Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1319: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (582)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Do you think you have the ability to do it, and do you think you can do whatever you want? It's not so easy for me to get through!"

Hearing this voice, Li Nanheng frowned slightly, and glanced casually in the direction of the crowd 20 meters away, but Feng Ling's figure reflected directly into his eyes.

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, and when he saw clearly that she was trapped by two security guards, his expression changed suddenly.

When several businessmen saw this, they followed his gaze and looked over there, and then someone quickly rushed to the round and said, "Everything, what happened? How did you start to embarrass a woman? ... Are you Miss Feng? Are you okay? "

The following sentence was spoken to Feng Ling by the person who rounded the field, and Yu Guang at the corner of his eye looked at Li Nanheng at the same time as he spoke.

If he had read it right, Mr. Li should have known the person in charge of Feng's just now, and the relationship was not very simple.

Feng Ling didn't answer. She just thought about the door that she had just passed through. No wonder it looked like a door forged with a kind of high-tech metal. It turned out to have an automatic scanning function. It could remove all the illegal supplies and dangerous supplies on her. If it can be found out, it is no wonder that E always didn't use other methods. It was because she knew that she was not so easy to handle, so she just wanted to take the opportunity to try and take measures that would make her half-push, and it failed.

"I don't think Miss Feng's face is very good. Would you like someone to send you over to sit down and rest there first?" The man who rounded the field said a wink to the assistant behind him.

"Wait." Li Nanheng's voice was low, he turned directly and walked in that direction, and at the same time said indifferently to several celebrities next to him: "Lose unaccompanied."

The assistant with Li Nanheng's side also quickly converged on his polite smiles to the celebrities next to him, and then turned to look at President Li, and then there was a burst of surprise in his eyes.

Mr. Li, this is ... what to do?

Yu Zheng quickly followed.

Feng Ling was struggling with President E and his secretary here. There were two parties in the heart who were constantly playing tug-of-war. One party reminded her that if she wanted to highlight the encirclement, let alone the two security guards, even if they were present Adding a dozen security guards may not necessarily be her opponents, just hit them directly, but the other party is telling her, no, she now has a family behind her, and even if this billion financing is not available, but It is still necessary for her to stand still in Washington. She cannot be impulsive and cannot be solved by force.

Just when she had just dropped her wine glass, her hands were hidden in her cuffs, and she fisted into a fist, always restraining herself.

Suddenly, there was a lazy and laughed voice in his ear: "General E, how did my woman get you?"

The sound ...

Familiar to let Ling Ling jump with a frosty heart, as if being beaten by a sap.

Really, come whatever you are afraid of.

She quietly calmed down the emotions in her heart, and immediately saw Li Nanheng approaching.

E always froze when he heard such a sudden sentence from Li Nanheng. After turning his eyes to see the person, it turned out that he really was Li Nanheng. Then he looked at his expression again. This lady Feng? President Li's woman? "

"E total." Feng Ling's eyes did not go to see Li Nanheng, only said lightly: "I am your guest, Mr. Li is also your guest, you may have heard it wrong."

E is always unknown. So if it ’s just that he heard it wrong, it ’s impossible for other people to hear it wrong, but obviously those who just heard this sentence have definitely heard the words of Li Nanheng ’s exit. You can only look at it with an inquiring look and don't even wear a dress in front of you. When you wear casual sportswear, you come to Feng Ling at the banquet, and then look at Li Nanheng.

Li Nanheng didn't explain much, just looked away from Feng Ling's face and turned to look at the others: "What happened?"

The secretary next to President E thought for a while, and hurried forward to talk about what happened just now, obviously that Feng Ling was not intentional at all, and that the wine should not have been sprinkled on President E, but that was it One thing that was too small to be too small was enlarged by the secretary, saying a bunch of words about how cold and arrogant Feng Ling was, and in short all the errors were pushed on her, and her attitude was described as very bad.

Listening to it, Li Nanheng just looked at Feng Ling indifferently, the latter didn't even look at him in the direction, but his expression was very cold and indifferent.

If it wasn't for the eyes of the business community, plus that Feng Ling was indeed responsible for the Feng family, she really wanted to give this secretary a shoulder blow.

She didn't even smile sneer, but her expression was very cold. It seemed as if there was always a certain distance from these people. Even if she was framed and jealous, she just looked at it coldly and didn't rush to explain.

When the two security guards saw that she had always been this way, they reached out her hands and clasped her wrists.

"Let it go." Li Nanheng stood among the crowd, his face was clearly indifferent and angry, and his eyes were clearly dull, while watching Feng Ling: "You said."

"I have nothing to say." Suddenly Feng Ling was spotted by the man, and he looked directly at him: "It's a trivial matter, I don't need to worry about it, I can solve it myself."

"Can it be solved?"

Li Nanheng's deep voice was indifferent to others who didn't understand. He just said he was a woman, but now it seems that the atmosphere between the two people is far away.

Feng Ling glanced at him again, thinking that he was so rare that he was bumped into by Li Nanheng. He said that it was himself who was going to bet with him. As a result, he is also the one who is bullied for this billion financing. On the contrary, he It didn't take any effort at all. She made such a bet with him. It was probably equivalent to moths fighting fires. When she had water in her head, she would bet on it.

Thinking of this, her face became even colder, and she didn't want to say anything more. She just said to E indifferently: "Sorry." Then she turned away without turning back, and didn't plan to give any more. People save face.

Feng Ling does not have such willful capital in the business circle, but Li Nanheng stood here, and suddenly she only wanted to be willful once, and did not want to face him in such a self-embarrassing scene.

"Stop." The man's voice was clear, but Feng Ling had already felt his emotions, knowing that he was not angry now, but just warned her not to leave willfully at such times.

She originally wanted to leave, but for a moment, she thought of Feng Family and thought of the towering tree of Feng Family. She immediately stopped and felt that her back was cold.

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