Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1297: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (560)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The car key has not been taken down, which shows that Li Nanheng has never been wary of her.

Is he really not afraid that she would throw him in such a place with a cruel heart?

Feng Ling glanced at the man outside the car door again and saw that he was standing there smoking, and he could feel his suppressed anger. From the speed of the car he just drove, he knew that he was working hard and let her go. Lose her temper, letting her cold war and vent, he has been patient, but after all, it will be angry, otherwise you will not suddenly drive the car here, and do not want to spit on her, would rather get out of the car and say nothing smokes.

Feng Ling looked at the man in the rage and felt that if he got out of the car now, he could twist her head off at any time.

She can't beat him.

This is what she has known for so many years.

She didn't even bother, just sitting quietly in the car.

Until I did n’t know how many cigarettes the man was smoking outside, the car window that had just been closed by her just now was knocked. She saw the man standing outside the car door in a blink of an eye. Just looked at him like this: "Get off."

This is a command, with no temperature tone.

Feng Ling pushed the door and walked out of the car. Before she stood still, Li Nanheng pressed the front door directly with one hand. She slammed into the door behind her, which was not painful, but it was definitely not without feeling.

While Li Nanheng held her down, she leaned over and looked down at her eyes: "Feng Ling, do you really feel like I hurt you and you have no bottom line?"

The smell of tobacco is very strong in a man's mouth, although it is not bad, but because he has smoked too much, especially for a person like Feng Ling who never smokes, such a heavy smoke is a bit smoky.

Feng Ling saw that this man looked like a restrained male lion, and it was only because of her that he converged his sharp and fierce minions as much as possible.

Feng Ling's eyes were calm, even if his shoulders were held by him, even if his body was trapped between his chest and the door of the car, it was still as if his eyes were just a person who had nothing to do with him: "Li Nanheng, since you want to take me Bring this kind of deserted place to show that you want to find a place where no one is bothering to talk to me. Since it is a good talk, can you let me go first? "

Li Nanheng glanced down at her, not only did she not take away her strength, she took a step forward and pressed her firmly on the door.

Feng Ling's face sank in an instant: "Since you have to use this way, don't blame it for hurting people."

"What could be worse than when you said you wanted to cut off the relationship with me yourself? It hurts? I hear how you want to hurt me?" Li Nanheng stared at her.

If it wasn't because the atmosphere wasn't right now, he really could not wait to bite her lips directly, bite it hard, kiss her so much, and bite her crying constantly struggling under him.

The bottom of the man's eyes was a dark fog, Feng Ling stared straight into his eyes and said, "Between the beginning and the end of the relationship between me and you, which step is not for you to hold me I walked? From the beginning, when I was still a man, you ignored me and forced me to surrender to you. Even ignoring the taboo between genders would force me to be with you, and then later? When you retreat repeatedly, you forcibly broke into my life, tied me to your side, tied in your cavity, I really could n’t get out, I really saw that you were good to me, and I also Admit that you really didn't get there. "

"Li Nanheng, you were the one who tied me into your heart even if it was tied. Later, I cut off all my beliefs and the pillars behind me. The person who pushed me away was you too. Do you think that I am right for you now? What kind of attitude should I have? It's not my personality to cry and quarrel with you hysterically. Since you flew to the UK and brought me back like this, it's no use arguing with you and arguing with you. Since you decided to send me back New York, it shows that you insisted on letting me go back to your home. You never regret it. Since you chose this way for me, I have no choice or regret. Why did you stop me halfway? Go? Why are you questioning my attitude and your own bottom line here? "

"If you really want to talk about the bottom line, Li Nanheng, have you considered that I also have a bottom line?"

"What did I do to make your bottom line rise so much suddenly?" Li Nanheng asked coldly, pressing her shoulder against her shoulders to not allow her to break away, and a body higher than her was holding her like this, cruel. Li said: "I let you go back to your family to live a normal life. I let you study in the UK for a year. Have I ever been to you? Which time I did not respect you?"

Which time?

Suddenly Feng Ling found that she couldn't make any sense to a man whose mouth was full of his own sense. She was not good at debating with others. This year's rolling in the business world is really a bit of a sharp tooth, but All her exercises were not used to fight with him after returning to the United States.

The more she didn't talk, the more she didn't want to talk to him, and didn't want to waste his words with him, the more angry Li Nanheng became.

Looking at the indifferent expression in her eyes that was too lazy to argue with him, he remembered the blood she spit out at the flower bed downstairs in the apartment.

He could see the blood stain every day when he passed by there, but later he didn't know which troubled person on the property wiped that blood out, and he often sat by the flower bed there all night.

He tried hard to restrain himself from finding and not bothering him. Now he was finally brought back from England, but her eyes didn't even have to insist on telling him a few more words, and some just avoided it.

Seeing that he refused to let himself go, Feng Ling closed her eyes and opened her mouth again: "When you gave me the de-registering document, you should know that you cut off all my retreats, and I can no longer do it. The previous Feng Ling, including the one in the past, that you have loved and liked, and the loved Feng Ling have been cut off by you all the same ... "

Li Nanheng's eyes glanced at a glance, and did not give her the opportunity to say this ruthless words again, pinching her neck to pinch her like this leaning against the door, the strong kiss was directly fierce Pressing on her lips, she pried open her lips and teeth directly without hesitation, devouring her breath fiercely.

Feng Ling's body was tense all the time, and when he lifted both hands, he quickly buckled back and pressed on the door. Within a minute, her lips were sore and tingling.

His breathing was getting heavier and he couldn't restrain himself any more. He directly lifted her clothes, and her fiery palm covered her waist muscles. Her skin was hot and agitated.

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