Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1321: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (584)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng never brought his female companion to attend, and rarely appeared at such an event, but he actually entangled the weird second lady of Feng Family, and even more vocally said that she was Miss Feng's fiance.

The key is that the second lady of the Feng family was too afraid of Li Nanheng's avoidance.

Even if no big media is invited at this banquet, there are still some small media mixed in, and their own small cameras have already been set up.

Especially when I saw Miss Feng Er had plans to slip away in front of Li Nanheng, the relationship between the two was extremely curious. It stands to reason that the two people should have no intersection, but how do they look? But it seems to have been known for a long time.

And Li Nanheng's behavior has nothing to do with the description that she is not close to women and has no interest in women.

Feng Ling didn't expect Li Nanheng to use her fiance to oppress her.

She seemed to be settled in place, her expression was a bit stiff, she didn't know what to say for a while, and she denied it loudly. Anyway, Li Nanheng is helping her too. It hurts his face not to both people, but does it admit it?

She stared at those who were around the two of them. She pursed her lips and said nothing until the man let her go and pushed her slightly away from her arms, but her hands remained on her arms and she looked down at her.

I do n’t know when, the cufflinks on the man ’s wrist have been untied, and the sleeves have been pulled up by him, revealing a line of strong and good-looking wrists. Such a hug and release move dispelled his mind in the hearts of everyone. It's hard to get close to and cold, but even with his cool expressions, he was still scared, and he didn't dare to just say a word.

Feng Ling looked at him, but his mind was blank.

Suddenly E always stood beside her and said closer: "Ms. Feng is actually Mr. Li's fiancee? This is really big news, I really didn't expect it!"

I can hear that President E is working hard to round the field. He didn't put Feng's eyes in his eyes, but he didn't dare to put Li's eyes in his eyes. If the two are combined, how can this be in the Chinese business community in the United States? They have a foothold in these financial companies.

In the eyes of President E, Feng Ling's appearance of not speaking at this moment really accorded with what Li Nanheng said just now.

Reluctant to ignore it, but don't want to hurt his fiance's face in public, so tangled and sullen and cold, not talking, it looks like they are really close and familiar to each other, but they are arguing about the Cold War.

"Go away." Li Nanheng's eyes glanced across the face of General E like a sharp edge.

"Mr. Li." Mr. E's secretary pressed the general attitude of the man Taishan, and said with some difficulty: "Ms. Feng and you are our guests today. It was just a small misunderstanding. It was all my problem. We always did n’t want to worry about the clothes being stained, but I was in a hurry, so I said a few words, do n’t care about such a small role as me ... ”

"Small misunderstanding?" Li Nanheng sneered: "Standing here, it's you, it's you, and it's you who is wrong, who gave you the qualification?"

"This ... Ms. Feng was indeed too cold and arrogant. I was in a hurry, so it was awkward, and I didn't want to ... what did you mean ..." The secretary of General E said stubbornly: "General Li And please don't embarrass me too much ... "

At this time, Feng Ling had also calmed down, and she gave the secretary a slight glance.

Seeing Feng Ling suddenly look at himself, General E's secretary subconsciously hurried back carefully and took a small step, for fear of what Feng Ling said, it seemed that Li Nanheng didn't seem to intend to stop. What to do here.

"One small thing, forget it, I will pay for Mr. E ’s clothes, but Mr. E ’s other requirements are not for me. As for financing, let ’s go back to the financial conference and put it on the table. The banquet was originally It should be a matter of happiness, and everyone should not be disappointed because of my trivial matter. "Feng Ling opened his mouth.

"Ms. Feng has said so, then I think everyone should be as happy as they can, just a small episode, haha." The secretary continued to play round the scene, a little relieved.

Li Nanheng still ignored her, and her cold eyes fell on Feng Ling's body.

"What did E just ask you?"

"..." Feng Ling looked up at him violently, implying with his eyes that he would not expand the matter any more. She wanted to relax, and Feng couldn't stand the storm now. Li's really wasn't afraid of anything. But Feng, who she helped herself up, is now crumbling.

E always stood by, staring at Feng Ling, as if she was afraid that her lips would move, and she really said that she had troubled her just now.

At this time, there was another throbbing, as if the big names in the financial industry had just come over. The people around them immediately turned back towards the other side for more than half, and the air around them seemed to clear a lot. Let Feng Ling's head be clear.

"General Manager Li." Assistant Yu Zheng remembered that Li Nanheng came over to talk to the big boss in the financial industry today. When he saw someone approaching, he stood behind Li Nanheng and whispered to remind him: "We are now, still is……"

As if Li Nanheng didn't hear the words of the assistant, he suddenly sneered and looked at Feng Ling: "Feng Ling, are you determined to be so awkward with me, haven't you?"

Li Nanheng really is always Li Nanheng, no one in his eyes can take care of anyone's eyes and occasions.

Feng Ling clenched his hands into fists, approached him with some difficulty, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "What's the matter, can't you leave here and talk?"

Halfway, she heard the man's soft laughter.

"Want to avoid suspicion?"


"Very good." He said these words lightly, and his eyes like ice finally moved away from her.

Feng Ling's eyes turned directly to his face. Although the man didn't leave immediately, he turned to the crowd that was being crowded over there.

"Mr. Li, fortunately." The big man in the financial industry came forward and shook hands with Li Nanheng enthusiastically. Obviously, he was very old, but because of the good maintenance, he looked pretty bright and full of eyes. Appreciation and enthusiasm for Li Nanheng.

"Fortunately, Mr. Mike." Li Nanheng slightly raised the corner of his mouth. Although the coldness in his eyes had been retracted, there was still a little bit of suffocation, which made his gaze glance at the people next to him. A little bit more.

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