Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1276: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (539)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The two maids thought that Feng Ling had fallen asleep, and they did not continue to keep in this room. They measured her temperature just before leaving, and determined that her temperature was normal and did not burn again, then they went out quietly.

Feng Ling opened his eyes, looked at the luxurious crystal lamp and a clean ceiling above, and heard the gradual raining sound of the leaping outside the window.

I don't know how long it has been raining, why Feng Ling can't sleep with her eyes closed.

Of course it's not someone who is out of distress.

Li Nanheng's physical fitness is very good. She won't be able to catch the cold or die or live if she is exposed to a freezing rain. She has nothing to be distressed to worry about.

Even her current physical condition was due to bleeding from her stomach, she did n’t eat for a few days, and she was exposed to the rain, all aspects were added together to knock her out, otherwise she would not suddenly be so sick. .

The Feng family really gave Li Nanheng an umbrella and a jacket. Li Nanheng didn't pick it up. He just said thank you and went back to the car, so as not to cause them trouble all the time.

The rain was loud outside the car window, because it was too cold, a layer of white fog condensed on the car window.

The man sat in the car and ignored the ringing bell of the mobile phone placed in the co-pilot. As if he didn't hear it, he turned on the air conditioner in the car and lit a cigarette in his mouth, then turned his eyes. Sexually glanced at the window of Feng Ling's room.

This time he fixed his eyes directly in front of the window.

Because this time it is no longer just a window through which servants pass by, but Feng Ling.

She did lose a lot of weight in just a few days. She didn't know when she got up from the bed and went to the window alone.

Even at such a long distance, they can see each other clearly.

Li Nanheng suddenly looked at Shang Fengling's eyes, and quickly took out the smoke from her mouth, even because she was so anxious that she was burned by the cigarette but did not frown, thinking that she heard that he was outside and was worried that he would get rain. She hurriedly smiled at her direction. She had the intention to show her good intentions and didn't want to hang with her.

However, he just smiled, and Feng Ling closed the curtain with no expression. For two days, Li Nanheng's only window that could find some comfort was completely isolated.

Li Nanheng smiled stiffly in his eyes: "..."


These days after Feng Ling woke up, she was still quiet in the bedroom without leaving home. Later, it was learned that Li Nanheng was invited by Feng Feng. After a brief talk between the two, Li Nanheng left Feng's house. Continue to stay outside the gate.

Not knowing what they were talking about, Feng Ling didn't care.

After adjusting the state of Fengjia for a few days, she finally recovered a lot of vitality, and gradually accepted her role positioning in Fengjia. At first, it was only the honorable titles of Mrs. Feng and Mr. Feng, gradually because The enthusiasm of Elder Feng Family and the atmosphere that the whole family really loves her gradually removes those unsuitable emotions, and occasionally speaks to grandparents.

Feng Jiaer was excited like anything. For a few days, I did n’t know where to order her a set of clothes, all styles, all in line with her size.

I bought her a lot of supplies, and the piles in her room couldn't be lowered.

Feng Ling said several times that he didn't need to buy these things, but Mrs. Feng always said that she owed her too much when she was a child, and now she has no choice but to try to treat her well. Very disturbed, I'm afraid it's not good enough for her, and I want to be better for her.

For nearly twenty-two years, Feng Ling was the first time that so-called relatives worked hard to love and hurt. The second old Feng family would come to talk with her every day. Feng Ling ’s parents died, Feng Mingzhu They never said anything when they were sitting together. After all, they all knew that Feng Mingzhu had done it. Now people have been controlled by the police. But after all, it was a child of the Feng family. Although the old man hated it, he would rather plead guilty. Fufa, but at home, I don't want to mention anything about Feng Mingzhu to add trouble.

If it is a big Feng family, it seems that only the grandfather and granddaughter who are separated from each other are hugging each other tightly.

Because Feng Ling was at home recently, he did n’t seem to want to leave, and did n’t say he would go back to the XI base. When Mr. Feng occasionally went to take care of all aspects of the family business company, he seemed to be energetic and quite spirited. Not bad.

Li Nanheng has not been here again. Instead, several old men in Li ’s family often sealed off their “sit” in their own names, and often sent the Feng family a variety of good things from the new collection. Feng Ling usually avoided it. No contact with Li family.

One month after returning, Mrs. Feng was accustomed to Feng Ling at home. She would no longer be afraid that she would disappear again one day, but she was also used to sitting in Feng Ling's room and talking to her.

"What do you think about Nanheng?" Mrs. Feng looked at Feng Ling who had already recovered a lot of Feng Ling, and then looked at her white pajamas with a bit of lace, thinking of Feng Ling for the first time She wore a helpless look when wearing this pajamas, until she gradually accepted these too-girly style clothes, and then looked at the calm expression she was now accustomed to accepting everything, the old lady's eyes were full of smiles.

After returning for so long, in fact, the Feng family can see what contradiction between Feng Ling and Li Nanheng. After Li Nanheng left, no one dared to presume his name on Feng Ling.

This is the first time Mrs. Feng has asked Li Nanheng so directly.

Feng Ling didn't speak.

Mrs. Feng sat by her bed: "It was Nan Heng who asked you to return to Feng's house, didn't you?"

Feng Ling still did not speak.

"I don't know what Nan Heng talked to your grandfather before leaving, but our relationship between Feng and Li is a world relationship and has always been very good. Your grandfather and I are not against the relationship between you and Nan Heng , And there was a more ingenious thing, that was your crown robe ... "

"Grandma." Feng Ling interrupted her softly: "I went to the XI base when I was thirteen years old, and now for more than eight years, almost nine years, all the people in the base are in front of me. Now that I have come out, It's time to accept the outside world. I'm trying to adjust my state. I don't want to mention anyone who was related before. "

Mrs. Feng paused and looked at Feng Ling.

Li Nanheng was also included in the "anyone who was related before"?

But seeing Feng Ling really didn't mean to continue to mention this matter, and since she came back, she really never touched the three words of Li Nanheng.

Mrs. Feng had to respect her and nodded: "Okay, that grandma won't say anymore. As long as you are good, it is more important than anything."

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