Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1298: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (561)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Li ... hmm ... Li Nanheng ..."

Feng Ling couldn't make it, and finally had to bite him.

The man seemed to be really irritated by which of her words, holding her hand firmly on her waist, and dumbly enraged on her lips: "You mean that I have never respected you. What? I have to be careful with everything about you in my life. As a result, you say everything is driven by my emotions. I do n’t respect you? I do n’t care if you like it or not. I want to tie you around? Everything It ’s just that I am leading, you are not willing, you are not willing, you don't like it? "

"I ... hmm ..."

Li Nanheng took out his hand, and suddenly pulled out his own belt. The backhand tied Feng Ling's wrist behind her. When Feng Ling's eyes were unbelievably widened, the belt was pulled sharply and pulled directly At the bottom, she tied her wrists instantly.

The back door has not been closed yet. The man held her waist in one hand and pulled her clothes. When Feng Ling was so angry that he was trembling and wanted to bite him, he pressed the person directly into the car. This kiss There was no tenderness in it, and it was not a long time before she touched her nostalgia and care, but took the heat and anger, swallowed her lips, and swallowed all her calls.

The hot air blowing from the man's nose fell on her face, Feng Ling struggled, and he tried to scold him, but he blocked his mouth and tongue fiercely, and she had no choice because of hard work Blood bleed from time to time, and dense sweat beads were on the nose.

His kisses were getting stronger and stronger, as if to draw her into the vortex.

After kissing for ten minutes, her clothes were removed, and the temperature inside the car was boiling with the bright sun outside.

Feng Ling's face was crimson, oxygen was used up, and his brain was buzzing.

Li Nanheng's kiss was deeper and deeper, as if tempting. She puzzled her to let her go crazy and desperate.

Feng Ling was so angry that she lost all her sense of reason, and she did n’t know when he stopped. When she kissed again, she was really out of breath, especially the fact that her wrists were tied to her belt, and it made her have a lot of complaints in her chest. She kept biting him back and forth, and there were wounds on the lips of the two of them. Of course, he had the most, and her lips were the most swollen.

"Li Nanheng ... Stop for me ... Uh ..."

The man easily held her up and let her sit on his lap. She could feel his strong texture in this posture, even if she was no longer in the base for many days, even if she no longer used to train every day, The man's body is still sturdy and stunning.

"Don't be too much ..." Feng Ling gasped, with a difficult sentence, in this sitting posture.

Li Nanheng was holding her waist, and looked at him coldly and darkly: "What do you know is true disrespect? You're afraid you don't even know what a real forcible grab is."

Feng Ling's eyelids jumped, staring straight at him: "What are you doing?"

"I warn you, don't ..."

Before the words were over, Li Nanheng had already grasped her waist and pulled him in front of him.

The clothes on her body were almost removed, leaving only the poor inner bottoms, bottoms and pants.

Just rubbed his pants.

She could clearly feel the texture on his pants, trembling her with excitement, and her whole body was tight.

The man's eyes showed no pity and no temperature, pinching her chin and forcing her to come in front of him, and his deep eyes looked at her already kissed to some swollen lips: "I won't let you feel it once, I It is too wrong to eat the count. "

Seeing the firmness of the man's eyes, Feng Ling's heart jumped fiercely, subconsciously feeling like he was going to be **** himself, and hurried to get up from him, but his two hands were tied, and the two legs were also like this Sitting on him separately, she was anxious to get up with the strength of her legs, but she could not beat him anyway. The man firmly held her, keeping her in this position against his legs.

Outside the car window is the top of the mountain, the cliffs, and the barren surroundings, as if returning to the half year in the jungle of Malibu Beach, no one bothered, he did whatever he wanted.

But at least at that time, Li Nanheng was patient, gentle, and sexual after taking a shower every night. She hugged her kisses and kisses, instead of like now, the temperature in her eyes made Feng Ling a little cold. Powerless.

The more he pressed on his thigh, the more Feng Ling tried to hide, but because he was given by him ...

She even curled up her toes, her eyes were forced to be reddish, and she looked at the evil man in front of her, who was a stranger before her, Li Nanheng no matter how overbearing ... at least ... not like this ...

Feng Ling now regretted it, and wanted to explain the topic of respect and disrespect, but the man did not give her a chance, and he just held her waist with one hand and unbuttoned his own pants with the other hand.

Hearing the movement of the man's pants zipper, Feng Ling was shocked, his toed toes were loosened at once, and he was about to get up quickly, but the man turned his back and pressed directly on the seat behind the car.

There is a lot of space behind this off-road vehicle, but Feng Ling never thought that he would be in the car one day ...

He sank with a slump, without mercy.

Feng Ling: "..." Her mind was blank, and she was sore in pain that she didn't even have the strength to shout, and subconsciously tilted her head to bite his arm.

Li Nanheng also bowed her head and bit her ear in an instant, and immediately started to act before she got used to it.

At the same time, he said in her ear vaguely, "Want to know what is disrespect? I like you all make you feel good, what is, no, respect, respect."


It was still early in the morning when driving up the mountain, and the sun was rising.

After all the madness and passion, crying and tearing all stopped, the sun has turned west.

Feng Ling was embarrassed, her hair was wrapped around her sweaty neck, and the traces on her body were heavier than every time in the past. A glance was enough to make her blush and her legs were so soft that she could n’t sit still and was weak. Leaning on the car seat, there was only a man's jacket on her body, and she clutched that coat with her hands to cover her body. Her red eyes were bewildered, and her fingers on the clothes were too The knuckles between fingers that have been strained are bluish.

There are no cleaning measures in the car. The torn clothes are messy outside the car, and Li Nanheng ’s shirt is also messed up by her. She just got out of the car with such a simple suit and pants, knowing that the little woman in the car was at the moment How frightened and chaotic was in his heart, the point of reason in his own head finally came back, and he was a bit unable to face the fact that he had been held in his palm for so many years, but he was pressed by the anger in the car. Bullying is not light.

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