Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1305: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (568)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling laughed directly: "I won't hit you."

"Look, you see! Her words are clearly a threat, and she is reminding me that she really hits people!" Qin Shuke really couldn't eat the meal: "She came from the XI base! Aunt Alas, Grandpa Aunt, you are the one who is going to take the lead. It ’s me! It ’s not her! ”

"Okay." Mrs. Feng laughed amusedly: "I see the atmosphere of the two of you, and you should get along very well in the future. I don't care anymore, the relationship between your little sisters will be handled by myself. ,Let's eat."

Qin Shuke picked up the tableware again and glared at Feng Ling across the table. Feng Ling just laughed and ignored her occasional child temper.


Feng Ling took a short rest day at Fengjia, and the next day he went to several companies under the name of Feng's in New York. Because Fengjia's business transformation has failed in recent years, many small public companies need to integrate. Formerly the Feng's Group, but now it is just a bunch of small companies, some of them make money and some do not make money. The two elderly people are old and have no energy to manage too much. They can only maintain the profit on the surface, but more There is no way to continue.

Feng Ling and Qin Shuke sat in the car and looked at the information about all the big and small companies under the Feng family's name. The driver sent by the Feng family drove quietly in front.

Although Qin Shuke usually seems to care about children's minds, he really takes it seriously when he is doing things, especially when he is sitting in the car with Feng Ling and discussing the various plans that Feng's family faces first. There are also many unique insights that are just a snap away from Feng Ling.

"That's it." When he arrived at the company headquarters in New York, the car was parked outside, and Feng Ling set aside the integrated information in the car: "I'm still a beginner in these areas, unlike you in I have studied business finance for many years, and I have also studied abroad. I also have practical experience. The two of us will do it step by step according to the plan just planned, first mobilize the company management, and then start gradually. "

"Okay, haven't you been studying in London for a long time? What I have literally studied for five years is not as good as the year you have been in contact with us. It is absolutely no problem for the two of us to support each other. Qin Shuke blinked at her: "A still and a movement, even when going out to talk about customers, they can complement each other, rest assured, I will definitely stand on the same line with you and help you take all the power of Feng's companies Take back all the same. "

Feng Ling's lips: "So how do I thank you?"

"I remember people who used to appear with you before, in addition to Li Nanheng, had a younger brother?" Qin Shuke whispered in Feng Ling's ear and said, "That younger brother is also handsome, but compared to At that time, you were still inferior in wearing men's clothing, but in the end, you are a woman, beautiful in the bones and not in the skin, it is natural to compare people, if you think about it, that little brother has a good face and a good personality , You introduce him back to me. "

Feng Ling: "..."

She tried hard to think about it, and felt that Qin Shuke said that this person was A K.

Feng Ling smiled directly: "Okay, good vision, find an opportunity to introduce you."

"Deal! Go! Accompany you to Feng's battle to kill the enemy."


Ten months.

From returning to the United States to taking over all industries under the Feng family name, Feng Ling spent three months regaining the company's internal power and reintegrating the company into a group company. It took another two months to bring the company out of the company. Changed blood at the University of Foreign Exchange, replaced a group of people who are capable and obedient, and resigned all the old people who have done well in the company.

It took her a total of ten months to finally settle in Feng's, and these companies under Feng's were back on track several months ago.

In the company, Feng Ling was looking at a piece of financial data. I remembered that some of the habit of checking the financial accounts in the quarter was warm, and I followed suit. I did n’t expect it to be really useful. Can be seen at a glance.

Qin Shuke came in with a tablet computer and read aloud the relevant media's appraisal of Feng's show this year.

"No one can believe that a person who has never been in contact with business can return to such a terrible momentum to stand firm in the business world. There are various rumors about this woman named Feng Ling. It is said that she was once lost by the Feng family. Daughter, later ... "

"What's the point of reading these gossip news every day?" Feng Ling continued to look at her financial data statements without looking up.

"These media have compiled all kinds of tricks for your story. Every day, I watch these different people written by these people in words." Qin Shu laughed and walked down and put down the tablet: "Yes When you were answering the intercom call in the office just now, there was another call coming in, as if it was the doctor Qin I heard you mentioned before. "

"Speaking of this doctor Qin, I have heard you mention it occasionally, and also surnamed Qin. Should I be introduced to one day? The same surname is my family, especially in the United States. Easy. "

As soon as Feng Ling heard Dr. Qin's phone call, he looked up and glanced at her at the same time: "Don't think of Dr. Qin, he and you are not possible."

"Well, I have been thinking about hooking up with Brother A. How could I go to hook up with Dr. Qin? I like all kinds of brothers, but I also have principles, okay?" Qin Shuke was white. She glanced at the same time, "Dr. Qin called about ten minutes ago. Would you like to call him back?"

"Well, come back later." Feng Ling lowered her head to look at the report again. The long hair on her head was only Qin Shukela's remodeling, rolled slightly, and scattered behind her back.

When I went to get my hair, I still wanted to see a long-term client. Qin Shuke said that she was like a little girl who had noodle soup all day long, so it was bullying when she looked at her, so she took her to a simple hot wave. Curly hair and Feng Ling gradually adapted, occasionally looking at herself in the mirror who was completely different from the short-haired tomboy of the past, and sometimes she was lost, wondering whether the woman in the mirror was still herself.

Until Qin Shuke went out to prepare for the next executive meeting, Feng Ling put down the report in his hand, picked up the mobile phone and called Dr. Qin directly: "Hey, Dr. Qin, are you looking for something?"

Hearing what the man on the other side of the phone said, Feng Ling just put his hand on the report and froze directly on the table: "Ji Nuan? How could she get a shot? Is it serious? Where is it? Los Angeles?"

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