Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1322: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (585)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng went to the front with Mr. Mike to talk about things. Feng Ling was still standing, but when he turned back, he met Li Nanheng's gaze turned suddenly. He looked at her again before leaving, and her dark eyes were on her. Passing by.

Feng Ling deeply felt that this incident was a big oolong tonight. At first, she did not expect that E would always try to see if she had any affection in this inconspicuous way. I did not expect that Li Nanheng would take care of these things, and there was such an unclear relationship between her and Li Nanheng.

In fact, she didn't even expect that this would happen. She listened to the footsteps of the man walking away, turned her head and took a glass of wine to take a sip. With the cool red wine, the anger in the throat got angry. The feeling of smoking was forcibly suppressed.

"Miss Feng, how are you?" Knowing that Feng Ling and Li Nanheng's relationship was not ordinary, those who were still nearby noticed her side, even if they were unfamiliar and unfamiliar, they asked quickly.

Feng Ling held the wine glass in her hand and turned her lips slightly: "It's all right."

"You and President Li ..." The man was curious and hesitant to try to ask something.

"Mr. Li is kidding." Feng Ling didn't want to explain more, sorry to smile at the person, and turned away with the wine glass.

In fact, Li Nanheng is calm and rational in many things, but once she is violated or treated too unkindly by others, no matter how calm and rational he is, he will not be seen in the base or here, even the two are generous. Words will never exist.

He may really be able to do such a thing that he is angry at all the practitioners present in the business district tonight.

In fact, Feng Ling didn't know that he would meet him here tonight, but in the case just now, he repeatedly did not cooperate with him too much, what kind of results will be encountered, and what will be waiting for her.


Although Mr. Mike is old, he is quite a heavyweight at this reception tonight.

What needs to be discussed is the profit relationship and various profiles between the companies. This conversation lasted about half an hour.

Half an hour later, Li Nanheng glanced around the audience, but found no figure of Feng Ling, his eyebrows twisted slightly.

"Unaccompanied." The man left these two characters and turned to leave.


Feng Ling can't just leave like this now. After all, the matter just now hasn't completely ended. If she just left so silently, the biggest influence will be Feng's reputation in the industry.

She didn't have to do anything for herself for a while, and didn't need to face too many interpersonal disputes. She went to the backyard of this mid-level villa and found that there is a huge swimming pool behind. The building is surrounded by a very characteristic European garden .

When coming out, the waiter in the guest room thoughtfully handed her a coat, saying that it was dark and cool outside now, and if you want to go out to ventilate, you should wear extra clothes.

After Feng Ling thanked him, he stood by the pool and looked at the huge blue pool in front of him.

The guests are still talking and laughing in the banquet hall behind. There are few people in the empty space behind. Occasionally, one or two people pass by. They are all just gardeners or maids in this villa. In this villa, there is only so beautiful behind The garden with many lights is also installed in the garden. The night view and lighting in the garden are also perfectly designed. It will not make people feel uncomfortable because it is a mountain, but the environment is good, the air is good, and all aspects are pleasant. Yes, E doesn't have the hobbies of hooking up with various women, this is really a good person.

Feng Ling was standing silently by the pool, and the wind was blowing, bringing up a shallow wave on the pool.

She stared at the shallow ripples on the waves, remembering Li Nanheng's eyes and warnings that had cooled down because she had not cooperated.

Now that she has entered the business world, she has to learn to be alone.

In the past, she did not like to rely on others for everything. Is it necessary to adhere to Li Nanheng now?

As long as he is there, many of the thorny problems she needs to face now will no longer become thorny, and even many of the things she has tried to try to win, he can easily get a word.

This gap is more because she does not want to, she does not want to, she does not accept.

At least he couldn't beat him when he was in the base when he talked with him, but now he still can't beat him.

Sometimes, Feng Ling really wondered whether Li Nanheng added infinite light and color to her life, or added layers of thick shadows.

If she really can't get this one billion financing, it is estimated that even if she is unwilling, in the future, she will only be eaten by Li Nanheng.

Feng Ling stood for a while, preparing to return to the banquet hall.

As she turned, a slender figure stood into her eyes.

The man leaned next to the vine stand in the garden between the villa and the swimming pool. He didn't know how long he had stood there. The lighting design in the garden behind was beautiful and fell on his face, but his face was under the vine stand. In the shadow, I can't see the expression, except that the spark of the cigarette **** that is clearly extinguished between my fingers is always on and off.

If it was Feng Ling who was still in the XI base, as long as he was not pleasing to the eye, he really turned away and didn't even bother to ignore him, and didn't want to say a word.

But Li Nanheng said that he loved her for ten years.

He was almost chopped off from her steaming room in the orphanage, she provoked him with a secret sign made of small stones in the jungle outside the orphanage, and then entered the base. In the years that followed, his shadow always had a place in the battle of her life.

She didn't even think that she would be entangled with this man for so long.

Ten years, life is impermanent. How many decades can there be in life?

She knows her temper too much, is stubborn, careful, can't tolerate sand in her eyes, doesn't like to go back, often stubborn and cold can't stand it.

But Li Nanheng insisted on loving her for so many years, and even there were no messy women around him. Even if he did, he never gave a chance, even a chance to make her jealous.

Although irritated, after all, she didn't want to make the road between the two too difficult, so she made such a bet, either married him, and entangled in life, or separated, and then See also.

Probably really entangled with each other for too long, she did not have that much patience and energy to cultivate the relationship between herself and another person, and even if she really can bear the temper to cultivate, who can enter Got her eyes?

Xiao Ba said that she and Ji Nuan are the same. When she first learned to love, she met one of the best.

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