Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1291: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (554)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Ian only saw the man who came out of the helicopter, facing his eyes that could almost kill the enemy, and subconsciously protected Feng Ling with one hand, and blocked her directly behind him.

At this moment, almost ten members of the XI base in black uniforms came out of the helicopter, and after walking out, they quickly and uniformly stood in two rows beside Li Nanheng and crushed the feet directly because the roses on the ground were too obstructive. Kicked to the side and destroyed a lot of ugly roses that had been destroyed on the ground.

Ian only saw that these people seemed to have neatly put off a gun, and the man who appeared first was already looking at him at this time, looking at Ai's face.

"Who are you?" Ain's face was already very displeased: "The roof of the London International Bank Building is a place where you can park your plane?"

Li Nanheng chuckled, and at the same time, frost was condensed in his cold brows. He didn't answer his words, but turned his attention to Feng Ling who was blocked by the man behind him: "Do you need me to explain to him? Miss Feng?"

Feng Ling, who was close to her mouth, turned into a Miss Feng, who was not accustomed to being protected even now at this moment, even stayed behind him, without even revealing his head. If he read it right, the man seemed to be touching her neck and wanted to kiss her!

Li Nanheng had left the base because he was able to mobilize, but he could not carry a gun with him without permission, otherwise he would have to shoot the grandson with a shot.

Hearing this, it was for Feng Ling.

Ian looked at Feng Ling behind her in an instant.

Feng Ling didn't expect Li Nanheng to appear here suddenly. Although she didn't want to see him, she couldn't involve Mr. Ain. She nodded sorry for Mr. Ain: "Sorry, they came to me. "

"What are these people?" Ian felt that they were not small, especially the group of people under that man could even openly and legally hold a gun, and it was definitely not a small role.

"Have you heard of the XI base in Los Angeles?" Feng Ling whispered, "The only private military base under the name of the United Nations that is legally global in the world has been with terrorists for many years. . The one who has repeatedly won battles in his negotiations. "

Ian: "Yes, but I don't know much about the convenient personnel affairs."

"You don't need to understand, I have nothing to do with them now." Feng Ling said lightly: "But Mr. Ian, I suggest you don't get involved in these things, these people are not easy to mess with, don't blame yourself."

"They ..." Ian was obviously not worried about him, but her.

"I'm okay, they won't do anything to me." Feng Ling didn't want to mention his past that was a member of the XI base. After all, it is no longer, saying that those are also adding unhappiness to himself.

Seeing Feng Ling and the man who was not afraid of death still whispering there, Li Nanheng said coldly, "Need me to ask someone to drive the plane away, so that you two can continue the conversation in the two-person world?"

Xiao Xu came out of the cabin, walked quickly behind Li Nanheng, looked at Feng Ling's direction, and said: Hey, ancestor, you can hurry up, don't mess with the boss again. Closed my eyes, I almost killed myself flying a plane. If you stimulate him again, the boss will really kill.

"These menace is coming. Are you sure you don't need to call the police?" Ian asked.

Feng Ling shook her head: "No, just some issues need to be resolved."

Seeing that she didn't seem to be affected or feared, Ian was relieved: "Okay, I'm here with you."

Seeing that the two of them were standing so close together, the man still kept his hand on Feng Ling's head, and Li Nanheng's cold eyes were frosty, and he was almost about to shoot scum.

"Personal issues, Mr. Ain avoids it." Feng Ling said softly.

Ian looked at her, but she was still frustrated.

private question.

She had never considered him human.

This Feng Ling is far and near. The relatives are always clearly separated.

He sighed, and patted his hand on her shoulder: "Okay, then I'll go down and wait, if you have any questions, you shout, I will come with the security guard immediately."

Feng Ling looked at the helicopter, looked at the members of the XI base, and Li Nanheng.

She thought that even if something really happened, she was afraid she couldn't even shout.

She nodded. "Okay."

Ain then left, and looked at Li Nanheng again before leaving the roof.

I saw the man's expressionless face, but the deterrence around him was very strong, obviously not an ordinary character.

XI base?

What does Feng Ling have to do with them?

Above the rooftop, there was silence.

Feng Ling remained seated at the dining table, and Li Nanheng looked at her across this not too far away, then glanced coldly at the surrounding rose which had become a messy rose. Not bad, very romantic. "

Feng Ling didn't speak calmly.

Li Nanheng walked directly on the roses on the ground until she looked down and looked down at her: "Are you going to study or come to love in England? It seems that the business plan made by Father Feng does not include you Let you take another son-in-law back home. "

Feng Ling didn't want to talk to him at all. If it wasn't for Mr. Ain's face just now, she got up and left. Now she is restraining herself, so that Li Nanheng won't put the account on Mr. Ain's head.

"What are you doing here?" She had nothing to say, but couldn't help but say it coldly.

"Bring you back to the United States." The man saw that she was patient with the smile of Ain just now, but now she did not have any patience towards her. Her face turned dark for a moment, and the black became more three-dimensional. Layer shadow: "Otherwise you think I'm here to visit you and kiss me and other men?"

Feng Ling was so annoyed by the man's natural attitude that she wanted to laugh, and she really laughed, but the smile was obviously not clear to the eye: "First of all, I want to go back to the United States, I will book a flight back, even if I go back I also went back to New York, not Los Angeles. I did n’t go all the way with you. In addition, I kissed me with any man. I have nothing to do with you. The management is too wide. This is the International Building of the Bank of London, not you. The open space square of the XI base, please be a little bit inconvenient. Do n’t think that the rest of the world is the land at your feet. ”

When she saw her, she would talk back, Li Nanheng said nothing, and just yelled at Xiao Xu Leng next to her: "Have everything packed?"

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