Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1302: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (565)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling sat on the bed, replying to the text messages one by one.

Li Nanheng called the staff of the hotel to come in and push the dining car away, and he came within a short time until the room was quiet again.

Feng Ling was always on the bed, her body was covered with a quilt, Li Nanheng went to pour a cup of warm water, went to the bed and sat down, and put the cup on the bedside table next to her: "Now the body temperature is still thirty-seven degrees five Left and right, it is a low fever and drink plenty of water. "

Feng Ling didn't answer, didn't raise his eyes to see him either, but just kept silent.

Li Nanheng sighed that the problem between him and Feng Ling was not particularly serious at first. She was really angry at first, but after all, the offense between the two was not a matter of principle. She was just angry that he didn't even ask. In one sentence, she helped her make a future decision and expelled her from the base.

But apparently the thing that made her strong in the car ... on the contrary really charged me with a major crime.

Because Feng Ling has been in the quilt, and the fever has not completely retreated, occasionally she still sweats a little. Li Nanheng just sat silently watching her beside her, she ignored and did not say a word, and he did not speak.

Until I saw her sweating again, her long hair poked on her own neck and shoulders as she leaned against the bed, and the hair wrapped around her neck seemed to have a special charm to the man. Force, but more so it looks like she should not be too comfortable.

Feng Ling used to have short hair, and her hair had just crossed her chin when she was in the jungle. Now this is considered to be long hair, and Li Nanheng has never met her.

She kept looking at her cell phone. He looked at her for a while, and saw that she occasionally raised her hand to pull back the hair in the neck, and after repeated dialing two or three times, Li Nanheng got up and left.

Feng Ling didn't care where he went, anyway, after a night's rest here tonight, he returned to Feng's home tomorrow, and he still had nothing to do with him.

After about ten minutes, Li Nanheng returned. Feng Ling didn't even look at him until the man walked back to the bed and said, "You sit up."

Feng Ling then glanced up at him: "What?"

But the subconscious also changed from sitting on the bedside to sitting up.

At this time, the man directly walked around the bed, leaned over, and pierced her hair that was always wrapped around the neck because of sweating, and then felt that the man's movement was awkward to help her comb her hair. .

Feng Ling seemed to hear the sound of a rubber band being tossed back and forth in the man's hand, but he fiddled with it for a long time and couldn't help her tie her hair.

Feng Ling: "..."

"Li Nanheng, what are you doing?" She asked coldly.

The man was tortured by her hair for a few minutes and he couldn't tie it into a decent ponytail. His cold eyebrows were tied up, as if he had encountered an epic problem. "Looking at your hair, it's not comfortable to poke your neck, think Help you comb your hair. How does this thing work? "

Feng Ling: "..."

Ji Nuan used Li Nanheng to sum up the two words of straight man, she now understands.

To deal with internal and external injuries of various base members on weekdays, Li Nanheng, who is even as professional as a doctor, can be wrapped in bandages, and is defeated by a rubber band that is only used by women.

So he just went out to help her find something to comb her hair?

Feng Ling raised his hand and took the rubber band directly from him. The expressionless muffled voice said, "You loose my hair, I'll do it myself."

Li Nanheng heard the words like liberating, and quickly loosened, and then saw Feng Ling skillfully combed the silky hair behind her head, the rubber band that was as hard as ever in his hands, She just flipped it around twice in her hand and it was done.

After fixing the hair, the neck was clean and refreshing and comfortable. Feng Ling picked up the phone again and looked back at the man next to the bedside.

He knew he had done something wrong.

A step by step atonement?

What is the use?

Feng Ling still ignored him, but when he continued to sit back to the bed, he lifted the hair from his ears to the ears and suddenly felt that it seemed like he had never had this kind of hair before when his hair was extremely short. Distress caused by long hair, this is the first time she combed her hair like this in front of Li Nanheng.

She glanced at him again and asked, "Where did you get the rubber band?"

"When I came downstairs, I met a four- or five-year-old girl who happened to be holding a bag of newly bought rubber bands. I bought a Minnie doll in the shopping cabinet in the hotel lobby and gave her a gift. She gave me a gift. Rubber band. "Li Nanheng said and sat back to the bed.

A rubber band can't even use five cents. Generally, the things in this kind of hotel lobby shopping cabinet are very expensive. The genuine Minnie Mouse would cost at least several hundred yuan.

Feng Ling was speechless about the hundreds of rubber bands on his head.

"Mr. Li's method of" equivalent exchange "is really unusual." Feng Ling said in a mild tone, not without irony, "but at least you also know that you can get things to exchange with other girls, not to open fire, It seems that you are not as thorough as a bird or a beast. "

Li Nanheng's expression sank.

This woman started to really equate him with the type of neuropathy that forced him to win today.

He wasn't upset, just picked up the tube of ointment: "I see that you've been watching your cell phone while you're doing nothing. It should be going to bed soon, so it's better to get another medicine."

As soon as he heard that he was going to take medicine, Feng Ling's slightly cold and slightly ridiculous head dissipated and looked at him tightly.

Li Nanheng was playing with the tube of ointment and looked straight into her eyes with a smile: "At least I also knew that I would take care of you in advance before taking your legs apart, instead of trying to open them out. It seems that I It's really not as thorough as a bird or a beast. "

Feng Ling squeezed his finger on the phone and tightened his eyes instantly, looking at him with a cold look: "Li Nanheng, forcibly brought me back from England, and then tossed me like this, are you proud and proud?"

The man looked into her eyes: "You have been removed from the base, and I have removed myself from the same. From the age of thirteen to the age of twenty-three, you Fengling took root for ten years with me. Attend the dinner with other men and go to it. You can just come to a candlelight dinner and spread the roses. You can be proud and proud when you see me being anxious. "

Then, Li Nanheng leaned forward on the chair and looked at her eyes up close: "Lao Tzu has loved you for ten years, and you break up when you say break up, do I agree? Huh?"


(Li Erha: Dads T_T, I'm already trying to make atonement. Yesterday was really an impulse. I begged my dads to forgive me. At the beginning of the month, please smash my monthly ticket onto my head.

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