Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1275: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (538)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

After hearing Mr. Li's words, Mr. Feng said, "Nanheng is here?"

"Yes, I just saw Mr. Li outside, but he didn't come in." Mai Xu nodded.

In the impression of Mr. Feng, Li Nanheng was really good at Feng Ling.

Although I had no mood in the hospital the other day, I also happened to see it several times, and I can see that Li Nanheng really took Feng Ling to heart.

But how suddenly Feng Ling came back alone, and tossed himself like this, Li Nanheng arrived at the Feng family but did not enter the door, Feng Ling heard people coming but did not speak and did not let people in.

Mr. Feng temporarily defined their situation as a quarrel, but after the quarrel, the Feng family also knew to return to the Feng family, which was also a great relief to them.

"Child, if you are still very tired, please take care of your body first. If you want to see, we will let Nan Heng come in, but if you don't want to see for the time being, you can." Feng Lao said.

"I don't want to." Feng Ling opened his mouth, and even though his voice was very mute, he could hear it resolutely.

This tone made Mrs. Feng, who had been holding her hand, froze, looking at her closed eyes, and said warmly, "Are you arguing with Nanheng?"

Feng Ling didn't answer, as if hearing the three words of Li Nanheng made her lose all her patience, her eyes frowned, and she was about to pull her hands back, but she was still clenched by the old lady.

"Okay, grandma will not ask, don't be angry." Seeing her emotional resistance to Li Nanheng, Mrs. Feng quickly continued to hold her hand, and at the same time said to Mai Ye, "Go tell someone Don't let people wait outside. "

"Okay." Mai Ying responded, and after looking at Feng Ling, he didn't really want to see Li Nanheng, so he turned around and went out.

When he was outside, Li Nanheng was still standing there, and there was no extra cigarette **** under his feet. He seemed to be standing still outside for a long time in such a quiet state.

"Mr. Li." Mai Ye came out and said softly, "I'm sorry, although Miss Er wakes up, she doesn't seem to be in a good state of mind. She may wake up and fall asleep. It may not be convenient to see you."

This statement is too euphemistic. In fact, it is that Feng Ling does not want to see, does not intend to see, and does not want to see.

He knew her temper well, but Li Nanheng did not expect that such a paper base exemption would make her angry like this.

"It's okay, let her rest more," Li Nanheng said quietly, and after a pause, he whispered: "Take care of her."

"Mr. Li, rest assured, Miss Er is the treasure we lost and recovered, and you also know that if this is a big family, for the second wife, she is the only person worth remembering. We will definitely take good care of her. The Feng family will give her all the best, and will not let Miss Er feel the slightest grievance. "Mai Zheng said with emotion, her eyes were a little red:" It's not easy, Miss Er is still Alive, now at home. "

Li Nanheng didn't say much, just glanced at the direction of the window of Feng Ling's room.

"Mr. Li, I'll go there first. The weather has been cold recently, and it often freezes. You don't have to stand outside all the time, but don't stay cold." After saying a word of concern, Mai Ye said Li Nanheng nodded indifferently. Then he quickly turned back to the villa.

After returning to the room, I thought I could talk to Miss Er, but when I went in, I saw the second elder of Fengjia carefully closed the bedroom door and walked out quietly.

"Miss Er is asleep again?" After all, Mai Ye really held her every night to coax her every night when she was young. This relationship has already surpassed her affection. Of course, she was thinking of being able to talk to her now. However, I did not expect the bedroom door to be closed like this, and asked immediately.

"Shh." Mrs. Feng gave her a gesture. "It burned all night last night, and I just woke up for a few minutes. I still couldn't hold on. I just fell asleep after listening to a few words and let her. Go to bed. "


Feng Ling was really asleep, and she hadn't recovered in the two days after she woke up. She woke up when she woke up, and she spent much more time sleeping than when she was awake.

In these two days, the Feng family really took care of her. Whether it was the second elder Feng family or all the servants who could reach Feng Ling, they all felt very distressed and cared for. The mouth is full of Miss Er. You finally came back Intonation.

It ’s just that Feng Lingshui is a little muddled, and there is no way to respond positively to the care of these people in the family. At most, when the old lady came to talk to herself, she simply said a few words to the old lady, and then it was Tired of falling asleep.

After sleeping for two days like this, she woke up again and felt a lot better. At the same time, two servants were whispering at the bedside.

"Still outside?"

"Yeah, Mai and I went out to buy something just now, and when I came back, I saw that the car was still there, and the two of them hadn't driven away for days."

"Don't our old lady call him to come in for dinner? But he didn't come in. He just waited outside forever. Shouldn't he really be waiting for our second lady ..."

"It's really clever. Miss Er Guan's clothes are married to Li's family. Mr. Li has a deep affection for our second lady. Miss Er will not wait to see him. He has been waiting outside like this, between the two. It must be a story. "

After hearing these few words, Feng Ling just lay there quietly without speaking.

One of the servants saw her awake at this time, and hurried over to ask her if she wanted to drink or eat. Feng Ling only answered with a wink and silence.

This time she woke up and did not go to sleep, even if she closed her eyes, she couldn't sleep. The two servants thought she was asleep, and while she was patiently guarding her, she continued to chat quietly.

Most of the conversation was about Li Nanheng standing outside Feng's house these two days.

I don't know how long after that, the servant suddenly got up and closed the window: "It's freezing rain again. There are always a few freezing rains in this season every year, it's really cold ..."

The maid was closing the window, and suddenly acted while looking out of the window, and whispered in surprise: "Hey? Why isn't Mr. Li in the car? It's freezing rain. Isn't he cold? ? "

The two maids crowded out of the window and looked out. Sure enough, they saw the tall figure standing next to the car and smoking, as if they didn't notice the sudden freezing rain.

"You will catch a cold if you go down this way? Ask someone to send an umbrella to Mr. Li."

"Yes, send another coat, I think Mr. Li didn't even wear a coat."

"He seems to have left his coat here in the car."

"Oh, what's wrong with the people in here is not good. What if the people outside are sick?"

"Don't quarrel with each other, the two guys and Mr. Li look really good ..."

"Ah, I don't know what happened, it looks so strange to Mr. Li."


(Roar a month pass, ask for a monthly pass ~)

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