Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1320: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (583)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling really wants to scold herself for not being upset. She usually thinks she is very powerful, but she really falls into the tongue of this business district. She finds that she really can't handle it.

She had been fighting with people inside the company for the past ten months, and she hadn't stretched her hands outside.

Now that I am out, I know how bad the people in this circle are.

She calmed down and turned back abruptly: "I have just been educated by President E. Is there any advice you have now?"

Just now Li Nanheng said in public that she was his woman, but Feng Ling now had a wary look of "I am not familiar with you". She was in a state of cold alertness, and she might not look back at any time. What it looks like.

At this time, she could still stand up and Li Nanheng was laughed at directly.

He slowly explained the delicate buttons on his neckline, and the air field on his body was different from that of the past. He was really the air field of the superiors in the business circle, and his dark eyes stared straight at her with a low voice: " come."

Feng Ling's scalp was numb with his gaze, as if he was a teenager when he was thrown on the training ground at night to train in the devil, he looked down at him contemptuously.

In her heart, she kept telling herself not to be related to him on such occasions: "Sorry, today's occasion is not suitable for newcomers in the business circle like me. Everyone has fun and I'm still ..."

"I'll let you come over." Li Nanheng interrupted her without mercy, and the self-mockery words of the newcomer in the business circle made his eyebrows narrow and his eyes darkened.

Feng Ling's hand was clenched in her cuffs. Although Yu Zheng is not very familiar with this lady, it can be seen that Li is now on the verge of anger, and obviously Li always wants to help her But why did this lady have to avoid and keep dodging?

Everyone at the scene can see that the two are in a state of advancing and retreating, which makes people have to wonder what the relationship between this lady and Li Nanheng is?

Feng Ling glanced at him again, met Li Nanheng's eyes, groaned, turned and walked back.

"One small thing, Mr. Li really doesn't need to intervene." She raised her eyes to his eyes: "There is no need to say so ambiguous the relationship between me and you on this occasion, this way is even more so Not what I want. "

As soon as her voice fell, Li Nanheng's black eyes froze coldly, her pupils also shrunk, her tight lips pulled out a few invisible arcs of ridicule, but her face was extremely cold.

Several celebrities beside the man shivered uncontrollably, and the assistant Yu Zheng was beside him, feeling that the lady was not trying to die ...

Li Nanheng ignored the crowds behind her, and came to the front of the cover, looked at her, and leaned her head down in her ears with a voice that only she could hear: "You have to be hard-tempered, you must be certain Still facing me? "He sneered lowly as he spoke, as if spitting out the sentence with a little ice scum.

"Don't I have to admit in front of so many people that I have something to do with you?" Feng Ling said, and his steps backed away.

"If you think about it yourself, if this billion-dollar financing is lost because of your own temper, you won't be able to marry me anymore, and I will give you some room for your face. , Now you have no room for yourself? "The man's voice was still cold, but with a bit of ridicule:" Where did the courage to make a gamble with me go? Marry you marry It's so easy, I'm afraid I'm not used to it. "

She listened, her heart beating for a moment.

Regarding the gambling contract, it was because she had enough self-confidence, but at the moment, this self-confidence had been almost wiped out. After all, a TMing was killed halfway.

She didn't speak, but just hated the unequal status between herself and him. This was the case before, and it is the same now, but if you think about it every time, it seems he is the first to be softened.

Thinking of this, her eyes gradually melted, but she still felt a little stubborn and unwilling to cooperate. The biggest grievance in her heart was that she might have listened to Qin Shuke's suggestion at that time, gave up E's financing here and switched to Farewell, you should n’t take this limit, and in the end you were ashamed before Li Nanheng.

Feng Ling herself didn't realize that the reason she was really depressed and angry was because she was ugly in front of Li Nanheng, and she just had a turbulent upset in her heart.

Li Nanheng looked at her still deliberately drawing the boundaries, the jaw line tightened, and the next second, he suddenly stretched out his arms and hugged her in his arms.

Feng Ling felt his movements and pulled back in shock, but was quickly taken back by the man and hit him in his arms. The man's voice stuck to her ear. It seems to be whispering, and it seems that the voice can be heard by everyone around you: "When are you still getting angry with me? But it made you angry last night, so as to not give in front of so many people Your fiancé me? "

fiancé? ? ? !! !! !!

The audience was uproar!

Feng Ling: "..."

She was about to push him away, but the man had let go of her at this time, and at the same time lowered his eyes to look at her almost spitting eyes, with a smile in his eyes, but the smile was clearly warning her not to talk now.

Can't she talk like this?

Whose fiance?

She just ran into a wall here with President E, and there were other prepared countermeasures. It hadn't reached the one-month deadline. How could he be so shameless that he was her fiance? Did she agree?

However, in a sense, Feng Ling's head is the same as being indestructible.

The name Li Nanheng is a top priority in the Chinese business community in the United States. Although he has just taken over Li's not long ago, he rarely participates in these outside banquet activities. Except for the family rulers who often cooperate with Li's, most of them No one has ever dealt with this former grandfather Li.

But rumors come and go about how close the man is to a woman, how hard it is to approach, and how forbidden to be clean, so the ladies who met him today were very interested in him.

Today, however, this man has broken the illusions of the ladies himself. Is he ... already engaged?


(Ahaha, I read a lot of messages saying that I have n’t understood Feng Ling ’s attitude recently. In fact, this kind of thing is that everyone feels different. Some people think it is wrong. Some people think it ’s too much. Actually, As long as no one violates the principle and everything is not a big problem, it depends on how I wrote it. Haha. There will be a big story before the end of Lifan. At present, almost four-fifths of Lifan has finished. From time to time, we will be connected. Regarding each story and each role, regardless of good reviews and bad reviews, Qingqing would like to thank everyone for being along the way!)

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