Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1301: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (564)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Sweating means fever reduction.

Li Nanheng lowered her leg slowly, so as not to hurt her again, helped her to cover the quilt again, stretched out her hand and stroked her forehead.

The temperature dropped a bit, but it was still a little higher than usual.

Probably it was the uncomfortable pain that had been hot all the time below, but now it was relieved because of the cold mint feeling of the ointment, but it was still a little uncomfortable. Feng Ling frowned in his sleep, and pinched his legs uncomfortably.

Li Nanheng pressed her movement, bowed her head and whispered, "Don't move, the medicine just applied has anti-inflammatory effect. It will be fine tomorrow, huh?"

Feng Ling did not move any more, tilted her head and continued to sleep.

Li Nanheng went to take the towel and helped her to wipe the sweat on her body.

The afternoon passed, and the evening arrived. It was dark, and Feng Ling opened her eyes after taking a nap. She aimed at the Nordic-style ceiling lamp in the hotel room. She stunned for a long time and seemed to smell the food. A hotel-specific dining cart is placed beside the bed.

She moved a bit and found that she was wearing nothing under the quilt, but she was wiped and tried again after sweating, and she was clean.

Feng Ling's eyes only glanced at those kinds of food on the dining car, and he didn't need to guess what was going on.

These were all she ordered at the airport in the base cafeteria.

Li Nanheng.

Feng Ling closed her eyes and wanted to sit up. At this moment, the door of the suite on the other side of the room opened. The man came up tall and straight. When she saw Li Nanheng's face, she thought of what she had experienced in the car. At that moment, his eyes fell cold.

"Wake up and eat." Li Nanheng didn't ask her if she was uncomfortable or painful. It was all an answer that could not be asked. As long as she didn't want to answer, it was useless to ask anything, so let her eat first. Things save energy.

Feng Ling did not speak, just looked at him coldly.

Li Nanheng came over to pick up a bowl of noodles from the dining car, and put some side dishes on the plate. When she was seated by the bed, she would help her to eat.

When Feng Ling reached out, his expression flinched, and he looked at him alertly.

Li Nanheng: "Eat first, I know I'm angry, but don't get over with yourself. You can't go home like this now. Even if you want to kill me and scold me, you must have physical strength to do it. "

Feng Ling said dumbly, "Since I know I want to hit you and scold you to kill you, do you still have to do this kind of thing?"

Li Nanheng fed the noodles to her mouth with a calm tone: "My restraint has never failed in front of you, and it has been forbearance again and again. Today, I just haven't converged, how much do you say on purpose? I'm irritated with my ingredients, I don't have points in my heart? "

Feng Ling couldn't believe looking at him: "Li Nanheng, do you mean you are strong-waterfall, do you still have reason?"

The man sent his face to her mouth and said softly, "Open your mouth."

Feng Ling closed her mouth after talking, and looked at him with her lips closed.

She didn't open her mouth, and he wasn't in a hurry. She just looked at her patiently: "Not hungry? Still physical? Can you do it again?"

Hearing it again, Feng Ling's hand clenched into a fist under the quilt, and stared at him coldly for a long time, until Li Nanheng was pinched by the noodle because it was too long, and he continued to pinch again. When some noodles were sent back to her mouth, she slowly opened her mouth and ate it reluctantly.

She chewed slowly. Although the taste of the food in this hotel is not bad, the feeling of being fed by Li Nanheng's mouthful, and the swelling in the lower body, even after being drugged, still exists. The pain reminded her that this man had many birds and beasts when he was in the car on the mountain today.

By the way, take medicine.

Now she felt the pain, but it wasn't the hot kind of pain, the ones she felt in her sleep ...

Suddenly she turned to look at the ointment next to her and saw that she had used a small tube.

He helped her take medicine.

Medicine on there.

Feng Ling blushed instantly and couldn't believe it.

Li Nanheng seemed to know what she was thinking, and said nothing, lest she was even more embarrassed, and only continued to feed her, until Feng Ling had some machinery slowly and ate a few bites, and then pinched a few others Her favorite dishes were delivered to her mouth.

Probably because these are what she likes to eat before. She has n’t eaten these things in the UK in the past year. After eating for a while, she finally has an appetite, and Feng Ling no longer resists until she is full. Turn your head away and refuse to eat.

Seeing that she was almost full, Li Nanheng let her go, took a paper towel and wiped her mouth.

If it weren't for the scene that happened on the mountain, just looking at the patient and gentle side of the man now, Feng Ling would almost think that this man has changed sex, from a domineering big devil to a gentle and warm man.


It is a pity that even if this man knelt down and wiped out his beast behavior today.

"After eating, get out of bed to see if you are uncomfortable walking, and then take some medicine before going to bed at night. After this small tube of medicine has been exhausted, it should be much better tomorrow morning." Li Nanheng pushed the dining car aside Go, while watching Feng Ling again.

"Give me the medicine, I'll apply it myself." Feng Ling frowned.

Li Nanheng's cold eyebrows moved: "How do you get on your own? You can find it yourself? Visible?"

Feng Ling: "..."

"It's not the first time. I didn't stay together when I was good. I didn't bathe you in the jungle. I should have seen it." Li Nanheng looked at the medicine again. At the same time, he said, "This medicine needs to be applied carefully and evenly. Are you sure you want to come by yourself?"

Feng Ling grabbed the tube of medicine in his face expressionlessly, looked down at the dense English words above, and determined that he was right. He really needed to apply it evenly, and he needed to apply all the injuries inside. In her own words, she really couldn't do it.

The thought of the man who hadn't taken her to the hospital, but bought the medicine at the drug store, thinking about that scene, she felt awkward on her face, she threw the medicine back into his hands, stopped talking, and leaned back. In bed: "Give me my phone."

Li Nanheng got up and took her mobile phone and handed it to her.

Feng Ling took it, no longer looked at him.

Now that she ca n’t go back to her home in this situation, her grandparents think about her every day. If she looks sick, she ’s going to get angry again, so she can only wait for tomorrow. Go back again.

She picked up her mobile phone and saw several missed calls. One was from Mr. Center, the two were from Ji Nuan, the other was from Mr. Ain, and there were some unread text messages. , In the middle strewn with Xiao Ba's text messages.

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