Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1306: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (569)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling was going to return to Britain in the past two days, and went to Mr. Center for a few days. Ji Nuan suddenly had an accident and disrupted her original plan.

If it ’s just a minor illness and injury, then Dr. Qin flew from Haicheng to the United States to transfer to Los Angeles in New York. If it is not a major event, Dr. Qin will not say that she will be prepared.

Because in the warm season is a gunshot wound, and it is about three inches below the neck, that kind of place is almost equivalent to fatal.

She rose suddenly, too late to change her clothes, too late to pack and walked out.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Qin Shuke was still outside without going far. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he saw Feng Ling's footsteps move quickly.

Feng Ling has always been accustomed to wearing high heels, but in some occasions, she must wear them in order to match the clothes on her body. What she wears today is that she usually does not walk quickly as long as she wears high heels, but today it is like walking under the wind.

"A friend is seriously in danger. I must go to Los Angeles now. I will go with Dr. Qin later. You will take care of the company's affairs for a few days." Feng Ling didn't return, and walked very anxious.

Qin Shuke heard the seriousness in her tone and quickly followed up: "Who? Los Angeles? Seriously injured? Is it Li Nanheng?"

Feng Ling's voice was heavy: "Season warm."

Qin Shuke's footsteps then stopped.

Warm season.

No wonder Feng Ling would become so eager to hear that, more than once in Feng Ling's mouth, heard about this Mrs. Mo, who is really one of the few good friends in her life.

Knowing that Qin Shuke was really reliable, Feng Ling was also assured of New York. He went directly to the underground parking lot, changed flat shoes in the car, and drove all the way to the airport.

When he arrived at the airport, Qin Shiting had just got off the plane and was preparing for his biography to go to Los Angeles. The two met and had no time to greet and chose the most recent flight together.

While in the waiting hall, Feng Ling was still answering the phone from the company. Qin Shiting went to buy two cups of coffee. When he saw Feng Ling was busy, he didn't say much. He glanced at half the time before boarding. For hours, place the coffee in her hand directly on the seat next to her.

Feng Ling put down the phone, looked at the coffee next to him, and glanced at Qin Shiting: "I'm sorry, Dr. Qin, there's something wrong with the company. I have just taken over a few months, and there are still many things to deal with."

"It doesn't matter, you must be a lot busier now than you were originally." Qin Shiting smiled very understandably: "At the time, you were a Xiao Fengling in the XI base who only acted on orders. Now you have grown up, after all, Anyway, it's Feng Zong. "

Feng Ling sighed with laughter: "What is not always, let a person who knows nothing about them cut off everything once, swallow blood and flesh, and re-learn these things that have never been touched before Things, for me, just have to resist the burden on my shoulders. "

Qin Shiting held the coffee in his hand and didn't rush to drink it. He just looked at her like this: "So, it was Li Nanheng's stubbornness who cut you off in the past, will you keep hanging him like this?"

More than that.

The **** brought her directly from the UK ten months ago, and returned the bird. The beast had tossed her in the car for several hours, and she felt scared until she thought about it.

"I didn't go to hang someone." Feng Ling also picked up the coffee, opened the lid on the cup, and blew it gently, quietly and naturally, and then hooked his lips, but his smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes: "But after all this He chose the way for me. Back to Fengjia and New York, they all followed the path I must take now. If I quit halfway because of him, or he regrets that he wants to disturb my current life, Then he is afraid that there is a problem with IQ. "

She certainly knew what Li Nanheng thought.

She didn't do anything, nor did she do anything in front of him, but she only looked down the path he helped her choose.

Li Nanheng, however, just shot the **** tooth and swallowed it, so he could not see or touch it, and he could kill him every day.

What gas do you need?

Such silent punishment is enough.

Feng Ling took a sip of coffee, and did not want to say more about Li Nanheng's incident, and only asked: "What do you think of Ji Nuan's injury?"

"I called and asked a friend in the hospital where she is now. She hurt the head and the central nervous system of the spine." When Qin Shiting mentioned Ji Nuan, his expression was a little more serious, after all, really It's time to kill people: "I'm not optimistic about the current emergency situation, it is very likely that I can't protect people."

Upon hearing this, Feng Ling's brow frowned a little, and the hand on the coffee cup tightened.


Early in the morning, Qin Shiting, who flew from New York to Los Angeles overnight, rushed to the hospital.

The emergency room lights were on until the next morning, until Qin Shiting arrived, and Ji Nuan had not come out of the emergency room.

"How long have you been in?" Qin Shiting asked directly.

Li Nanheng was holding a cigarette in his hand, but he didn't smoke it, just sitting with Mo Jingshen here all night, and he glanced at Qin Shiting, and said indifferently, "It has been more than 12 hours."

Twelve hours.

No deaths have been announced.

According to normal circumstances, there may still be the possibility of rescue, otherwise it will not persist for so long.

Qin Shiting nodded: "When I was in Los Angeles and Dr. Wendel saved your life, Dr. Wendel's medical skills and the method of taking bullets from dangerous areas were very familiar. At the beginning, I only cooperated in the operating room. To help, now even without me, I believe he has enough ability to save Ji Nuan. After all, it's been so long, and he hasn't announced his abandonment, then wait. "

Although Li Nanheng had excellent skills, he had countless large and small missions in the kind of place at the XI base, and suffered a few injuries, and he had not experienced life or death once or twice.

He didn't even remember how many bullets the LA doctor had helped him get.

"Is it urgent right now?" Li Nanheng chin pointed to the direction of the "stone" on the bench outside the emergency room door.

Mo Jingshen was covered with Ji Nuan's blood all around him. The blood had dried up and people hadn't pushed it out yet.

It was only overnight that some green stubble had appeared around Mo Chin's chin, covered with blood, and even Qin Shiting couldn't recognize him.

Until the doctor finally came out and announced the success of the operation, but people are still in a very serious dangerous period, they must go directly into the ICU, and temporarily cannot go in to visit. Although all the people outside did not say more, they were obviously relieved.

At least the operation is successful, and it is much better to survive the dangerous period than to declare death on the spot.

In this way, at least you can rely on Ji Nuan's own vitality to support more days.

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