Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1296: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (559)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The car was on the way back to Fengfeng.

Feng Ling had slept before, and was in good spirits at the moment, and looked at the other two cars.

Most of the cars dispatched from the XI base look no different from ordinary cars, but in fact every car has the function of armored cars. There are everything on board. Get a weapon to respond directly.

XI base.

Feng Ling's eyes lightened, and he put his hands lightly on his lap, and watched Li Nanheng's figure driving indifferently: "Just send me to the city, I will take a taxi and go back."

Li Nanheng did not answer.

"It has nothing to do with you. If you send me back like this, the family will be more attentive."

Li Nanheng answered indifferently: "What? Afraid they are more attentive?"

"I'm afraid it won't be too much, but it's not necessary." Feng Ling said lightly: "After all, people who have nothing to do with it are repeatedly mentioned in their mouths, which is quite annoying."

Li Nanheng suddenly braked the car, this car braked too suddenly, Feng Ling didn't notice for a moment, the whole man took a moment forward, then stabilized his body and raised his eyes to see him.

I saw the man's expressionless cheek on the side of his face looked a little tight. Apparently, the calm that had been maintained was eventually angered by her. Feng Ling didn't care if he was angry, but looked at him coldly.

However, the car that had just stopped and quickly restarted the engine at this time, it suddenly drove in the direction of the other side.

The members of the base in the two cars nearby saw the boss's car suddenly turned in the direction and drove away, one by one, his expressions were a little hesitant, and he looked at Xiao Xu in the car.

Xiao Xu didn't know the situation.

Didn't the boss say that after returning to the United States, he would do nothing and send Feng Ling back to Feng's house safely?

But what the **** is the line that suddenly shifted now?

"Brother Xu, should you keep up?"

"Fuck, didn't you see how fast the boss drove the car?" Xiao Xu looked at the car that was on the side of the road in an instant. "We first waited at the intersection in the city as planned, boss Over there, he ... should be measured. "

With the boss's previous temper, Feng Ling was taken away like this, and something may not happen.

However, according to Xiao Xu's observations in the past two years, it is found that although the boss's temperament is the same as before, the only thing about Feng Ling is always restraint and forbearance. A stubborn temper can't survive Feng Ling, and the brave person meets on the narrow road. The bloodthirsty tiger is also a smooth-haired tiger in front of Feng Ling.

In the car, Feng Ling looked at the sudden shift of the line, frowning slightly, and looked at the road and scenery passing by quickly: "Where are you taking me?"

The man didn't speak, only drove his face cold, stepping on the accelerator's feet one by one to the end.

Feng Ling ignored the speed of the car. She had jumped in an emergency when she was out of the mission. She raised her hand to open the door, but found that the door was locked by the central control.

She suddenly turned to look at the man who drove, and saw the coldness and dissatisfaction in his back, the air around him, and even the air in the whole car seemed to be tense.

"Li Nanheng, stop!" Feng Ling frowned and frowned.

Not only did the car stop because of her words, but it continued to drive forward at an extremely fast speed anyway.

Feng Ling could n’t open the door, and he straightly stood up to stop him from driving forward, but the man controlled the steering wheel with one hand, and the other hand directly clasped her stretched wrist, and his head did not look back. Sit back. "

"You stop!" Feng Ling struggled.

The man controlled the steering wheel with one hand, and still drove the car very fast and effortlessly. The other hand did not effort to coerce her tightly. Feng Ling failed to pull his hand after a few struggles. Finally, she yelled, "If you don't let go, my wrist will break!"

He loosened his hand and let go of her, Feng Ling quickly drew his hand back, and sat back on the back seat, rubbing his wrist that was almost pinched by him, while watching this The road and scene quickly passing by the two of them: "Where on earth are you taking me?"

She is not very familiar with the roads in New York. Unlike many places large and small, which she had visited in Los Angeles, she can guess seven or eight points just by looking at the route, but now she has no idea where he is taking him. .

Of course Li Nanheng didn't answer her at all. Feng Ling looked over her shoulder at the instrument panel in front of him, and the speed had exceeded 260.

This speed ...

Fortunately, I just turned from the highway and drove to a small road. The road was smooth but there were no cars or people around, and the road was unobstructed.

Feng Ling rubbed her wrists for a while and then she didn't even say a word. Just sitting there with no expression looked at Li Nanheng who had been driving. Seeing that the road scene on both sides of the road gradually changed as if there was no road, even if there was a road, it was just Some very simple stone and dirt roads were not smooth, and then, seeing that it was gradually uphill, she saw Li Nanheng drove the car to the Sierra Nevada on the outskirts of New York.

Sierra Nevada is a high mountain more than a hundred kilometers from the edge of New York City, with cliffs and wild animals in the mountains and forests.

The black off-road vehicle ignored the potholes and stones on this mountain road and drove up all the way. Here, because no one walks all year round, a mountain road barely visible is overgrown with weeds. If this car is not modified, then Not because the driver is Li Nanheng. In fact, it is difficult to drive a mountain road with such a slope.

When the car drove up to the middle of the mountain, the anchor was dropped halfway because the **** above was steeper.

Feng Ling took the opportunity to stop him, but the man didn't say a word, continued to start the engine, bypassed the steepest and dangerous mountain road here, went to the other side and continued to drive upward.

Until half an hour later, I reached the summit of Sierra Nevada.

The black off-road vehicle stopped at the top of the mountain, and the sky was already bright. At this time, even the sunrise was missed. The direction of the sun can be seen here, but the sun film on the windows of the two cars was almost impossible to block.

Feng Ling dropped the window, looked at the rising sun in the distance, squinted, and then looked at the scenery of the top of the Sierra Nevada, seeing the steep mountain road on one side and the steep cliff on the other side.

She has lived in the jungle since she was a child. There is nothing terrible about Feng Ling in this kind of place. She only looked outside, and then she looked away, always looking calmly without talking, holding the cigarette directly after stopping the car. Li Nanheng got out of the car.

When the man got out of the car and lit a cigarette, Feng Ling sat in the car without moving, but glanced at the position next to the steering wheel, thinking that if Li Nanheng dared to do something to her here, she would drive away directly. Leave him here to feed the beast.


(At the end of the month, the old aunt rolls around and asks for a monthly ticket ~ asks for a monthly ticket ~ please, month, ticket ~ ~ ~)

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