Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1334: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (597)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling sneered, and he nodded his arm that had just been wrapped up: "Just if you are injured like this now, or your right arm, you won't be able to beat me if you hit me now. Who do you think you are? You don't even have a point of borrowing. I can knock you down three or two times. "

"Really? I haven't seen it for a long time, and you've knocked me down to try now?" The man bowed his head, leaning closer to her.

Feng Ling raised his hand and pushed his forehead: "I'm serious with you, don't be so close."

"I'm not serious?" Li Nanheng raised his eyebrows, and suddenly glanced at the bed outside the bathroom with a pointed look: "Otherwise, what do you think I mean? What do you want?"

"Li Nanheng!" Feng Ling looked at him coldly.

The man raised an eyebrow: "Well, I'm listening."

Feng Ling didn't want to talk to him anymore, and lowered his head to help him tie the gauze well. He was sure that this was much better, and he would not open the gauze because he was putting on and taking off his clothes back and forth, and then he looked up: "OK , Be careful not to touch the water yourself. "

When she turned, she had to take out the shirt in the pool. As a result, the long hair covering her body suddenly did not know how to hook the two buttons in front of the shirt on his body, and she turned around sharply. Suddenly I felt a pain, and then I paused and looked back in surprise. Li Nanheng immediately lowered his head and glanced: "How did it get stuck?"

Feng Ling also glanced at her at this moment and saw that her strands of hair were entangled in the buttons of his shirt. She hurried back and took a step back. As a result, the retreat hit the man's arms and she lifted up. Hurrying to pull the hair down, Li Nanheng raised her hand and held her hand at the same time: "Don't, don't pull so hard, the hair should be broken."

I have known Feng Ling for so many years, this is the first time because of her hair that this kind of thing happened. Li Nanheng did n’t know whether to cry or laugh. His right arm was inconvenient, so he could only lift his left hand to try to untie it. She tangled her hair: "Wait a minute, don't move, I'll come."

Feng Ling had to stand still, feeling that the man's hands were carefully untangling her hair, but after a few minutes there was no effect, she turned her head to look again, but because of her turning movement, Li Nanheng frowned suddenly: "Tell you not to mess around! I just want to untie it, and this movement is tight!"

Feng Ling: "..."

It ’s not convenient for her to turn her head like this. Her hair is not too long even if she is tangled. She turns her head like this and can only see the entangled position with the light of the corner of her eye, but she wants to turn around. It's actually difficult to walk around and untie it yourself, unless she is completely in his arms, but even if it is really pasted, she can't even raise her hands to solve it.

The man frowned, his left hand was not as flexible as his right hand, so she suddenly turned around and tightened the tightly loosening hair end again, this time it seemed to be a knot.

"Can it be undone in the end? If it doesn't work, it will be forgotten." Feng Ling frowned as he saw that he had solved it for a long time.

"It's not necessary." Li Nanheng lowered his head carefully and said, "I'm so distressed to break such a beautiful hair."

"Then you really don't need it. Normal people lose dozens of hairs on average every day. No matter how good my hair is, I'm a normal person. Do you still feel bad every day?" Feng Ling said as he reached out to pick up The little scissors that cut the gauze just now handed him: "Cut that strand straight."

Li Nanheng didn't even look at the scissors she handed, she only said, "No."

Feng Ling glanced at him: "Did you mean it?"

The man still lowered his head and carefully interpreted her hair and said, "Hair grows on you, how can I do it on purpose?"

Feng Ling: "..."

She didn't talk anymore, anyway, sooner or later, it was going to be untied, and she stood still and let him do it.

It's just that her hair is wavy and curly now, so it would be easy to knot it by accidentally winding it around his button. Li Nanheng didn't want to break her hair. It took ten minutes to come and go to untie one. , And there is a tighter winding on top, he continued to solve.

Just then, the outside door was knocked suddenly, and the voice of the dispute came from the outside: "Mr. Li, Mr. Mike is here. He is outside and says he wants to see you."

Mr. Mike?

Come at this time?

Feng Ling's heart jumped. This Mr. Mike is a big figure in the American business circle. The key is that she is not familiar with him. It is estimated that Mr. Mike just heard some gossip about her and Li Nanheng, but people of his age are right These rumors are not very heart-warming, but if she sees Li Nanheng in the bathroom dragging in the bathroom now, will she mingle in the business world in the future?

She hurried to tear the strand of hair and saw her motive. Li Nanheng twisted her eyebrows and pressed her motion: "You are too late to go out now, don't pull it."

Feng Ling turned to look at him, frowning and lowering his voice, asking, "What now?"

"It doesn't matter what I see. I'm unmarried, you're not married, and I've been told that I'm your fiance, what are you afraid of?" The man took it for granted.

Feng Ling glared at him: "I don't want to be seen!"

"Then hide it." Li Nanheng heard the door sound, and immediately put down the spare shower curtain above the bathroom while pushing Feng Ling in. Then he stood outside the curtain and continued to lower his hair to untie her hair. .

"How to hide this way?" Feng Ling is unknown, but the person has entered behind the curtain, and his body is blocked by the curtain. Only a strand of hair has been pulled on his button, but the man's body also blocked this side, facing away. The direction outside the bathroom should not be seen.

After all, this is Mr. Mike's place. The aftermath is just a knock on the door to know, and it is hard to say too much to block.

Mr. Mike has come in.

Hearing the footsteps outside and Mr. Mike's smiling voice, Feng Ling became strangely nervous for a while.

If only two people talked well in the room, it would n’t be a problem, but now Li Nanheng ’s shirt has not been fastened and her clothes are untidy. And in the bathroom like this, the hair is tangled, and it looks more ambiguous.

Especially now she is still hiding behind the curtain in this bathroom. In this case, if it is found, there may not be any moth.

She looked around the bathroom from side to side, but there was nowhere else behind the curtain.

"Don't mess around." Li Nanheng drank in a voice that only she could hear, and continued to fight on his buttons with his fingers.

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