Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1325: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (588)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The little boy nodded with a smile, and looked awfully beautiful: "Eat! Momo want to eat!"

"What's your name?" Li Nanheng didn't hand him the cake immediately, but raised an eyebrow.

Feng Ling frowned: "Li Nanheng, don't look so cold, this child looks very young, you may not understand if you ask him this way."

"I'm two years old and understand." Li Nanheng said lightly: "The simplest expression should always be understandable."

How did he know that the child was two years old?

Feng Ling stopped talking, hugged the child, and looked at the child's face: "Can you understand what your uncle is asking you?"

The little boy looked at the cake, and then looked at Li Nanheng again, suddenly grinning and revealing a few white and cute teeth: "Momo."

"Momo?" Feng Ling just heard what Momo had been saying, and immediately touched his head: "What a lovely and good boy, where are your parents?"

Although there was some suspicion in her heart that the figure suddenly left suddenly, she couldn't believe it for another time.

Wen Leqing and Dr. Wen ...

It's been a long time since I saw him. It's impossible to be a child out of nowhere. What happened between them two or three years ago?

"Did your mother bring you?" Li Nanheng asked again.

The little boy had already answered his own name. When he saw that he still refused to give the cake, he narrowed his mouth, begging his eyes and turned to Feng Ling: "Sister ... momo wants cake, uncle doesn't give ..."

Li Nanheng's expression instantly darkened: "I'm an uncle? She's an older sister?"

Feng Ling stretched out his hand and snatched the cake from his hand: "What are you doing to embarrass a little child? A 30-year-old man, do n’t you call your uncle your brother? Really your brother, are you sorry to answer?"

Li Nanheng: "..."

Feng Ling gave the cake to the little boy. He just put him on a small sofa next to him so that he could eat with peace of mind. At this moment, the mobile phone in her pocket was shaken. He took out the mobile phone and glanced at it. A text message from Wen Leqing who has never met or contacted him.

Wen Leqing knew the new number she was using now?

[Feng Ling, I have an urgent need to leave the United States recently. Please help me take care of my child for a while. His name is Wen Shumo. It is my son. Now he is two years old and one month old. He eats everything and is not picky. I do n’t have any. The way is to know that you will be here tonight, take the opportunity to bring the child over, but I am not convenient to show up, I will explain to you after I come back, trouble. ]

Looking at this text message, Feng Ling turned her eyes again and looked at the little guy who put the cream on the cake before his blink.

Really Wen Leqing's child?

Is he really two years old?

She lowered her phone, and looked back at Li Nanheng, who was also looking at the child, as she looked back: "You know what Wen Leqing is about?"

"I don't know much, but the Wen family and the Li family have been frequent. I have heard about the Wen brothers and sisters in recent years." Li Nanheng said: "After Wen Leqing became pregnant, she hid in Tibet and gave birth to her children. I came down, but there seemed to be something wrong with the Wen family. She has since turned away from Wen Yanhan. The child was also brought by her. Today, she will suddenly send the child here and give it to you. But she didn't show up. There was something force majeure that made her do it herself. "

"So this child ... is really Wen Leqing and Dr. Wen ...?"

"In this appearance, I can't take into account the third person. Didn't you already have the answer just now?" Li Nanheng's frosty eyebrows moved: "But Wen Leqing probably really has no way to go, otherwise how could he hand over the child? Give you."

Feng Ling's eyes glanced at him inexplicably directly: "What is it that would give the child to me otherwise?"

"Will you take the child?"

"If there is anything I can't do, I'll send it to Feng's family. Since she rarely asks me, I can't really send this child to Dr. Wen." Feng Ling said, and then glanced at it again. The little guy who has covered the cream.

It's easy to say, in fact, I have never taken care of the children, and I haven't dealt with children. Feng Ling really doesn't know what to do.

But the children have already been sent over, and she can never push them out.

"It is not a good idea to return to Feng Fang, Wen Wenhan can easily trace the child's whereabouts."

"What happened? Didn't Wen Leqing always love her brother? Now that she has a child, why is she so desperately hiding from him? Even the child is not allowed to see him?"

Li Nanheng only raised her eyebrows and looked at her lightly: "I do n’t have a permanent residence in Washington, but I can temporarily settle my child in the joint venture hotel of Li's here. Without my permission, no one can come near. You can come at any time. With him to take care of him, I can also keep his whereabouts hidden. "

Feng Ling just turned around and sat on the sofa, touching Xiao Momo's head, and listening to Li Nanheng's words, he did not look up at him, but at the same time said in a flat voice: "You're really good at this, two birds with one stone, even I have to Your place to live. "

"I'm not trying to help you find a way?" Li Nanheng said loudly.

Feng Ling was too lazy to care for him, and only asked the waiter passing by for two wet paper towels to help Xiao Momo wipe the cream on his body and the cream on his mouth.

The child couldn't find her mother so far and didn't even cry. She called her sister sweetly. It is estimated that Wen Leqing had told him before letting him in. The child was quite good beside him.

Since Wen Leqing didn't want Wen Yihan to find this child, this place in Washington is not like New York and Los Angeles. She doesn't have any special rights herself. Li Nanheng is indeed the best place to go.

"You go out to work during the day. When I'm busy, I can arrange for bodyguards and accompanying servants to look after him. My people are very tight-lipped." Li Nanheng's eyes were slightly dimmed, there was no other person or child in his eyes, only one sat on the sofa There were some hesitant fissures in his eyes.

It's time to close the net.

If she doesn't collect the net again, she will really escape the habit, and she won't be able to catch it.

"You promise to open a room for him alone, not your own room." Feng Ling slowly said: "This way I can easily go with him."

"What about going to my room?" Li Nanheng raised his eyebrows displeasedly. "I help you keep this child, and you still talk to me about the conditions? You are really relying on me to make concessions to you again and again, I think I really No way to take you? "

"Your daily routine is unhealthy and will affect young children." Feng Ling casually found a reason.

Li Nanheng coldly glanced at her: "Where do I live and work unhealthily?"

"You smoke, it is easy for children to affect the respiratory tract or something." Feng Ling continued to find reasons.

"Oh." Li Nanheng sneered: "You give me one right away, and I promise to quit smoking right away."

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