Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1268: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (531)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

If she came here, he would live directly with him, there would be no chance to live.

Feng Ling saw him enter the kitchen and followed his eyes. As soon as he got behind him, the man grabbed the man in his arms, lowered his head, stole a kiss on her lips, and pressed her against her. Auricle said: "Go wash the fruit, cut some fruit to eat, and we cook hot pot at night."

Feng Ling was sideways to the neck by the man's voice and breathless instinct, Li Nanheng looked at her fair neck, smiled, and took another sip directly on her neck.

She screamed in pain and pushed people away. She wanted to help him, but in the jungle, the man had developed the habit of taking care of her everywhere, almost letting her in Sitting by the side, now she can arrange a fruit washing thing for her.

He took out the small bag of fruit from the shopping bag in front of him, went directly to the side and opened the faucet to wash.

After the sound of water rushed for a while, Feng Ling washed and cut the fruit and put it in the fruit plate. He turned around and picked up a pineapple with a fork and handed it to Li Nanheng.

Li Nanheng took a bite, and her eyebrows frowned, as she expected: "How sour?"

"How many pineapples are not sour?" Feng Ling said as he lifted a very sweet pear to his mouth. The man lowered his head just to eat, but she suddenly took it back and became herself. have eaten.

Li Nanheng raised an eyebrow at her because of her mischievous gesture, but Feng Ling said, while holding other fruits, "Pears will not be eaten by you. Two days ago I heard them say," Pears and pears. " "It means separation. Pears are not suitable for eating separately. Then, give you grapes."

After stuffing the grapes into the man's mouth, she returned to the living room holding the fruit plate with satisfaction, put the fruit plate down and looked at the paper bag on the coffee table, remembering that he said it was for himself and was about to reach out Take it up and see what it is.

"There are clothes you can wear in the bedroom closet. Go for comfortable clothes." The man's voice came from the kitchen.

Feng Ling's eyes moved directly to the bedroom. She had lived in his apartment for a short time. How could there be her clothes?

Subconsciously entered the bedroom, opened the door of the closet and saw that there were a few women's clothes in the size that she could wear, which were all new, and the tags had not been removed.

When did you buy it?

It should not be recent, that is, after she lived here briefly for a few days, because of various inconveniences, Li Nanheng always kept in mind and bought a few new clothes here?

She wears everyday clothes in the jungle. These days, because of her parents and her second child in the family, she did n’t pay much attention to her clothes in the hospital. They need to change clothes, and they brought them from the base by the way. Some clothes she could wear, but the straight men didn't find clothes in her vacant room, and picked up two uniforms and brought them to her.

The black uniform is indeed a heroic figure, but it is not very convenient to wear it at home, and it is tight.

Feng Ling picked out a few new clothes, and finally picked the most soft and comfortable set of short-sleeved T and sports-style light-colored trousers. She felt itchy back of her neck because of her long hair. The hair moved back a bit, but she never had anything to tie her hair around, and a big man like Li Nanheng would certainly not have it.

A few things that she bought in the supermarket appeared in front of her eyes, and immediately went out. After going to the kitchen, she went through the shopping bag near Li Nanheng and found two vegetables tied with rubber bands. Take off the rubber band and pull back the hair directly, and then tie the hair back into a pony tail with a length of half a short length, but because the length is not enough, there are still some broken hair on both sides of the cheek. Come back, if any, covering her cheek.

Li Nanheng looked at her movements and then looked at her hair for a long time.

Feng Ling put the bunch of vegetables that he had just untied, and took out other things in the shopping bag. He wanted to help him pack them up, and he looked up at him subconsciously: "What?"

The little woman's hair was half behind her head, because there was hair on both sides of her cheeks, and she slightly shook her head when she raised her head, her eyes were clear and clean.

Li Nanheng's heart was soft, and he habitually raised his hand to rub her hair, but saw the little tail behind her that could not be tied up, subconsciously retracted her hand, and finally put her finger on her cheek to help She pushed the strand of hair from her cheek to her armpit behind her ear.

Feng Ling blinked and looked at him: "I have long hair and it is not convenient to do anything. Will I go out tomorrow to cut it?"

She didn't say she was going to cut, but she asked for his opinion.

After all, she has heard people say that men usually like women with long hair, although she is not used to it, but after so long in the jungle, the hair has grown to the neck, and she has grown accustomed to it if she is not used to it. .

"You feel as comfortable as you like. In my eyes, even if you shave an inch like me, you look good." The man hooked his lips.

A smile appeared on Feng Ling's coaxed face: "So many ingredients, what time do you pack yourself? You did n’t eat anything at noon, so do n’t eat it too late at night, I will pack with you. "

The man didn't stop, just glanced at her, and tickled his lips: "More and more like a virtuous little daughter-in-law, I'm here to let you enjoy more blessings. When you come back, you can be more at ease."

"I am very comfortable. People always see a lot of things after experiencing something, but I am fortunate that I have seen it before I have experienced it." Feng Ling picked vegetables and said, "Feng's I've thought about it. In the future, I will regularly take the time to visit the second old man, and I will go to the grave for my parents on a regular basis, but life will continue. The only regret may be that cabin, but I always remember what you said, as long as Where you are is home, so I really like doing things with you, so that I can have the feeling of coexistence between two people, and I will be very satisfied. "

Feng Ling usually didn't talk much. Even when she was in the jungle, she often sat by and watched Li Nanheng busy, but didn't say much, but the smile that filled her eyes was more and more.

This is the first time that she has opened up to tell him about her heart, and it is also the first time that she has so many things inside her mouth.

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