Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1292: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (555)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Xiao Xu replied cautiously, "Well, I've told someone to pack up, all my luggage is there, as well as my passport and other things."

"What? Whose baggage? Whose passport? My?" Feng Ling's eyelids jumped.

"Your." Li Nanheng only gave her a slight glance, and turned and left.

Seeing that he was going back to the helicopter, Feng Ling's tooth root was itchy, and he suddenly got up and followed: "What do you do with my things? Li Nanheng, do you still have a king in your eyes, you can move my things when you speak. Do you know what it means to respect people? "

The man didn't turn his head back, and said coldly before and after the cabin door: "If I don't respect you enough, I won't let you successfully hide from me for a whole year in Britain. Now you are in Britain The learning process is over. There is no need to delay. I will take you back to the United States. Any questions? "

After speaking, he went in.

Feng Ling stood still on the rooftop, only looking at the helicopter.

Xiao Xu looked at the situation and felt that the old atmosphere was not light. Otherwise, he would not return to the XI base overnight to mobilize the plane to kill him directly. When he first arrived, he saw Feng Ling and another man on the rooftop with a candlelight dinner and a lot of ground. Rose, and it seems that it is really ambiguous and intimate, the boss is really very patient, otherwise it is definitely not so easy to let go of the person just now.

The boss is still in the face of Feng Ling, it is really enough to bear.

He walked over to the side of Feng Ling and said softly, "Go back with us first, anyway, you are going back to the United States recently. We will explain to Miss Ji when she looks back. If she knew you were taken away by Li Bo, There will be no dissatisfaction. You can rest assured that we have brought you all the things you should bring, just to take you back to the United States. "

Feng Ling turned to Xiao Xu, then noticed that he was not wearing a uniform.

The members of the XI base just wore battle uniforms, but Li Nanheng and Xiao Xu did not.

Xiao Xu didn't really wear other clothes in her impression.

She only knew that Li Nanheng went back to take over Li's, but she did not know that Li Nanheng had also left the XI base. She only looked up and down for a while, and said with no emotion in her eyes, "I am no longer a XI base person, you It is also clear that your helicopter is not something that ordinary people like me can take, and you like to take me back and leave it to you. Please take out your passport for me, and I will fly back by myself. "

"Ah, little ancestor, you don't have to toss. Boss Li is not a member of the XI base now. He is not able to mobilize members and helicopters in the base, so don't breathe. Come with us." Xiao Xu sigh.

Feng Ling's eyelids jumped and looked at him suddenly: "What are you talking about?"

Little Xu paused: "I said, Li Li is not the XI base now. After you left, he also resigned his management position in the XI base. He can't go back like you."

Feng Ling looked at Xiao Xu, looked for a while, and didn't speak.

"The boss has never let you down. He knows everything about you in the UK. He also knows that you have been mad at him and can't bear to come to you, so that you can study here with peace of mind. In fact, the boss is Everyone is suffering. "Xiao Xu sighed:" The boss also suddenly returned to the base to call the helicopter. To come over as soon as possible, Ah Feng now manages the base and the plane can be transferred, but the boss cannot legally hold a gun now, so he must send a few The members came together to avoid any mistakes in the middle. The boss was in danger for you, one time at a time, and he could not carry any weapons with him, but ventured to fly over the base aircraft. He did not close his eyes for almost two days this time. Just saw you ... "

Feng Ling glanced at him coldly, and A Feng shut his mouth directly, and then looked at him with an inexplicable look, which meant that she at least obediently got on the plane now, in order to be able to each other Stopping point, for the sake of not expanding, let's just go back to the United States.

Seeing that Feng Ling was still still, Xiao Xu simply reached out and dragged her arm: "Feng Ling, Miss Feng, Feng Xiaozong, Feng Dabaoer, I know that the cold war between you and the boss has been a long time. Both of you have bad tempers. Big, but can you first ... "

Feng Ling would like to say that it was not the Cold War, it was a breakup.

But before he said that, Xiao Xu had dragged her to the cabin door.

Feng Ling noticed at a glance that the members of the XI base who came along were all faces.

It is estimated that Li Nanheng did not want her to be too embarrassed, so she did not mobilize her acquaintances. The only acquaintance who followed was the little Xu who had a thorough knowledge of her affairs.

She had a moment of silence, so Xiao Xu was taken to the plane.

The plane was large, larger than the helicopters she had been on before, and the space inside was very wide. After a dozen people came in, she didn't feel crowded.

It was mainly those people who faced the former boss and the former excellent sniper of the base. Instead, they were very restrained, and they all sat upright and kept silent.

In the face of this atmosphere, Feng Ling felt helpless, and then saw Li Nanheng really did not sleep for two days. At this moment, standing in the cabin with one hand and rubbing her eyebrows, she was full of irritable apathy. He glanced at the destroyed roses again, and glanced at Mr. Ian, who was walking up the stairs again.

Ian saw her on the plane, and the two looked across the hatch.

Feng Ling sighed, but fortunately, she had no affection, otherwise I would owe a love debt.

She gave him an apologetic look.

Ian picked up the phone, pointed to the phone and pointed to her, meaning to ask her that it was inconvenient to answer the call now.

Feng Ling shook her head.

Now that we are leaving the UK, the relationship that should be ended should be ended, and the relationship that has never been started should not be started, so it is good for everyone.

The plane gradually rose, Li Nanheng dropped his hand between his eyebrows and turned back to see Feng Ling still looking at the man reluctantly, tightening his brow and tightening his brow, "Would I like to send you down and tell him well?"

Feng Ling ignored him, but his eyes had already left from the rooftop, only silently looking at the gradually rising position outside, his eyes were flat, and the voice of his mouth had no emotion: "Since Mr. Li sent me back to the United States, Good guy, but also trouble sending me back to New York. "

Li Nanheng turned around and walked over, looked at her, what she was about to say, suddenly glanced at a red mark on her neck, and narrowed her eyes immediately: "How hurt?"

Feng Ling subconsciously raised his hand to cover his neck and did not answer.

"Don't stop, let me see." Li Nanheng frowned coldly, reaching out and dragging her hand down.

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