Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1277: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (540)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling returned to her family for the fifth month.

Almost everyone at the XI base lost contact with Feng Ling. She seemed to have suddenly evaporated a few months ago. Her mobile phone number changed, and people did not return. Wait until everyone noticed At the time of the question, after much inquiry, I learned that Feng Ling was removed from the base, and I was afraid that I would not be able to return in any way in the base.

Since then, she has only been outside the XI base.

In the eighth month of Feng Ling's return to the Feng family, the Feng family moved to New York because of the focus of the Feng family business. The family moved to New York and left Los Angeles. Only an old servant was left in the Feng family villa occasionally. Watching to clean, everyone else went to New York.

Since then, Feng Ling has no audio.


During the Spring Festival, Mr. Li finally had to wait for Li Nanheng to return home. He hasn't been back for several months. He has been on several missions recently. Although he was not injured, the whole person is obviously a little bit colder than before.

When he blocked someone in the door, Mr. Li looked at him coldly: "Do you remember when you made a bet with me?"

Li Nanheng just returned from a mission. If it wasn't for the Spring Festival, he would return directly to the base, and suddenly he would be called back by the old man. He just wanted to hurry to sleep and didn't want to say anything.

Suddenly the old man was blocked in the door like this.

Li Nanheng looked coldly: "What bet?"

"Without being able to hold my great-grandson within one year, I was obediently rolled back from the base, returned to Li's to take care of the property of Li's family, and gave the base to A Feng." Father Li looked at him coldly. : "Men's husband, you can do it when you say it. Do you dare say you forgot what you promised?"

Li Nanheng: "..."

"The time I gave you has been graced for so long. Don't say you gave me a fat great-grandson back. You can't even see Feng Ling's face now. Is it time to honor the promise? Drop me down and hurry back to Li's. "

Li Nanheng looked at the determination in the eyes of the old man and knew how he couldn't escape this time.

But that's fine.

After he personally removed Feng Ling from the base, he went back to the base every time to see the seal he had stamped on that document. Every time he passed by all the places in the base where Feng Ling had been, he felt a pain in his heart. Yes, since it's time to let go, Ah Feng is his own person, and it's nothing to turn into Ah Feng.

It has been so many years, and it is indeed time.


The second year Feng Ling returned to Feng's family, he was brought into Feng's family business to study, but because Feng Ling had not had much contact in this area since he was a child, he found out after studying for two months. Many questions, after receiving the consent of Feng Ling, Mr. Feng helped her apply for a year of study in the UK.

Mr. Feng has a lot of familiar friends in the UK. A well-known business and financial mentor named Sent. Mr. Feng used to be kind to him, so he let Feng Ling go to the UK to find this Mr. Sent. Learn.

At first Feng Ling only agreed, and there was nothing to refuse. Since returning back, Feng family really needs her to support the family after gradually growing up. She has the responsibility to shoulder her responsibility, so no matter What arrangements she could accept.

As a result, she did not expect that Ji Nuan's mentor in the UK turned out to be Mr. Center.

She had just arrived in the UK and had just found someone and had a meeting with Ji Nuan.

However, Ji Nuan has been in the UK for two years. The temperament of the whole person has changed. Feng Ling did not have too many things on her premise. She just said that she was studying. It happens that she is studying business management. There are all kinds of business and financial matters, and Ji Nuan's MN group is also short of people. Feng Ling simply stays behind and learns with them while working. It can just be a partner with Ji Nuan.

When I first arrived in the UK, Ji Nuan stayed up all night and worked overtime because all aspects of the MN Group fell into a trough. Although Feng Ling came to study, she was used to taking care of her, so she was always with her Busy with her around, I often help Ji Nuan to pour coffee, pack things, and occasionally act as Ji Nuan's driver, still protecting her as when she was in Haicheng.

But after all, it ca n’t be followed in the same way as before. Ji Nuan is now the president of the MN Group. There are many occasions where Feng Ling is not convenient to follow along. Take the time to learn how to defend yourself.

Ji warm down is also quite willing to learn. After working out every day, I will spend an hour or two following Feng Ling to learn various actions in the fitness room, and follow Feng Ling to learn to recognize the acupuncture points around the human body.

Feng Ling's days of studying in the UK, because she was with each other like Ji Nuan, she felt that she was living very fast, and she was not as perfunctory as she initially imagined. She also gradually adapted to the so-called The struggle in the mall, watching Ji Nuan support the MN Group with one hand, coupled with the guidance and help of Mr. Center, watching the MN Group gradually occupy a place in the global Chinese community.

Not only did Ji Nuan get a lot from Feng Ling, Feng Ling also benefited a lot here.

Half a year after coming to the UK, Ji Nuan also just recently got a nickname on the Forbes list of female entrepreneurs under the age of 25.

Taking advantage of the rare vacation, Ji Nuo and Feng Ling went to a riverside village on the outskirts of London for a two-day vacation. At night, the two women sat on a riverside outskirts in London and ate a barbecue while drinking wine. Nuan Gang drank two cans of wine, lay on the grass and looked at the sky, and said, "Feng Ling, I knew that you would also take the road of a merchant in the future. When we were in the city of T, we should press your I let you learn from it. I remember that you didn't even get those books on corporate management. "

Feng Ling also held a pot of wine in her hand and sat beside her with a smile: "How did you know what would happen at that time, and I was only responsible for protecting you at that time, the job of the bodyguard is to ensure your safety, where are we? Have any thoughts to learn those things, and the professor was too deep at that time, novices like me can learn nothing at him. "

"This is true, the way the professor taught at the time was not suitable for you." Ji Nuan said with a smile: "Mr. Cente is different. What he teaches is not limited to paper, but lets you go in person. Doing and experiencing it is like when the MN Group fell to the bottom, he obviously could help me, but deliberately hung me up and let me climb up desperately, and occasionally mentioned a few words, but now think about it He is indeed a good cause. He knows what to do and what not to do. After all, the future is his own. Many things will only be known after he has personally experienced them. "

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