Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1266: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (529)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling didn't know how to deal with the funeral of her parents. After Feng Mingzhu was taken away, she had been a bit turbulent in recent days. She had cooperated with a psychiatrist to treat her second son, and once went to her second son. I saw them in front of me. The two old men were already old. In just a few days, the white-haired man gave the black-haired man a lot of stings, but when I saw Feng Ling still standing here, my heart still Somewhat comforting.

Feng Ling wasn't sure if they knew about Feng Mingzhu. They didn't mention Feng Mingzhu's name, so it should be known.

Not mentioning the name also means that they don't want to mention these things again, which is also a good thing.

This is enough to show that the two old men are not confused. They know the truth. Even if they are their own granddaughter, they ca n’t maintain it even if they discover such a thing. This intention is even more shuddering.

No matter from what angle you think about it, Feng Mingzhu also did not plan well this time because she was too anxious and then completely defeated. Don't think about it again in your life.

Until the closure of Fengjia's incident came to an end, when the members of the base responsible for handling the jungle side returned, they brought her a few live photos there.

Feng Ling looked at the enlarged photos on the screen of her mobile phone and saw that the jungle she had lived in since she was a child has completely turned into a scorched ruin, and the entire jungle is no longer in shape. The members of the base took her and The house and cave where Li Nanheng lived, because the house leaned near the cave, there were not many trees around it, and the tall grass was cleaned because they lived there. There was nothing flammable within a few hundred meters. Something, so only the left corner of the wooden house was burned down by the fire. The original beautiful wooden house now looks completely blackened.

She and Li Nanheng personally created a clean and tidy small courtyard with a breath of life. It is now completely gone.

Even if the house is still there, you can still see the outline of the house, but after all, you can no longer live.

Li Nanheng arranged for the psychiatrist of the second family of Feng Jia to accompany the second family of Feng Jia to return home, and it is necessary to observe more time with them.

After all, these two old people are old. After seeing the wind and rain, although this kind of thing that the white-haired person gives the black-haired person is really hurt, but their condition recovered well. After a few days of psychological treatment and Emotional convergence. After going through this quiet funeral, the two elderly people just want to go back to rest for a while.

Li Nanheng always took care of things. He never let Feng Ling step in. After everything was done, Feng Ling stood in front of the hospital door and watched the second old Feng Jia who was taken to the car.

Ak walked behind her: "You really don't follow them back to Fengjia?"

Feng Ling's life did not spread in the base, but these familiar people have basically known about these days.

"If the Feng family needs help, I will do my best to help, but there is only the XI base behind me. If it can be called the word" back ", there are only the XI base." The old man's car said softly.

Ak nodded: "Okay, you haven't been in contact with people outside for so many years. At the beginning, we were still worried about it. In case you really followed the second old man back to the Feng family to become a wealthy man, then This scene really feels particularly offensive when you think about it, and you definitely won't adapt. "

"But then, Boss Li is really accustomed to you, and has been with you for so long, and now you can finally return to the team? The newcomers you trained at the moment are all decent. Yes, you can go back anytime to continue to receive the training team of the newcomer, anyway, their instructors are also temporarily sent by Han Jin. "

A K is talking and smiling at Feng Ling, and Feng Ling responds from time to time.

Li Nanheng walked back from the outside, his eyes fell on A K, and A K's expression came out quickly, and he stepped away from Feng Ling two steps away, then said with a smile: "Boss, I am accompanying Feng Ling was talking. I was afraid she would go back to Fengjia because she was distressed by her grandparents, but I just put the words out. She has no plans to go back, boss. See Mingyue ... "

Let her go?

Feng Ling didn't laugh very much at all, but she bent her lips when she heard the phrase "K," the boss knows better than myself, and still needs you to talk? I never thought about it. To leave you. "

"Xing Xing Xing, you are the most loyal to the base!" A K tilted her a glance: "I will not disturb you to show loyalty in front of the boss, I will withdraw first, wait for you to return to the base, brothers will give you and the boss Take care of the wind. "

Feng Ling nodded.

The jungle can't go back anymore. It used to be planned to return to the base after winter, but now it's just a few months ahead of schedule.

Li Nanheng didn't speak at this moment, but Feng Ling seemed to have something to say based on his instinct. After A K left, she looked up at him: "Boss."

She has always been embarrassed to call her husband or something like that. She usually shouts the three words Li Nanheng. For her, the closest and most familiar is to call his boss, even if it ’s in the jungle. For half a year, she often called his full name or boss. Except that she always forced her to call her husband when she was in bed, Li Nanheng did not force her to change her mouth.

"Let's go."


"Come back home."

Feng Ling heard these two characters, and the first thing that came to mind was the cabin in the jungle that had been blackened to no longer be able to live, dispelled this unrealistic idea, and thought of Feng family.

Neither seems likely, so she didn't understand which home he was talking about.

However, what happened recently made her somewhat accustomed to listen to his arrangements. She didn't ask much, followed him directly, opened the door and was preparing to sit in the car. Suddenly she saw a document bag placed in the front passenger seat. He took a look, took the file bag up, and asked him, "What is this?"

"It's for you." Li Nanheng didn't go to see the paper bag in her hand, and replied: "Get in the car and go home, don't rush to look."

Feng Ling got in the car directly and looked at the paper bag in his hand. He didn't see any words outside. He said that he didn't look at her in a hurry and put it in the storage box beside the door.


(I ask for a monthly ticket ~)

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