Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1273: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (536)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Looking at her, the young granddaughter who was willing to appear in front of Feng's house suddenly fell to the ground like this. Mrs. Feng screamed at the scene. She was older and unhappy, and called while running: "Quick, quick Help people up! "

Mr. Feng also saw Feng Ling, who was carefully supported by his servant and gardener, as he walked over, frowned: "What's the matter with this child? I saw in the hospital the other day that I wasn't so thin. How can I lose weight like this in a few days? "

"Hurry in! Call a doctor!" Mrs. Feng stepped forward, raised her hand, and touched Feng Ling's cold face. She was distressed and couldn't hold her emotions and said, "My little granddaughter went home, child. , My little granddaughter. "

As soon as a group of maids heard this, they did not dare to neglect, and quickly hugged Feng Ling, who had lost so little weight at all, and brought people into the villa as quickly as possible.

Mai Ye personally helped the unconscious Feng Ling into the bathroom to help her take a hot bath, then helped her to change into clean clothes, and hurried them out to the bed.

Feng's two family doctors who had come often had already arrived, and hurriedly checked her when she entered.

Mr. Feng entered after confirming that Feng Ling had been changed, and stood with his wife in the spacious bedroom watching quietly looking for Feng Ling lying motionless on the bed.

Although Feng Ling's height is almost one meter seven, which is not short among Oriental women, she is too thin, lying in a bed more than two meters wide, covered with a white duvet, her face is almost as white as the quilt. The hair was not yet dry, and it was half wet on the pillows. It looked as if it was very small, and it looked fragile as if it touched.

Where is this Feng Ling who carried her parents back in the heat of the jungle?

"How is it? What's wrong with her?" After seeing the two doctors for a while, the old lady walked up to her and asked.

"Don't worry about Mrs. Feng, don't worry, she's not in danger of her life, but she should haven't eaten for a few days, plus the stomach should have experienced severe gastric bleeding in recent days. At present It's just that you are physically overwhelmed, so you are unconscious. It's okay, you can rest assured. "

"Stomach bleeding?" The old lady was standing by the bed looking at Feng Ling's pale face in distress, facing the empty villa for several days after returning to her home, and finally felt that the house was no longer empty because of Feng Ling. .

"Give this to the doctor first," Father Feng said quietly. "Since the child is willing to come back, it is a good thing. Wait until she wakes up."


The news of Miss Feng Jiaer's return made the whole state of Feng Jia revived.

Especially the old lady Feng was not in the state a few days ago, and her health was much better in the past two days. Even after Feng Ling came back, she was in a coma for a whole day and had not woke up. , Keep on the fire and boil, the more bitter the more the taste, just wait for Feng Ling to wake up and drink directly, so that she can make up for herself.

"Miss Er is back. For the old lady, it is really the most worthwhile thing these days." Mai Ye stood outside the kitchen, looking at Mrs. Feng, who has not cooked for herself for at least a decade. The figure who was busy living inside said something to Master Feng who was standing outside the kitchen with emotion.

Mr. Feng didn't say anything, but Mai Ye could see from the eyes of the second old man. They really hoped that the second lady would stay in the home in the future.

I just do n’t know what Miss Er has experienced these days. How could she harm her body? She was unconscious after waking up for a day and night, and then she suddenly returned to her family and she returned with nothing. Belt, identity documents, wallet, mobile phone, everything is gone.

It's as if wandering all the way back ...

Think of Miss Er's look outside yesterday when she stood outside the door and looked at Fengjia Villa, her eyes seemed dazed.

Think of Miss Er's childhood, she almost lost her life when she was one year old, she can survive, and she can return to Feng family one day, but it is a great gift to Feng family.

No wonder the old man and the old lady are so happy. In this home, the only hope for them now is Miss Er.

"Old man, Mai Ye, please help me taste it. How does it taste?" Mrs. Feng gave them two small bowls of boiled medicated soup. "I didn't put much salt, wait for her After waking up, it ’s better to eat lighter. See if it tastes good. Is it too light? ”

Seeing the excitement of the old lady, Mai Wei smiled and tasted: "Yeah, it's good, it's delicious, Miss Er will love it."

Mr. Feng also tasted it and nodded: "Yes."

Now Mrs. Feng is even happier, and quickly go back to continue to boil. Those who haven't been in the kitchen for more than a dozen years now are excited like a child.


Feng Ling returned to the Feng family.

The news soon reached Li Nanheng's ears.

Sure she didn't have anything outside, but suddenly returned to her family after disappearing for three days. Li Nanheng finally let go of her heart for a full three days, but at the same time raised it faintly.

She said that as he wished, she said that she herself would cut it off.

So he went back silently, did he really intend to cut off the connection with him?

How to chop?

The division and integration of the past eight years, and the entanglement of the past eight years, have long been rooted in the mutual shadows of life.

Li Nanheng drove the car directly to the Fengjia villa that night, but did not go in. Instead, he parked the car outside and looked at several lighted windows in the villa.

One of them is a bedroom on the third floor. The light in that bedroom has never been turned on in these years, but now it is directly on from night to late at night.

Feng Ling should live in this room now.

Looking at the lights in that room, as if she could finally feel her presence, Li Nanheng got out of the car, walked over, and stood outside the gate of Feng's house, and looked at the lights in that room. Occasionally, a servant was there Figures passing by the window.

After standing like this for a whole night, it was just dawning, and Li Nanheng blew a mass of white gas in his mouth, and still did not leave.

At this time, Mai Ye sent the doctor out. As soon as he walked outside, he suddenly saw Li Nanheng, who did not know how long he had stood outside, and was surprised at once: "Mr. Li?"

Li Nanheng answered quietly: "Yes."

"You are ..." Mai Xu looked at him again in disbelief.

It's six in the morning now. When did he come here? So early? It won't be standing all night ...

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