Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1324: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (587)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling saw someone approaching this area, and immediately hurried with his eyes to signal his release.

Li Nanheng was holding her back: "E always put something on the back of the company's big leaders, temporary high-level pit stocks, although they have the qualifications to talk about financing this time, but the rights are not enough, you might as well please him Please please me more, after all, the big leader of their company grew up in a pair of pants with me since childhood. "

"Wasn't I have no chance of winning here?" Feng Lingjing muttered.

Li Nanheng raised an eyebrow slightly, then smiled meaningfully: "Do you think I will grab you?"

"No." Feng Ling subconsciously retorted: "Even if you don't grab it, someone will reach out and grab it. Now, in this case, my chance of winning is not great."

"It depends on whether you are sensible or not." Li Nanheng's scorching palm pressed against her waist, her eyes deeper than the night behind her. It ’s better to be nice to your good old acquaintances, and maybe I can help you. ”

Feng Ling's eyebrows moved: "Li Nanheng, have you forgotten your appointment with me? Help me?"

"Instead of letting you panic after winning, let you win a game first, at least your heart is mine." Li Nanheng raised an eyebrow and chuckled: "You just stood by the pool for a long time, what you want to do Win in front of me? "


"In fact, you don't have to worry too much. Just smile at me and kiss me. Don't say it is one billion. Even the financing of two billion three billion is the same as your fund channel in minutes." The man said, playing with her long hair: "And I want it, but it's just you."

Feng Ling's face was deviating outward. The man raised her hand and turned her face directly: "Don't turn to the beginning, tell you something serious."

Dare to know that he knew that he was not passing by just now?


"What's your plan for TMing? That's a branch of Feng's. Do you want to take it back?"

"miss you."

"E has had many years of cooperation with Feng Mingyi, and this time the two have definitely known each other."

"I got it."

"How do you want to take back TMing?"

"The legal person behind TMing is still Feng's side. If I want to take it, he can't stand up. It depends on whether I want to target him now." Feng Ling looked at the others passing by.

Li Nanheng squeezed her face and let her go while whispering, "I don't like to be with me like this in front of outsiders? Give you some face, go ahead, the wind is strong outside."


In the banquet hall, Mr. Mike just dealt with a wave of business friends who came up to the cold, and talked with Mr. E for a while. He went to the special VIP lounge to take a break, Mr. E still stayed to continue serve customer.

The old Mr. Mike is not there, and the atmosphere in the banquet hall is a lot more lively. After all, when the senior business man was there, Mr. Mike was a former mentor to many business celebrities. Just now everyone was a little bit convergent. Opened up a bit more, dancing and dancing, drinking and drinking, talking about things, and just now took the opportunity to surround the famous ladies around Li Nanheng are standing on the side, whispering from time to time to talk about the situation, The matter of Li Nanheng's engagement was incredible.

But it ’s nothing wrong to think about it. Li ’s family has always acted cautiously and never disclosed his family affairs. Li Nanheng ’s family business has n’t been around for a long time. In his current age, the engagement is not surprising. Already.

But how do they vaguely remember, where did it seem a few years ago that they heard about the marriage of Li and Feng? There seemed to be a few days in the media, but then the news disappeared out of thin air?

The second lady of the family was still missing? Didn't she return home?

Is there a problem with the news of that year? Or is there an inside story between the two?

Li Nanheng was “halted” halfway to talk about things, and Feng Ling did not follow. Although Li Nanheng gave her a wink to keep her up, she chose to pick up a red wine and raised him a glass. There is no intention to be tied to him.

Li Nanheng lowered his face and was about to come over, but at this moment, Feng Ling only felt that there was a small group of figures on his legs, and the light in the corner of her eyes was a little bit, and she suddenly saw a small boy from under the table frame Rolled out, and then struggled to get up again from the ground, walked to the table with unstable steps, reached out to grab the cake above.

However, there are still many wine glasses and red wine on the table shelf. The child reaches out to grab the upper tablecloth. If he continues to grab it, the tablecloth is pulled down, and the cake and wine glass on it will directly hit the child. .

Feng Ling quickly put down the glass with his swift hands and approached and hugged the little boy.

Li Nanheng's approaching steps, she paused for a moment when she saw an extra child in her arms. The sight of Feng Ling holding the child was inexplicably without any sense of disobedience, even for how cold he could always be. How cold a woman is holding the child now, her eyes are very soft.

"What do you want to eat? Auntie takes it for you. Don't take it by yourself, it's easy to hurt yourself." Feng Ling said as he nodded at the tip of the beautiful little boy's nose, and looked around at the same time, not knowing the child Who brought it here, why didn't he see his parents?

While turning around, I suddenly saw a familiar figure flashing by, but that figure was in a hurry.

Feng Ling smiled.

Wen Leqing?

She looked at the little boy with round eyes in her arms again. This child looked like he was just over two years old. The trimmed neat and cute mushroom head was softly pressed against his forehead. At the same time, he was still struggling to stretch his neck in the direction of the cakes on the table next to him, and said vaguely in his mouth: "Bakery ... Momo wants cakes ..."

This child ...

Feng Ling stared at his face in astonishment, his eyes were similar to Wen Leqing, big and very godlike, but there was a feeling between the eyebrows like Doctor Wen.

Li Nanheng was approaching, glanced at the child in her arms, and was not surprised, saying, "I didn't expect that you would like children."

Feng Ling: "... I saw that he almost pulled the tablecloth off just now, so he hugged it."

Li Nanheng didn't say much, and glanced at the small things in her arms. He picked up a small triangle-shaped cake from the long table next to him and handed it over, looking at the eyes because the cake was sent to the mouth The little boy raised his eyebrows and asked, "Want to eat?"

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