Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1265: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (528)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling really wanted to kill her directly.

I can't stand her look.

The thought of the massive fire in the jungle near Malibu, and the thought of Qin Qiu, who was pushed out of the emergency room with a white cloth covered, could not wait to do it on the spot.

The mental torture for several times in a row seems to be facing a serious threat of death at any time. Feng Mingzhu, who had been emotionally collapsed, collapsed to tears, and clutched her own clothes with two hands, but It was full of fear, and there was no more energy to get up.

Feng Ling held the gun in her hand and looked at her. Every word was cold and clear. "I promised Li Nanheng that I would not do anything illegal and would not let him worry. Your life , I wo n’t take it away. You can spend it slowly in the cold prison. ”

Feng Mingzhu shuddered and looked at her suddenly and unbelievably: "What are you going to do? There is no death penalty in American law! Feng Ling, if you dare ..."

At this time, the cold muzzle suddenly stuck directly to her forehead, Feng Ling stepped forward, leaned down, put the muzzle against her like this, and said lightly: "There is no death penalty in the law, I have it here, It's a pity that the word death is so happy that it would be better for you to spend your whole life in prison, letting you self-remorse and self-torture daily and every night in the torment of killing your parents yourself. "

Feng Mingzhu opened her mouth: "You ..."

Feng Ling closed her gun at this moment, her eyes no longer fell on her, she turned around and turned away without any expression, only after taking a few steps, she said coldly, "Take away."

Behind was the member of Feng Mingzhu ** I screaming in horror when pulled up, Feng Ling walked out of the airport lobby with her hands in her pockets all the time. She had been suppressing her imminent temper, she was afraid that if she really Without being able to control it well, he really wanted Feng Mingzhu to die here.

She knew how much she wanted to kill Feng Mingzhu now.

He shook his hands.

She could not bear the pain of the bite of her tongue, and bite the blood by herself. The **** smell spread in her mouth, which made her calm down a lot, and directly reattached the safety bolt of the gun in her pocket to avoid accidental injury. Yourself or accompanying people.

Feng Mingzhu was twisted into the car in the back and kept screaming, Feng Ling didn't look back, only watching the blue sky over the airport highway in the distance.

She has n’t seen it like this for a long time, and her life in the whole forest has always been in a good place to shelter from the thick trees. Although there are occasional sunlight falling in, but not much, she ’s really long. I have never seen such a clear sky like this again.


Feng Mingzhu returned to the hospital. As she promised, she just grabbed Feng Mingzhu back and called the person at the XI base directly into the police station. Feng Mingzhu was now stimulated by the death of her parents, incoherent, but All the evidence was in her own body. As long as it was handed over to the police, she could not find out in the end what method she had used to arson the forest so smoothly.

Just the so-called back to the hospital, there are no more people in the hospital.

Mr. Feng's family was stimulated and was always accompanied by the psychiatrist. Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng were in the mortuary. Feng Ling didn't know what else he could do when he came to this place, so after entering the hospital door, she I didn't go in anymore, but sat on the bench next to the people in the lobby on the first floor, and sat motionless with no eyes.

Li Nanheng learned that she was back, but did not wait for her to go upstairs. Not long after, he learned from the members of the accompanying base that she was sitting in a daze on the first floor and went straight.

He was walking on a walking escalator, facing the position where Feng Ling was sitting at the moment.

The man walked step by step across the escalator channel opposite. Feng Ling's eyes did look in that direction, but they lost focus as if they hadn't seen anything, apparently falling into a kind of self-consciousness.

Until vaguely felt the familiar atmosphere, Feng Ling's eyes moved, restored some spirits, raised his eyes to the sight of Li Nanheng approaching.

The man had stepped in front of her and looked down at her.

"I didn't kill her." Feng Ling's voice was stiff and mechanical.

Li Nanheng reached out and stroked her face: "I know."

All the vigilance and stings in the whole body gradually collapsed in front of him as if instinctively. Feng Ling put his head in front of him because of the man's approach, and his forehead was against his abdomen. I don't know what else I can do. The Feng family is messing up and down now. I didn't want to have any involvement with the people in this family, but I can't control myself now. I feel really uncomfortable. "

Li Nanheng patted gently behind her shoulder: "Everything has me."

Feng Ling put her head on his sturdy belly, closed her eyes, raised her two hands, and hugged him silently. She didn't know how long it took before she asked, "What should I do next?" ? "

I do n’t know if she feels wrong. She seemed to feel that Li Nanheng was silent for a few seconds, and her hand touched her hair: "First deal with the funeral of Mrs. Feng and Mr. Feng, and send them away, I will Tell you what you should do. "

At this time, Feng Ling trusted Li Nanheng unconditionally, and also firmly believed that everything he did for himself was moving in a good direction. He also knew that he would plan a good situation for himself, and everything would be based on her own. To arrange.

It's just that the home in the jungle is gone.

She hugged him tightly and said dumbly, "In the future ... I ..."

Li Nanheng's opening voice interrupted "after" in her mouth, and Wen said, "You haven't slept well in the past few days, and you will deal with the matter tomorrow. Go to sleep first, and I will accompany you."

Feng Ling nodded, just about to get up, but the man hugged her at this moment, and immediately hugged her around her at the moment she hadn't reflected yet. She stunned and turned her eyes when the man hugged her. His gaze, instinctively, hugged both hands around his neck, and looked at the man's face up close, as if he could always shield her from all the hurt and stern eyes.

At this moment she was suddenly grateful that she really held back, and she didn't like to make Li Nanheng trouble.

Although she knew that even if she really killed Feng Mingzhu at the airport, Li Nanheng still had the ability to keep her.

But she didn't want to trouble him.

Li Nanheng hopes that she is calm and that everything is okay. She does n’t want her to get involved in these bad things. Looking at the cold and clean face of the man, Feng Ling ’s exhaustion for several days has finally come to her heart and closed her eyes. Leaning on his shoulders, he allowed himself to walk in the direction of the rest room.

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