Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1327: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (590)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

I knew he would n’t do as she wished, and Feng Ling did n’t talk nonsense with him, just looking at Xiao Momo over there, taking a picture of the child playing happily, sitting down and playing with his mobile phone, Then he sent the photo to Wen Leqing.

I did not receive a reply within a few minutes after sending it. I guess Wen Leqing should not have time to look at the phone now. Feng Ling put down the phone and continued to look at Xiao Momo, and his mouth was ticked upward.

It was already late at night when I returned from the reception banquet of the Mid-levels Villa, and it was now almost eleven o'clock in the night. Xiao Momo lay on the wooden horse and fell asleep after playing for a while. He did not even take a shower. Feng Ling was originally I wanted to call him to help him take a bath and sleep, but I went to see the cute little face of the child when he was asleep, and then looked at him like a doctor and Wen Leqing, just reached He wanted to awaken his hand, and gradually closed his hand back. Instead, he turned into a baby, put it on a soft big bed, covered him with a quilt, and sat on the bed watching the little boy sleep soundly. It seemed warm and comfortable to follow for no reason.

Children's world is great.

After watching it for a while, Feng Ling got up, and the moment she turned around, she almost bumped into the man's arms. She took a step backwards and hit her on the edge of the bed just behind her legs. Fortunately, her habit of training for many years made her go off the market. She has always been very stable, so that she won't fall back on the bed. She glanced up and stared directly at his face: "Why haven't you left?"

"I said I was leaving?"

"Then I'll go back first. Tomorrow the company has something to do. The matter of TMing still needs to be dealt with. Xiao Momo will give it to you temporarily." With that, she turned around and went out from the side.

The man stretched out his arms and took her directly into his arms. "It's too late, just sleep here and go back tomorrow morning."

"No, I have to go back to the company. Our company in Washington is temporary, and we have to go back to New York after getting the financing. Many things require me to see." Feng Lingdan said: "You also know that I take over At that time, the entire company had collapsed, so it was difficult to reintegrate so many scattered large and small companies, and we need to keep an eye on it. After all, problems will occur in every subsidiary or small department, I ... "

"How many days haven't you slept since you came to Washington?" As if the man didn't hear her, he looked down at her face.

Feng Ling's tone paused.

"You know my temper. I didn't let you go. You ca n’t get away if you want to leave. It ’s better to take a bath and go to bed early if you have trouble. If you have time in the morning, you can drive back by yourself. Drag racing will take you back, it will not delay you anything. "The man's hand just wrapped around her waist, and there was nothing else that would make her angry, meanwhile the cold eyebrows slightly raised:" Or change another way , I help you undress and bath, stare at you to sleep, sleep with you? "

Feng Ling first said nothing, and then let go of the hand that was between him and her body, which showed that she did not want to waste time tangling and pulling here, and chose to compromise.

Li Nanheng then let go of her, and the following chin pointed to the direction of the bathroom: "Go to take a shower."

Feng Ling didn't say much and went straight into the bathroom.

After simply taking a bath, wearing a bathrobe and coming out, you can directly see the fruit tray and some simple snacks on the coffee table opposite the suite sofa.

She didn't eat much at the banquet before, and she drank only two glasses of red wine. Although she was not drunk, she would not be comfortable sleeping on an empty stomach.

Li Nanheng had already left, and there was only Xiao Momo in the room sleeping on the bed.

Feng Ling looked at the direction of the coffee table, first went to get the phone, then sat down on the sofa, and looked at the phone while eating the fruit plate and snack plate, Wen Leqing's reply text message was sent five minutes ago .

Wen Leqing: [Ha ha, thanks! He likes to play slides very much. He can't feel tired if he can play alone in the afternoon. If you are especially busy, you can let him play this way. He won't bother you. ]

Feng Ling smiled and returned to her: [It's okay, I'm not afraid to be disturbed. When I am really busy, I will give it to others to take care of me. Anyway, you can rest assured. ]

Wen Leqing did not reply again. Feng Ling put down her mobile phone and continued to eat. There were two flavors of small cakes in the snack plate. One was the blueberry flavor she had always liked to eat, and the other was the creamy yellow flavor. She was in Britain. A taste that suddenly fell in love with that year.

Li Nanheng even knew this.

Feng Ling watched the time while eating the little cake. It was not early, and he would return to the company tomorrow. After taking a few bites, he turned and brushed his teeth, and climbed directly to the bed to hug Xiao Momo to sleep.

The child's body has a taste that the adult does not have. It is very light and faint, but it is inexplicably lethargic, as if the entire world is softened by the child's breathing, and it is also soft with the heart. .


Early the next morning, Feng Ling drove back to the company.

I just felt wrong when I arrived at the company.

Not many people came to Washington with her, but almost everyone had dark clouds on their faces, and it seemed that something unpleasant had happened.

When I walked into the office, I suddenly saw the LCD screen hanging above the office, located in front of the Feng's head office in New York. A live broadcast truck of each major TV station downstairs leaked the entire water around the road. The lively crowd is also increasing.

Feng Ling looked at the scene on the screen and heard the office door open again, Qin Shuke walked in.

"You're back? If you didn't send me a message and reported a peace last night, I would really take the police to find you. You didn't even come back last night." Qin Shuke said as well as Looking at the scene in the LCD screen: "The current state of affairs in New York is a bit overwhelming. After we came to Washington, we didn't know who started to rumour inside the company that Feng was targeted by the US financial circle. It also said that the company was about to lay off a large number of employees, coupled with the withdrawal of orders and stocks. Now all employees at all levels of the company are at risk, and some have been incited to say ... "

Hearing the hesitation in Qin Shuke's words, Feng Ling's eyebrows jumped: "What do you want to say?"

I don't need to think about this news, but I know it must be Feng Ming's ghost. TMing is so afraid of being taken back by Feng's. Do you want to destroy Feng's first?

Shake the staff first, it really is a good move.

"After being instigated by several unstable mindsets, he said that he would jump off the building and threaten President Feng, letting you give up the decision to lay off staff." Qin Shuke said, sighing: "This is really wrong, Feng's Although the state has not been very good in recent years, it has never happened in such a way. "

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