Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1269: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (532)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Rare to hear Feng Ling's dim sum, Li Nanheng smiled, wiped the water for washing vegetables on his hands, pressed the person directly into his arms with his backhand, lowered his forehead, lowered her forehead, and pressed her nose. Between the nose, there is only a half finger distance temporarily on the lips, but it is entangled with breath.

"So, do you love me very much now?" The man's voice was a bit seductive. He was dumbfounded, and by the way kissed her directly on the lips, taking advantage.

Feng Ling was telling him the truth. I did n’t know what he was feeling suddenly, and she did n’t wash her hands. Hurry up and spread the two hands to avoid staining his clothes, and then dodge her head back: “Li Nanheng you Does this man never know how to be ashamed in this life? I just say something, you kiss again ... "

But the man pecked the other two directly on her lips: "What shame? I really don't know, I just know that you just said you like to do anything with me, you said that you like the feeling of coexisting with me This is dependence, understand? Feng Ling, those days in the jungle have made you completely used to relying on me, no matter what happens in the future, you must remember this feeling, no matter where you are, you must first encounter things Thinking of me, I will definitely be able to afford your dependence, eh? "

He said as he kissed the corner of her mouth again: "I will stand behind you no matter where you are."

"Where else can I go?" Feng Ling didn't understand what he said, just glared at him, and quickly pushed people away: "Okay, wash the vegetables, and grind it down. It is estimated to be late at night. . "

She hurried out of the kitchen, otherwise the man would have to kiss and kiss, delaying time.

Feng Ling has n’t used the phone for many months before, just recharged the phone a few days ago, but she does n’t know many people, so it ’s just a simple way to recover with a few familiar people by text message. After contacting, everyone else is still a member of the XI base, knowing her condition, so there is no need to respond.

By the time she installed several new mobile phone software in the past six months, the smell of hot pot seasoning had drifted out of the kitchen.

After a while, she put her phone down and the TV didn't turn on to watch it. She used to live in the jungle more quietly than this, but she didn't feel boring at all. She really liked watching Li Nanheng all the time. Like Li Nanheng always liked to see her.

Like someone, love someone, that's it. You don't need to do anything on purpose. As long as he is by your side, you can always look at him up close, which is the greatest satisfaction.

She ran to the kitchen door again and watched Li Nanheng busy helping her to make all kinds of ingredients for the hot pot. Leaning in front of the door, she just looked at him like that.

Feeling her gaze, Li Nanheng glanced back at her. The two eyes were opposite each other. Even if there was a hot pot smell in the kitchen and the steam in the pot was steaming, it did not prevent him from seeing the great satisfaction in Feng Ling's eyes.

In fact, Feng Ling is not as indifferent and difficult to approach as she has been for many years. She is actually a very simple person. It is so simple that she does not need to deliberately coax her at all, and she is easily satisfied.

"Go get the tableware, I take the hot pot out, and I can eat it immediately." Li Nanheng gave her a wink.

"Okay." Feng Ling cooperated quickly to get the tableware, quickly stepped out and then stepped out, and put the tableware on the table.

The meal was very satisfying at night. This is the first time after leaving the jungle to sit and eat at home in such a quiet way, and it is a leisurely way to take a bath and sleep after eating.

During this period, Feng Ling was eating, and Li Nanheng kept helping her to hold what she liked to eat, and when it was done, it was caught in the bowl in front of her.

Li Nanheng is an informal man, and his exercise capacity and figure are placed here. Usually, he eats more than her, and often eats too little when she accompanies her.

But today, across the steaming steam in front of him, he didn't seem to take a few bites. Most of the time he was helping her with various foods. He only occasionally clipped a few chopsticks.

"Aren't you hungry?" Feng Ling asked.

She remembers that he hasn't eaten and slept well recently, and he hasn't eaten anything today.

"Looking at you first, I'm in no hurry." The man continued to help her with the meat and put it in the bowl in front of her.

The man's cell phone rang at this moment. After glancing at the caller's number, he motioned with his eyes to indicate that she should eat first and got up to answer the call.

Feng Ling ate the meat just caught in the bowl and turned to look at the man who went to the window to answer the phone. The content of the speech seemed to be something inside the XI base. After listening to a few words, she put a few tablets The meat was simmered a bit, and after being cooked, they were all caught in Li Nanheng's bowl.

Sure enough, after the man hung up the phone and returned, he saw the meat piled up in the bowl and looked at her directly: "What? Afraid I was hungry?"

"You raise me as a pig now, and I can do the same." Feng Ling blinked at him.

Li Nanheng laughed directly.


In the evening, after the meal, the hot pot was obviously removed, but every corner of the apartment seemed to be full of the smell of hot pot.

Feng Ling went out to take a shower and saw that Li Nanheng, who had already taken a bath, was wearing a dark blue bathrobe and was lying on the bed in the bedroom at random. He was watching TV with a remote control in his hand, but he was changing The station seems nothing to look at. The curved screen TV hanging on the bedroom wall constantly switches the programs of various stations, and the language of the world is frequently changed.

Feng Ling didn't blow her hair, her body was warm, but her hair was a bit cool. She lifted up the quilt directly from the end of the bed and drilled in, then drilled out of the quilt, put it in front of the man, just about to speak, The light in the corner of her eyes saw the paper bag she put on the coffee table was put on the bedside cabinet. She didn't have time to see what was inside. She was attracted to the mood of having a trouble with him all of a sudden. In the past, I had to reach out and take a look at it: "What the **** is inside ..."

As a result, the hand was not touched, and the waist was suddenly restrained by the man's hand. She was wrapped in a bath towel. When the man rolled over and pressed on the bed, she was untied three or two times, and was intimate in the hospital the other day. There is no time and mood. At this moment, the man seems to be incapable of kissing. He is very eager to kiss and his breathing is heavy. This is also the first night after leaving the jungle and returning to normal life. Feng Ling's heart was hot and proactive. In response, the man groaned even more on her, and the kiss on her lips almost turned into a bitter bite.

This night, it was not too much to say that it was a lingering death. Feng Ling finally lost strength and fell asleep, but woke up before dawn, because he had a nightmare and could not sleep.

She got up quietly, saw the paper bag on the bedside table, reached for it, and opened it directly.

After turning page by page, she saw the words "Feng Ling" and "Base De-registered", and her gaze suddenly turned to look at the man who didn't know when she was awake.

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