Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1309: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (572)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Qin Shiting did not know much about her and Li Nanheng before, but in the hospital these days, I have heard a lot of things.

"Feng Ling, when Nan Heng forced you to leave the base, it was also for your good. You grew up in an orphanage and found your family, so you should go back to a quiet life, not to mention that your family will not allow you to Live this kind of life from death to death. "Qin Shiting said:" At first he didn't marry Feng Mingzhu, but chose to marry your crown. This incident caused Feng Li's relationship with the World War to collapse, but only to maintain peace on the surface. After all, it was Li's failure to make an appointment first. Feng Jia's reluctance to accept his marriage and leaving Guanzhuang was equivalent to Li Nanheng's one-sided owing to him.

"As a result, you were the same child that Feng lost that year. He ca n’t talk to Feng at that time, especially when your father has only one breath, and ask him to send you back, and he must let you leave XI. He would have to do that in a dangerous place like Base, even if he only stood at your own angle. "

Feng Ling didn't seem to hear what he said. He walked out without looking back.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, he saw a tall, erect figure standing outside.

The man was right outside the door, leaning against the wall, and a cigarette in his hand was clearly extinguished between his fingers, because she came out and stared at her man with his dark eyes half-smoked in the smoke and stared at her. Her indifferent face, and then took a sharp breath of smoke, brushing the layers of smoke on her face.

Feng Ling looked indifferently at Li Nanheng who had waited outside the door for a long time.

Sure enough, he ordered someone to arrange this encirclement after the incident, and it turned out that he asked her to be the sniper.

People who could not stop her in the hospital forced her to appear in this way and had to wait for him to "grab" her here.

The two looked at each other, Li Nanheng hooked his lips: "I haven't touched a gun in such a long time, and I'm having fun today? Would you like to give me another shot, eh?"

Even if he leaned back against the wall loosely, he was still much taller than her.

When he looked down and looked down at her, he could clearly see each of her eyelashes. At this moment, she seemed to frost little by little because she saw him, without any temperature.

Even after ten months of separation, her appearance had been crowned Miss Fengjia's body, but her bones were still the same as Feng Ling, lonely and indifferent.

Sure enough, if it was said that Feng Ling, who had just returned from the UK ten months ago, could still find a bit of her shadow, now that she has been in the business community in New York for nearly a year with her own strength, after all, she still has all The shadow of the past has been erased. Except for the one in her bones who is still her, the temperament of the whole person has changed.

No longer a teenager with short hair, but in addition to the feeling of indifference and distance, there is a bit more of a woman's taste, a taste of a big woman mixed in the workplace.

Ten months ago, she thought he was asleep, and that night when she left the hotel, she said that she was going to go home to make a big tree for her family.

Then she really did it.

My heart moved, some soreness and aches, Li Nanheng threw away the cigarette **** in his hand, and when he lifted his foot to step out, he was about to reach out and hold her wrist, but she was avoided by the trace, and at the same time avoided One meter away.

Li Nanheng looked at her with his eyes lowered. It was he who sent her away by himself and gave her enough time to grow up. She refused to let him help him, even during the ten months in New York, she encountered several business crises during her period. He wanted to go to the financing in the name of Li's to support it, but every time she refused, all the financing documents were returned, and she had not signed a single word or agreed.

The temperament of the appearance has changed, but the strength and stubbornness in the bones are as usual.

He said huskyly, "You intend to avoid me this way?"

As if Feng Ling didn't hear him, she turned around and gave up taking the elevator because the elevator had to pass in front of him. She simply turned to the safe passage in the other direction.

Li Nanheng's expression paused, and he walked directly.

Entering the safe passage, Feng Ling had quickly walked downstairs, separated from him by a floor, stopped at the turn of the stairs below, and suddenly looked up at Li Nanheng who was standing at the turn above.

The two looked across the tens of steps, Li Nanheng just looked down at her with little eyes, and said nothing.

After silent communication, Feng Ling said for a while, "Li Nanheng, remember when I first arrived at the XI base, what was the first thing I did?"

The man put one hand gently on the stair railing: "What?"

"Study." Feng Ling stared at his eyes: "You said, I want to stay in the XI base, you have to look at my ability, you directly ask me to discuss with you."

Li Nanheng looked at her calmly: "So?"

Feng Ling slightly touched his lips, but his smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes: "Although I have left the XI base, in fact, I have only changed from one battlefield to another. It has been more than two years since I returned to Fengjia. I do n’t dare to say what a business wizard is. I ’m just working hard at Fengjia, but at least, I can also have a place in the mall. Maybe I really should thank you for your heartiness and decisiveness. Or I won't be what I am now. "

Hearing what she said, Li Nanheng didn't respond because of her scornful tone, but still stood there and looked at her.

"Since the battlefield has been changed, some of the rules and habits should be maintained. After all, the wolf and temper in my bones have been polished in the XI base. Even if I leave, some habits still remain. Deep-rooted can't forget. "Feng Lingzhi powder taste of the lips slightly moved:" For example, when I see a person is unhappy, I also want to learn from him. "

Li Nanheng raised a cold eyebrow.

Feng Ling still looked at her, and her pretty eyes slightly raised, "Li Nanheng, in this new battlefield, do you want to learn from me?"

Li Nanheng hooked his lip, so he just arbitrarily put it on the staircase's staircase, and looked down at the woman who was talking to himself with his head down, as if he accepted the game she invited: "Huh? What do you want to learn? ? "

"A month later, the Washington Financial Conference, whoever gets the billion-dollar financing first, wins." Feng Ling's eyes had a bright light.

Li Nanheng smiled again, and her dark eyes fell into her eyes: "What is the bargaining chip? What does it cost to win or lose?"

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