Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1328: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (591)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling listened, but said nothing, but just looked at the situation on the display and the live broadcast.

A few minutes later, she said, "Shu Ke, go and send a notice in my name to the company in New York to let all employees suspend their current work and turn on the computer in the office before work. I have important information. Things are announced. "

After speaking, Feng Ling looked at the Feng's office building in New York on the display screen. His voice was calm and calm, and even Qin Shuke, who was a little upset, also calmed down.

"Okay." It wasn't the first day that she followed her. Qin Shuke Xiangling Ling. This is a solution to the problem. He didn't say much and turned to work directly.


The chaos on the Feng's Building and the live jumping of the building are being broadcast on TV.

Originally, it was just a case where company employees wanted to jump and threaten high-rises. This kind of thing happened frequently in various cities, countries, and areas. It was not worth getting so much attention. All the television media has been launched over New York to relay the news.

Li Nanheng sat in the office and looked at the scene without any changes on his face.

"Boss, do you want me to send someone from New York to go there?" Xiao Xu stood aside and looked in a low voice before asking.

"No, if this little thing is not handled by Feng Ling herself, she won't integrate a company in just a few months." Li Nanheng said, turning to look at the remaining dispute on the other side: " To monitor the movement of TMing, there is no need to intervene in Feng ’s affairs. The people in TMing are going to keep an eye on me. So far, do n’t let them have any chance to intervene. ”

Yu Zheng nodded and left.

"Feng Mingyi really doesn't take Feng Ling seriously. In this way, he wants to force Feng Shi to destroy him. Since he wants to turn Feng Shi into his own bag, this stupid method is not to hurt the enemy. One thousand hurts eight hundred? "Xiao Xu muttered.

Li Nanheng didn't talk anymore, just watching the broadcast on the TV like a bombardment. It was clear that if no one was in the middle of the mix, things would not have developed to such a degree.

If Feng Ling couldn't find a way to solve TMing for a while, he didn't mind killing TMing before her attention turned to Feng Mingyi.

But Feng Ling's bones are too strong. If she is willing to accept his shot, it will only matter. If the key is that he shot, she will know the matter someday. Don't guess or think about it, she will definitely not thank him more, but will scold He had a problem with IQ. After all, he was the one who forced her to return to her family, and he was the one who forced her to grow up, but he even tried to help her in the process of growing up. Think about it, she would never give him any good looks.


"Mr. Feng, should we ask someone to suppress the media side first?" There are several executives who are here with Feng Ling, who are trying to find a way out, but now this situation, they are too far away from New York. Far beyond reach.

Looking at Feng Ling sitting behind the desk, several loyal senior officials who have been in the company for many years have seen the dark green seal in her hand, and they all know that it was when Mr. Feng gave the company power to her in person In her hands, this seal symbolized Feng's future and fell on Feng Ling.

"Things in the media are not so stressful." Feng Ling said in a deep voice. There was no tension in Bai Jing's face, not to mention if at this time, he only chose to suppress the media instead of solving the problem, it would only be the surface. Kung fu, the people inside the company are still uneasy, and the company's image is also seriously damaged, but in vain.

Putting his hand on the dark green emerald seal, Feng Ling had sorted out his mood and stood up.

In front of Qin Shuke's prepared video camera connected to the New York company, just across from it, countless media reporters also stood with the company's employees.

The media over there soon discovered that Feng Ling appeared. Immediately, countless shots were directed at Feng Ling in the monitor far from Washington. As for the staff on the scene, no one cared about the situation on the field. They only cared about whether it was Lay off, will you be unemployed?

"Transfer my shot to the staff member on the rooftop who wants to jump off the building." Feng Ling faced the camera, his tone was very cold, and after the voice fell, there was no one on this side and the person far away in New York for a while. .

After a while, someone came over and hurried to the rooftop with a removable display.

The jumping employee was very excited, shouting that Feng Ling had recently gone to Washington, but did not stay in New York. It must be because the company had a problem and her means were too low to cope with it. So she hid in Washington and left them. Suffering, screaming and screaming, the excitement has never stopped.

"I am indeed in Washington. Although I can only face you in this way, at least this is also the opportunity for the employees below you to face the head of the company. What I want to say, I give you the opportunity to say, so face to face with me. Say, do you want to jump down to see King Yan? Or do you want to take a few steps back and communicate with me? Communicate as a normal person? "Feng Ling's clear voice came from the monitor, and those reporters who could also see Feng Ling They are all listening carefully.

The cool wind blows from the rooftop, and the emotional staff stood a little shaky.

Who wants to die?

No one wants it.

What I wanted was for people at the top of the company to hear their voices. Although Mr. Feng is not in New York, it is at least a face-to-face approach.

The staff member swallowed: "Feng's condition has not been very good in the past few years, but we veterans have worked hard here and insisted on working here, and never thought of changing jobs. So many people want to dig us, we I did n’t want to leave, but you have just been in the office for a few months, and now say that layoffs will lead to layoffs? Are you trying to force our old employees to die? "

The staff member said with red eyes, and the mood that had stabilized seemed to be agitated a lot.

"When did I say I would lay off staff?"

Feng Ling's expression was very light, and the staff on the rooftop looked stunned.

Feng Ling is very calm. Every word of her is quiet and a little bit makes people have to believe the sharpness of the truth in her words. Two characters? I ’m curious who came up with this rumor. You also know that Feng ’s condition has been bad in the past few years, but now the company has been going uphill and falling to a trough. I haven't thought about layoffs. At this stage of rising, a stage where a lot of manpower is needed, will I lay off staff? "

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