Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1338: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (601)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng hugged her directly, and was about to kiss someone. Then suddenly the landline bell rang in the room.

He paused, feeling Wen Xiang nephrite in his arms, panting heavily, and black eyes locked on Feng Ling's face.

She seemed to be a little embarrassed, but her eyes instantly cleared because of the phone ringing, her hands quickly pressed on his shoulders, and she quickly backed away and stood up.

Li Nanheng exhaled a long breath, the handsome face was extremely dark at the moment, and he went directly to pick up the phone and said in a fretful voice: "Say."

The resort staff on the opposite side of the phone heard the badness in his tone and hesitated for a moment, then said carefully: "Mr. Li, Mr. Li, the meals and red wine in your room are ready. Will they be delivered now or will you come to The restaurant? "

Hearing the word red wine, Li Nanheng's discomfort was cut a little: "Send it over."

"Okay, I'll send it right away to disturb you, Mr. Li." The other party hung up the phone carefully after speaking.

Li Nanheng hung up the phone at the same time, and then sighed again. He looked down at a place where he was still arrogant, and turned his head to look behind him, only to see Feng Ling as if nothing had happened. Over there, pick up the ironing machine, turn on the switch, and lower your head to continue ironing.

Didn't run?

Li Nanheng raised his eyebrows, removed the slightly surprised eyes, recovered his gaze, turned back to the bathroom, and simply washed his face with cold water.

Someone knocked on the door a few minutes later, Yu Zheng and the food delivery staff came together. The food cart pushed by the staff was prepared with the dishes that Li Nanheng and Feng Ling usually liked, and they were at the same time. There are two bottles of red wine from the past nine years. If you want red wine to be older, there will be more than nine years. You need to order it for more than eight years. This is not bad.

Li Nanheng nodded and signaled that they could go out.

The staff and Yu Zheng's eyes did not dare to lean over Feng Ling's body over there, they all retreated silently with their eyes, nose and nose.

Li Nanheng glanced at the dining car again: "After all, people who have lived together for too many years, and know each other's tastes so well, only you and me."

Feng Ling just turned off the switch of the ironing machine, picked up the ironed clothes, heard his words, raised his eyes and glanced over there, and saw what was eaten in the dining car, and realized that he was in Say what.

"Don't you say you want to eat together? There must be something you and I can eat." She did not avoid the topic, and instead hung her clothes up again: "Ironed it, the next time you wear it Try it, you can continue to wear it. If you can't wear it, you can dispose of it yourself. "

"You ironed it yourself, you can also wear it." The man pushed the dining car to the table, and set the plate of food inside.

Feng Ling also helped in the past. After putting it all together, Li Nanheng directly and very happy opened a bottle of red wine. In order to prevent Feng Ling from realizing his intention to intoxicate him, at first he just poured a small glass for her and said "Taste, how is it?"

When Feng Ling saw that the red wine was just the bottom of a glass, he picked it up and drank it. After tasting, he said, "It's delicious."

"Really?" Li Nanheng poured a glass for himself, tasted it, it was really good, and then asked her: "Anyway?"

Feng Ling glanced at him: "You ordered two bottles and asked me if I wanted to?"

The man laughed, but it was the girl who could never escape his routine and poured her a half cup directly. At the same time, she carefully said, "Drink slowly, don't drink too fast."

Feng Ling didn't say anything. She sat down and picked up the tableware. Without much talk, she ate directly.

Li Nanheng didn't say much. The whole dinner was very calm. The taste of these dishes was good, and the taste was both of them. Two bottles of wine. Li Nanheng drank a lot by himself. Feng Ling saw that he was never drunk. It seems that, according to his drinking volume, this degree is indeed not easy to get drunk, but her drinking volume ...

But this wine is really delicious.

It may be that although the amount of alcohol is not good, the more you want to control yourself from drinking, the more you can't help it when you encounter this delicious red wine.

Li Nanheng knew that Feng Ling had a bad amount of alcohol but would drink alcohol. She never urged her to drink it. She sat there alone and drank slowly. During this period, Feng Ling took it and poured two glasses for her, two glasses. Afterwards, she seemed to be in self-control. She hadn't touched it for a long time, but when she saw that the wine had been drunk by Li Nanheng for most of the time, she still couldn't help but poured another glass. She drank slowly, as if she knew she could not eat too much sugar But I really want to eat, because I'm afraid that eating too much is not good, so the children who can only eat in small sips are cute, which makes Li Nanheng feel like he's heartbreaking.

It wasn't until Feng Ling drank almost half of the two bottles, she realized that she seemed to drink a lot, and that the bottle of red wine was not small, and the capacity inside was also quite large.

Immediately she put down her glass and did not dare touch it, she turned to drink soup.

Li Nan Hengjing sat opposite her, still eating and drinking, so she kept watching her quietly.

Feng Ling's face didn't know whether it was drinking or the soup was too hot. After a while, his face became red. Suddenly he put down the tableware and stood up and said, "I'm done, I'm going back."

Li Nanheng was still sitting in place, watching her posture of turning and walking quietly with her arms around her chest, walking in a very accurate direction, directly toward the doorway, her steps were smooth, and the video was somewhat straight.

The man raised an eyebrow: "Feng Ling."

"Um." Feng Ling didn't look back, his footsteps didn't stop, and people were almost approaching the door.

"How old are you this year?" The man asked suddenly.

Feng Ling had to leave, but was suddenly asked by his question, and immediately stopped, as if she was very serious about remembering how old she was.

Seeing her standard drunkenness again, Li Nanheng's mouth angle deepened, stood up, and walked slowly, just standing behind her, looking down at the way she thought about her meditation there, and then looked again Her clear eyes looked straight at the wall.

"Twenty ..." Feng Ling thought for a long time: "Twenty-three or twenty-four ..."

"Well, it will be the twenty-fourth birthday soon." The man whispered, "So don't leave me cold anymore, let's spend the rest of our lives together, can you please?"

Feng Ling stood there for a long time, but put down his hand without talking.

Li Nanheng raised her eyebrows and looked at her again, but when she saw the little girl's expression turned upset suddenly, Li Nanheng raised her eyebrows with her unconscious but bright eyes staring: "How?"

"I didn't freeze you."

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