng went.

Mr. Feng shook his wife's hand tightly, and looked back at the jungle with fire light in anxious eyes. The weather is too dry and the fire is getting bigger and bigger. It is so easy to save people in such a large jungle.

On the one hand, it was full of worries, and on the other hand, it was the joy of finally seeing Feng Ling. The two feelings shocked together. The two elderly people couldn't bear the load, and they were standing almost at the door.

"Don't matter ... Mrs. Feng" covered her heart, her eyes flushed, and from time to time she looked at the flames there, and then she turned to look at the direction Feng Ling had just left, shaking while watching. The voice said, "Old man, that's our granddaughter ..."

"Yes, it is our granddaughter." Grandpa Feng said with emotion: "Just a glance, you can see that it is an excellent brave child ..."

Several fire trucks were already in place. Li Nanheng used a mobile phone to contact the rescue helicopter at the nearest XI base. It would fly over in about half an hour because they were really members of the XI base. The rescue team had to be in them. When required, take out spare equipment such as fire protection clothing and disinfection masks in the car.

During the whole process, Li Nanheng communicated with the people in the fire truck in English. Feng Ling listened to it and quickly changed his clothes. Although he was silent and didn't speak up, although he seemed calm, he trembled when changing clothes. A few hands still revealed the worry and fear in her mood.

Such a big fire, it is really difficult to rescue two of them ...

But the people there were her parents.

And the two kind old men just now are her grandparents ...

It was her family and loved ones she had never dared to look forward to.

Why is there a sudden fire? Why did they come here suddenly? Why did you go in?

How could this be?

After Li Nanheng communicated with the people inside, he looked back and saw Feng Ling slightly tremble and buckle the belt flat. His eyes fell on her face. At this time, any words of concern had no effect. Just looking at her, his voice Seriously low: "Can you do it?"

Feng Ling didn't answer, but took the gas mask over her head decisively, which was the answer.

There was a great fire in the jungle. Although Li Nanheng didn't want to let Feng Ling go in for adventure, she did not have a few rescue missions. It was even more dangerous than this. Now the people inside are her parents, and she is even less likely to be caught. Staying outside is bound to follow to rescue.

"After entering, everything is under my command, no matter what happens, no matter what you see, no emotional use is allowed." Li Nanheng whispered a warning with a voice that only she could hear.

Zuo Fengling had already put on a gas mask and looked up at him: "Yes."

The flames of the sky glowed red for half the sky, the scorching heat hit from the direction of the jungle, and the smoked eyes hurt.

No one would have thought that the previous moment was still planning to return to the jungle and change to a duvet for another winter. The next moment, the jungle was engulfed by the sea of ​​fire.

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