Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1326: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (589)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling was accustomed to the man's shameless behavior all the time. He glanced directly at him and continued to pull out a wet tissue to wipe the cream on Xiao Momo's face.

Seeing Feng Ling's careful and patient look, Li Nanheng's eyes fell on her very gentle side face again.

"Sister, eat." Xiao Momo clutched a small cherry in the cake with her little hand, raised her hand early and handed it to her mouth.

Feng Ling still remembered that the child was crawling on the ground just now, and her hands were not clean at all. Now she was catching cream, and a red cherry was wrapped in the cream. She glanced down. Looking at the sparkling smile in the child's eyes again, he smiled directly, lowered his head and drew the cherry into his mouth with his little palm: "Okay, I've eaten, please be good, since it is you Your mother asked you to follow me. You have been obedient lately. You want to listen to me, okay? "

"Okay." Xiao Momo nodded strongly, with a little ignorant expression coupled with serious eyes, how to look cute.

Feng Ling touched his little head again, suddenly remembered something, turned around and saw Li Nanheng talking with the celebrities who came near here, and glanced at his silhouette and closed it back. .

In order not to worry Wen Leqing, let's send the child to Li Nanheng.

After all, Wen Leqing also helped himself a lot.


Before leaving Mr. E's reception, Mr. Mike made an appointment with many celebrities present to go to the resort under his name this weekend to relax. Everyone accepted the invitation and went together around the weekend. Of course, Feng Ling and Li Nanheng also Included.

It is also because of Li Nanheng ’s relationship that President E did not dare to take another step closer to Feng Ling. Whenever he appeared within ten meters of Feng Ling, he would immediately receive the bodyguards who were beside Li Nanheng. Come here.

And Yu Zheng was aggressive throughout.

President Li really isn't here to talk about cooperation today? Didn't even come to work?

This is obviously for Miss Feng over there ...

I knew Li always ran over to fall in love. What extra work did he have to do this evening? I knew it would be enough to go home to sleep, and watch the BOSS dog food here.

Although this dog food is unilateral, Ms. Feng almost did not respond very much, but it is enough. After all, Mr. Li is definitely a cold-faced person in the company on weekdays. I did not expect this male teacher in Ms. Feng It was so smooth in front of me.


Leaving E's Mid-levels Villa, Feng Ling drove by herself, Xiao Momo was seated in the co-driver's seat, and she was fastened by a seatbelt. She was sleeping in incense, and the small face of the white and tender fat group, let alone how cute, but because the child was too It was small. The height of the seat belt was right around his neck, so she was afraid to catch him. She drove the car very slowly all the way.

At the same time, the black SUV running alongside her car was also driving very slowly. Yu Zheng didn't know what President Li was doing, but only went with Miss Feng's sister according to his request.

After coming down the mountain, Li Nanheng said: "Go to the Besiding Hotel and show her the way."

"Okay." Yu Zheng nodded, and quickly speeded up the car to the front of Feng Ling's car.

Feng Ling did follow their car behind, and looked at the sleeping little guy from time to time, fearing that there was something uncomfortable about him.

The distance from the foot of the mountain to the Besiding Hotel is about 20 kilometers. The traffic in Washington at this time is very good, and there will be no traffic jams. It will take about 20 minutes.

Feng Ling stopped the car and hugged the little one. Momo ate very well and slept soundly. Pillow was resting on her shoulder and resting in her arms. Did not wake up.

When Yu Zheng got out of the car, I saw that Feng Ling had brought the child back, and Li always seemed to know it. He didn't dare to ask beside him, but when he saw that the child was asleep, he took his own The jacket was taken off and passed over: "Miss Feng, the child is afraid of blowing hair when he is asleep. Put on my jacket."

Feng Ling said thank you after taking it, and then looked at Li Nanheng who had already got off the car at this moment.

The man closed the car door casually, habitually wanted to take a cigarette, looked back at the pair of Feng Ling, hands in his pockets, and then calmly turned his eyes to give Yu Zheng a look: "Go to the top to open a Room, arrange for some people to pass over, let the child stay in there, and then find someone to take care of it. "

"Okay, Mr. Li." I didn't know what to ask, but I didn't dare to ask more. I nodded and hurried in to arrange.

"Go in." Li Nanheng's eyes fell on Feng Ling.

Feng Ling didn't speak, holding Xiao Momo and walking inward, seeing that the little boy holding her hands was unwilling to let go of his hands, Li Nanheng's cold eyebrows moved slightly, and he stretched out his hand to take the child over: "I'll hold. "

As a result, the little guy didn't even know when he woke up. After hearing his words, not only did he not let go, but the two fleshy little arms were wrapped tightly around Feng Ling's neck, and said softly in her arms. "Don't ... I want my sister to hug ..."

Li Nanheng looked at Feng Ling's expression that was being held around the neck of the little boy but smiled, and his face was unpleasantly black: "Smelly boy."

Feng Ling went all the way to Li Nanheng's arranged room without holding his hand all the way. He did not expect that Li Nanheng, although looking like a domineering and indifferent man, carefully arranged for a child parent-child suite. There are two beds, one big, one small, and a simple slide that children like to play. There are some colored poles and a small horse in the corner.

Feng Ling put Momo down, and the little thing excitedly moved around in the room and ran to play the topic by himself, just because he was too young and a bit clunky, but obviously Wen Leqing should take him to the playground After playing it, he knew how to play, and after a few slides, he was excited and ran to hold the building blocks and not let go.

Watching the child happy, Feng Ling also felt that he had not let down Wen Leqing's rare opening.

"Satisfied?" Li Nanheng stood in front of the door, arms around his chest, and glanced at the little boy's chaos in the room.

Yu Zheng listened and watched, thinking that Li Li could really break all the precedents for this Miss Feng. He obviously hated children very much, and didn't even have the patience to coax any child, but it could be because A word from Miss Feng took the child to his place.

Feng Ling glanced back at him: "Well, satisfied, it would be even more satisfying if you could not show up when I was here with him."

Li Nanheng Lengheng: "Crossing the river to tear down the bridge, the beauty you want."

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