Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1308: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (571)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Ji Nuan did not wake up in the intensive care unit for three days. It is said that Mr. Mo sat almost outside for three days and hardly slept.

Although he is strong inside Mr. Mo, Ji Nuan once said that Mo Jingshen is calm and not personal.

However, the current Mr. Mo really lost his calmness completely, he was embarrassed by him, he was full of Ji Nuan's blood but did not wash it, and the stubble was almost all over the chin. How to eat, just sit there and wait.

Everyone is worried that if Ji Nuan can't wake up, Mr. Mo will collapse. Everyone is persuading that he can always stay calm and control the depth of field of ink that can be easily controlled in his hand. In the three days after blocking the gun, it seemed that all the gods had been removed, leaving only a body that was unable to fight against life and destiny.

Finally, Qin Shiting still managed to take Mr. Mo to a vacant ward forcibly to let him rest, and finally managed to get Mr. Mo to sleep.

As a result, some of Atutai's men sneaked into the hospital that night, holding medical staff on other floors. They disguised themselves as medical staff and took away Ji Nu from the ward. The isolation zone inside was too long and too long for members of the XI base to Get closer, wait for no sound, and when they find out, the person is gone.

When Feng Ling was informed of this news, Qin Shiting had taken the lead to chase people, but so far no news.

Feng Ling was originally in a hotel near the hospital and was still negotiating personnel changes with company executives in New York. Suddenly he heard the news, he directly hooked up the computer and quickly contacted Dr. Qin.

Qin Shiting is still driving outside, listening to Jing Jing ’s eyes is chasing, there is a possibility of drag racing, Feng Ling asked the situation in a long story, in order not to affect their chasing people, after understanding all, asked if he can help. .

Qin Shiting said that she should wait for the news at any time.

Feng Ling has been waiting in the hotel since then, but he could n’t wait any longer. He simply went to the hospital and looked around the ward where the accident happened. At the same time, he met several old friends in the base. The old acquaintance in the base recently was AK and Han Jin Xiaoxu are a few of them. As for the other three snipers in Tam Lincheng, they were just dispatched to perform the mission and have not returned yet.

When A returned to the hospital to arrange for a front-to-back pinch, he saw Feng Ling coming, and quickly pulled Feng Ling: "You are great!"

Then, without a word, handed a sniper rifle to Feng Ling's hand: "Come and come, hurry up, give you first!"

"What?" Feng Ling didn't touch the gun for a long time, and suddenly he was smashed into the arms with such a long and heavy sniper rifle, his expression was straightforward.

"Hold it first, I guess you still need to sniper today."


Feng Ling didn't know what plans they had to besiege the group, and A didn't express himself in a hurry. He just said that she should keep the gun beside her, and then turned to arrange for other brothers to go.

Until AK took a group of people away, Feng Ling looked at the sniper rifle in his arms. After so long, it seemed that there was no strangeness at all. He slowly held the handle of his fingers with his fingers, and then turned to look at the air again. Hospital corridor.


When Qin Shiting came to find Feng Ling, Feng Ling hadn't returned to the hotel. She had been waiting in the hospital.

Seeing the sniper rifle in her hand, Qin Shiting didn't say much and let her get in the car directly.

Then I drove her to the hotel with the highest floors in downtown Los Angeles. I chose a room on the top floor and took her all the way.

In the elevator, Qin Shiting simply summarized all the plans today.

AK followed Mr. Mo and they went in to besiege, but there were too many people, and now the situation of Ji Nuan could not stand a little toss. It must be resolved quickly. If he was confronted, it would not be impossible, but it would definitely hurt Ji Nuan. Those with high sniper capabilities set the gun behind, and the XI base sniper known by the group at present is only A. They do not know where Feng Ling is here, nor do they know the connection between Feng Ling and the XI base. Judging from the status quo, Feng Ling is the most suitable person to attack.

Feng Ling said silently for a moment and said, "I haven't taken a gun for a long time. Maybe I can't get it right. In case of accidental injury ..."

"At this time, you're afraid you can't evade it. Mr. Mo's future and Ji Nuan's life are now in your hands." Qin Shiting looked at her: "Ji Nuan's current situation is more delayed. You can see the king at any time in seconds. "

Feng Lingcha raised his eyes to the slowly rising number of the elevator and calmly said, "Okay, I see."

Reached the top floor and entered the room that Qin Shiting had arranged. When checking the distance from the building in front of the window, Feng Ling had already seen the other side, and the group held all the conditions that Ji Nun had retreated to the balcony.

I saw the scene surrounded by those brothers from the ** I base there, Feng Ling didn't say much, and decisively set up a sniper rifle in front of the window, although the clothes he wore were no longer the XI base ’s uniform, although She is no longer the sniper Feng Ling who was capable of short hair, but at this moment, her movement is still as skilled as many years ago, and there is no delay in a minute and a second. After doing all the preparations, aim at the gun. The back of the man who held back the warmth of the season.


A clean shot.

A distance of 500 meters from the opposite building, hit the enemy's head in the middle of a shot, and the opposite side was already blood on the spot.

Seeing that Mo Jingshen stepped forward and took Ji Nuan in his arms, Feng Ling withdrew the sniper rifle back from the window. He was habitually carrying the gun behind him, but realized that he was no longer XI. Members of the base, she was not convenient to take this thing away, so she set the gun aside and looked at her expressionlessly for a moment, and saw Qin Shiting, who was just looking at her series of actions.

"You haven't touched a gun for a long time?" Qin Shiting asked.

"I have n’t touched it since I left the base. It ’s really a lot of hands. If it wasn't for the person to be rescued today, Ji Nuan, I wouldn't take this risk easily. If I didn't aim, she would be killed more than one. . "

"Since Nanheng called you, of course, I still trust your marksmanship."

Feng Ling's expression was stagnant and he looked at him coldly: "Li Nanheng asked you to find me?"

"Otherwise? Otherwise, how dare you think I would come to please you?"

"Since he's not busy enough to leave, and people are still in Los Angeles, why not come here in person. Speaking of these marksmanship, A and I were also taught by him. Isn't he the most secure sniper?" Guess This is Li Nanheng's trap, Feng Ling's face has been a little bad.

"What do you say?" Qin Shiting smiled.

There is nothing to say. If she doesn't leave again, Li Nanheng is expected to come up. She quickly puts her gun away and walks outward without expression.


(The baby in Qingqing's family has been sick for a few days. In recent days, Qingqing is a bit burned, and the typos may be a little more. Dear friends, please forgive me ~ ask for a monthly pass ~)

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