Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1299: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (562)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng ordered a cigarette outside the car and never came in again.

Can't face it.

Bullying people in the car for several hours, listening to her crying to a dumb throat, listening to her biting his arm, and yelling Li Nanheng you stopped, Li Nanheng I hurt, Li Nanheng I hate You, you stop me ... he still can't stop.

Later, he finally returned to his sane position, watching a messy woman's eyes collapsed down, looking at her flushed eyes, and his brain seemed to be severely split by a thunderbolt, and finally split Woke up.

What exactly is he doing?

Li Nanheng held a half-smoke of cigarette in her mouth and looked back at the closed door. Even though she could see nothing through the window, she knew that she was still curled up and couldn't move.

He knew how hard he had started today. Since Feng Ling had returned to Fengjia for nearly a year, he has been in the UK for so long. He has n’t done it for a long time, and suddenly he was unprepared. Severely bullied in the car.

Not to mention Feng Ling's temper, even Li Nanheng himself deeply doubted whether he could forgive himself.

But it was annoyed by her words that wanted to clarify the relationship. He really needed to make her feel the difference in such a disrespectful way?

Isn't this digging by yourself and jumping for yourself?

What was good to her at the beginning, it is estimated that now it has really become negative.

In the end, the cigarette **** was too short, as if it was burned to the mouth by a cigarette butt. Li Nanheng took the cigarette down, looked at the door behind him, and went to the copilot's side first to find a packet from the storage box. Wet wipes there, then back to the back door, entered the car and was handing him the wipes.

However, as soon as he entered the car, the moment he approached, Feng Ling on the seat suddenly shook his body, shrinking inwardly.

At the sight of a dread in her eyes, Li Nanheng's hand holding the wipes froze severely.

It is true, bullying is too hard.

She was afraid of him.

Li Nanheng simply pulled out the wet wipes and approached to lift up her coat to help her clean it up, but Feng Ling suddenly raised his reddish eyes and stared at him as he stretched out his hands. Holding him.

"Get out." Her voice was almost inaudible, and she pulled the coat back hard with her hands, covering her messy body.

Li Nanheng didn't say a word, and didn't grab the clothes she was using to hide, she simply helped her to expose the legs outside the clothes, Feng Ling at the same time quickly curled up her legs, muttered angrily, "Go!"

Seeing that he still didn't leave, he insisted on helping her to wipe her body. Feng Ling raised all her strengths, and suddenly raised her hand on his face and slapped it hard.

"Slap!" A slap, instead of making Li Nanheng's face worse, he calmed down. He looked at her and whispered, "Now I know what really disrespects you? I treat you. I've always been careful. I never felt sorry for you. How could it be against you ... "

"Do you have to prove it by yourself?" Feng Ling's eyes were still very red, and his eyes stared at him deadly: "Li Nanheng, now I want you to jump directly on the cliff in front of you! I want you to die right away! "

The man looked at her for a moment while pursing his lips, then put the wipes on her hand: "If you really want to watch me jump, OK, I jump."

Feng Ling was whispering for a moment, and was even more sore from the pain in her chest and lungs. She suddenly turned her eyes, closed her eyes and did not speak, but tears fell down the corner of her eyes.

She is really crying.

Because of pain, because of the scenes that happened in the past few hours, because of humiliation, and because he didn't dare to really say a word to let him jump down, he hated his softness.

But if she did say something to make him jump, she knew he would definitely jump.

Even if it turned out to be just broken because of her momentary anger.

How can I do this to her.

He really just died!

Feng Ling gritted her teeth, and hand-wrapped the coat, but what made her even more humiliated was that even this coat was his.

Her own clothes, both inside and outside, were no longer the same.

Li Nanheng looked at her crying and reached out to hug her, but Feng Ling turned her head and bit a bite on the wrist that he stretched out. She had already bitten him many times just now, and his arm had already been covered with tooth marks Tired, but as if he could not feel the pain, he wanted to carry people over.

Feng Ling looked up angrily and said, "Don't touch me !!!"

He gestured and looked down at her like a wounded beast.

Feng Ling's voice hated to tremble: "I hurt, don't touch me, let me stay for a while."

I heard her say more than once.

Li Nanheng looked down at her curled leg: "I'll take you to the hospital to see."

"No." Feng Ling covered the wide clothes tightly, trying to curl his legs to cover them.

She went to the hospital to see a doctor because of this kind of thing.

However, although Li Nanheng didn't touch her again, he couldn't let her continue to hurt like this. He was really too hard at the time, knowing that she was in pain and did not converge.

He went directly to the trunk to find a thin blanket for her. Feng Ling took it and put it on her, without talking.

Even if she doesn't go to the doctor, she still needs to take medicine. Otherwise, she will have a hard time in these days. When Li Nanheng saw that she was wrapped in a blanket, she felt as if she felt safe and went back to the driver ’s seat to drive.

Feng Ling knew he was driving down the mountain, sitting with his eyes closed and sitting behind without talking. The road was rugged. Even though it drove smoothly, it was difficult to get down the mountain. With Li Nanheng's car skills, he wanted to keep the car from rolling down. It ’s easy, but the body is swaying. The original situation is not good. Feng Ling is uncomfortable. She frowned, and her face was a little white. She was holding the blanket tightly. The whole person curled up in the seat behind. No sound could be heard on the chair.

It was difficult to drive the car down the mountain, and according to the original planned route to the intersection of New York City, Xiao Xu's car was still there, already long anxious, seeing Li Bo's car finally came over, so rest assured .

Li Nanheng looked at Feng Ling behind her through the rearview mirror. After going down the mountain, the road was relatively stable. She was no longer uncomfortable, but she still clutched the blanket tightly, raised her eyes and looked at him through the rearview mirror. Those eyes were like Being able to burn two holes in his back is even more like warning him: if he dares to let others see her now, she will never forgive him in her life.

Li Nanheng simply dropped the front window and asked Xiao Xu to go to Fengjia and wait, then drive to find a nearby shopping mall, so she had to buy her a suit and put it on.


(Ahem, it's the last day of the month again. Ask for a monthly pass ... Qinglian's guilty fingers poking ...)

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