Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1335: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (598)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling had to stop moving until Mr. Mike had walked outside the bathroom door, and Feng Ling was tense all over.

Just at this moment, Li Nanheng pulled the button on his shirt with a force, Feng Ling's hair returned to freedom instantly, she took a step back into the curtain, and the curtain was densely blocked.

Li Nanheng also turned to look at the person outside the bathroom door at this moment, still holding the button that had just been pulled off.

Mr. Mike looked at Li Nanheng with a surprised look: "What's wrong?"

"Some minor injuries, I just wrapped it up." Li Nanheng looked calm and indifferent, as if there was nothing behind the curtain that was separated by one layer. He turned around and walked out. At the same time, he dragged the neckline of his shirt at will: "I do n’t wear clothes in my left hand. It's too convenient. I just put on my shirt, but the button was scratched on a hook in the bathroom, so I was torn off, and I had to change it again later, trouble. "

Mr. Mike knew this now: "It turns out that, then you change clothes first."

Li Nanheng Dan gave a reply, turned around and fetched another shirt and changed it directly. During the period, Mr. Mike asked if he could help, Li Nanheng smirked: "It's all right, don't use it."

Feng Ling frowned while listening behind the curtain. What's so strong about this? It was inconvenient for the left hand to let Mr. Mike help him to wear it. The old gentleman didn't mind, he could not get on himself.

After listening for a while, I suddenly heard that Li Nanheng closed the bathroom door in Wan Nanshun.

It ’s okay to close it, so that she wo n’t be too stiff inside. He heard the footsteps of men going further and further away. His room is quite large, and there are several suites suitable for drinking and talking about things. I guess I went there. .

Feng Ling came out from behind the curtain and affixed to the door of the bathroom for a while, hesitated not to leave now, but if in case he went out and bumped into Mr. Mike, or Mr. Mike's secretary assistant or something out there ...

Forget it.

She looked back at the shirt in the sink and simply took advantage of the sound insulation in the bathroom. She walked over and washed the shirt.

Although this high-end shirt cannot be washed, it has been soaked in water anyway, and it can't be taken out with water. Wash it again, otherwise there is nothing to do.

Qin Shuke texted her and asked her if she had rested. Feng Ling replied that she was outside, not in the room, and what she would like to eat for dinner later, she would contact the kitchen in the resort area.

Qin Shuke then sent a photo of her fitness gym in the resort area. Many young and handsome guys who were exercising there were there. She took a few long and handsome photos. Send it to her: [I didn't expect that the big men in these business districts invited by Mr. Mike were not all old men with various bald beer belly, and there were so many handsome little brothers. ]

Feng Ling glanced silently and returned one: [You fancy ghost, don't want your little brother Ak? ]

[A K is on a mission all day, busy in the base, really straight guy is terrible, I texted him to ask him to come out to eat when I was free, he was embarrassed, too boring, although it has a face value, but Not suitable for me! ]

[How can there be so many interesting men? ]

[Yes, yes, look at this! ]

Qin Shuke sent another back photo of a young man: [Is this handsome? ]

Feng Ling: [Just a back, do you ask me if he is handsome? ]

[I've seen the front, but he's talking to someone with his back to me now, and I'm not good to go ahead and shoot it, right? Qin Shuke then issued: [I heard that it seems to come from China. It seems to be the current owner of the Lingxiao Group. What is Xiao ... Xiao is here. I heard him talking to the celebrities. Feeling This man is so charming, he just doesn't know if he's married ...]

Lingxiao Group?

Feng Ling was holding her cell phone for a moment, as if remembering something: [Xiao Luye? ]

[Ah, ah, yeah, yeah, this little brother's way is wild, the name is so wild, hahaha, and he obviously doesn't seem to be very easy to contact, but what he said is very funny, I think he has something! ]

Feng Ling sighed. Wasn't this person who Ji Nuan had a message with her and quietly discussed, suspecting her own brother.

Later, it seemed that he was indeed a real brother.

It is said that the Prince of the Xiao family is not a good master. He has a bad temper. The key is, how does she remember that there is a contradiction between the Prince of the Xiao family and Qin Shiting?

[Control point, don't dare anyone. ] Feng Ling could only say something to her like this.

[Ouch, rest assured, I'm doing it. ]

Qin Shu's reliable spectrum?

Little idiot who can't move when he sees a good-looking man.

Feng Ling was inward.


Mr. Mike was sitting here for about an hour with Li Nanheng, and I did n’t know what they were talking about. Feng Ling had nothing to do in the bathroom. He just took out his mobile phone and played various mini games that Qin Shu could help her download. She had never played these before, and thought it was very simple, but found that she knew nothing, and she couldn't even get through the various levels behind.

She was using her cell phone to jump up hard, and failed again and again. Suddenly the bathroom door was opened. The first thing Li Nanheng saw when she opened the door was the indifferent Fengling in the usual days. Squatting in the bathroom, holding a mobile phone and playing mini games, the key is also playing very hard.

The man's good-looking brow bone was raised upwards. Seeing that she hadn't noticed her coming in, she walked directly over and leaned behind her: "Press left, left, up, right, left, or left, right! This time change Right! Right, right, that's it, keep your fingers pressed, don't let go, right ... "

Feng Ling jumped up and down according to Li Nanheng's instructions, until the word finally cleared was displayed on the mobile phone. She exhaled a long breath while sulking, and suddenly rolled her eyes, almost hitting the man's chin.

Li Nanheng was leaning down and looking down at her, so suddenly he turned his head and looked up close. The man raised his eyebrows. Feng Ling quickly got up, but squatted for a long time, and her legs were squatting. Reached out, put the phone back in the small pocket of your clothes while holding your figure, and then looked sideways: "Mr. Mike gone?"


"Then I should go."

Feng Ling's eyes glanced at his arm again. He is now wearing a shirt and can't see the gauze inside, but now he should not touch the water again, and there is no big movement, she directly from He turned around and walked outward.

As a result, when the man stepped out two or three steps, the man stretched out his long arm and grabbed her directly with the injured arm. He took her directly back, Feng Ling noticed his arm, and did not dare to subconsciously. Go to work, only subconsciously quickly stabilized the body almost hit back into his arms, and turned to look at him.

Li Nanheng lowered his eyes, and looked at her up close because of this half-carrying posture: "It is already dinner time, stay and have a meal together before leaving?"


(Looking at Feng Ling's hair playing so hard, do you have a monthly ticket before you go?)

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