Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1274: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (537)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Is she okay?" Li Nanheng ignored the doubts and surprises in Mai Ye's eyes, and only asked.

Mai Ye also heard something about Miss Er and the XI base, and Miss Er Guan's clothes had a nominal relationship with this Mr. Li, and he immediately answered: "You mean Miss Er? Fortunately, but I haven't woken up yet. "

Li Nanheng's brows suddenly jumped fiercely: "What does it mean not to wake up? What happened to her?"

"The doctor stayed here all night just now, and this was just gone." Mai Zheng said truthfully, "Miss Er suddenly returned to Feng's house the day before yesterday. At that time, her clothes were wet and her face was very pale. We have just found her and she passed out on the spot. It's been two days, and Miss Er hasn't woke up yet. "

Li Nanheng frowned, looking again at the room where Feng Ling lived.

"The doctor visited before and said that Miss Er should have suffered severe stomach bleeding in recent days, and then another person was hungry outside for a few days without eating, and two freezing rains in the past two days, she must be It was freezing rain, cold, and stomach problems, the whole person was not looking like, yesterday was just in a coma, I thought I could wake up today, but Miss Er suddenly started a high fever last night and kept it Above thirty-nine degrees, we were horrified to call the doctor over again. The doctor stayed here all night and did not leave until the second lady had a fever. "

Thinking of the pool of blood next to the flower bed that day, Li Nanheng's heart seemed to be stabbed by countless spines.

How many days did she have a stomachache, but she refused to say a word.

I wanted to go in and see her, but Feng Jia was here after all, especially when Feng Jia himself "hurried" back from the base to Feng Jia, and no matter what the consequences should be, he should bear it.

The owner of the family did not come forward to invite him. A junior broke in without permission, and could not justify it in any way.

"Wake up, Miss two wake up!" Suddenly, the voice of a maid came out.

As soon as Mai Ye heard it, he immediately turned around and walked back, but then suddenly looked back at Li Nanheng: "Mr. Li ..."

"Go in and take a look. After you have seen it, please come out and tell me." Li Nanheng tried his best to suppress the urge to enter, she said in a loud voice.

"Ah, okay." But Mai knew that Li Li was notorious for making a fuss. It was so kind to see him now, and he didn't mean to break through the house, and he couldn't figure him out for a while. What happened to Miss Er, nodded and hurried back to the villa.

Feng Ling was indeed awake. She was struggling in the dark of chaos first, and seemed to hear something moving in her ears. Someone was talking from time to time, and she worked in the darkness for a long time. The eyes opened a little, but it was only a slit, and then frowned and closed his eyes again.

My head hurts.

It hurts.

After a high fever all night, it caused soreness everywhere.

"Miss Er, are you awake?" Someone was talking.

Miss two?


Feng Ling's thinking was a bit chaotic, especially though the sound in her ear sounded full of concern, but it was a strange sound. She opened her eyes unconsciously, but she opened her eyes with difficulty, and saw a strange middle-aged person. Woman standing by the bed is looking at her.

"Wake up, but I'm awake!" The maid saw her eyes opened. Although there was no focus, she quickly went out and shouted: "Miss Er wakes up, hurry up! Go and tell the old lady and old man!"

After a while, a lot of people came in the room. Although Feng Ling's eyes were open, her consciousness was still not so clear. It took a long time before she could barely recognize the people who walked in from the outside. Feng Lao and Feng Old man.

"Feng Ling, good boy, how are you? Is there any pain? You had a high fever all night yesterday, grandma may be worried about death." Mrs. Feng leaned over to the bed and looked at her, her gentle hands were on Feng Ling's He stroked his forehead: "Fortunately, I finally woke up."

Feng Ling closed her eyes again, fixed her mind and opened it again.

She remembered that she was confused outside and didn't know where to go. She walked all the way and took a break when she was tired. Then she passed by a shop in the name of a Feng family business and heard the manager there saying that she was going to the Fengjia villa. She said that she was not far from that location, and she followed all the way.

Only after following a piece of villa area, the car drove in, and she couldn't keep up on foot, so she walked around in this villa area, and saw it casually at a glance outside the gate of the house. Mrs. Feng's figure in the window, then she stood there and never walked away.


What happened later?

She had a headache at that time. The whole world seemed to be gloomy. For three days, she couldn't remember where she had been. Her headache was uncomfortable and her stomach hurt so much that her impression of these three days was very vague. Was walking, walking, walking, and finally walked back to Fengjia?

"Feng Ling, can you hear grandma talking?" Mrs. Feng saw her unresponsive and quickly held her hand. "If you are uncomfortable and don't want to speak, just blink me and tell me."

Feng Ling looked at her, and some of her dry lips moved, and said dumbly and weakly, "I can hear you."

Seeing her willing to speak, Mrs. Feng just smiled with relief: "Okay, okay, that grandma doesn't bother you. If you're sleepy and tired, continue to sleep. This is Feng's family, it's your family, you want You can take as long as you want to rest. We must be healthy and not be sick like this. "

Feng Ling really did not have the strength to speak, but just felt that the hand that Mrs. Feng held in her hand was very tight.

Grandpa Feng also stood and looked at her with a smile. Normally, the majestic grandpa was facing his little granddaughter who had been recovered. At this moment, his face was full of compassion and kindness.

Mai Ye went to the bed and looked at Feng Ling with a smile: "Miss Er, I'm Mai Ye, I held you all day when you were young, and you can tell me anything you have at home in the future. . "

Feng Ling glanced at Mai Zheng, and nodded thoughtfully.

Although Miss Er was weak and weak, some responses were still there. It was not as indifferent as others said, and it was not easy to get closer. Then she smiled and said, "Yes, Mr. Li is here. He seems to be standing outside. All night, Miss Er, do you want to see him? "

Mr. Li?

Feng Ling's mind was actually very messy, painful and messy, but when she heard these three words, those blank emotions in her eyes gradually calmed and calmed for a few minutes, she did not speak, and closed her eyes.

Mai Ye thought she would agree, but seeing Feng Ling's expression was not as if she wanted to see Li Nanheng. For a while, she could only stand by the bed and look at her.

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