Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1339: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (602)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!


"I'm just angry."

"Well, when can I get deflated?"

The drunk little girl proudly turned her head: "I don't know, it doesn't go away anyway."

Li Nanheng hooked her lips, raised her hand and touched her small white face: "You have been angry for a long time. I was just thinking about solving the problem early, but I did not expect that the quick-decision way would turn you on. The injury was not minor, and I also blame myself, but am I not coming out with you now? "

Feng Ling ignored him.

Li Nanheng still touched her face with her hand: "Tell me, what can I do to get rid of you?"

Feng Ling stood still, but slightly lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

Looking at her serious thinking, Li Nanheng stood in front of her while tugging her chin with her hand, blocking her way, and felt funny at the same time.

After Feng Ling was drunk, as long as she was not drunk, she usually looked like she hadn't changed anything when she was awake. But in fact, every time she looked her state was obviously different. For example, she had sharp eyes. At this time, it is very quiet and peaceful, not too dull, but it seems to have restored her own nature, a very peaceful look, and her expression is also non-aggressive, his eyes will look at him, he will wink at him, Although he sometimes loses his temper, at least he will not pretend to be cold.

In particular, when Feng Ling opened her eyes, her eyes were very clear, her pupils were black and bright, and her eyes were often cold, which made her like to look at her. After closing her eyes, her face The outline is much softer, as if it is a little fairy sleeping, and quiet and clear as if it cannot be violated.

But the more so, I think of the situation after Feng Ling was drunk, especially that time in Cambodia, that time ...

Li Nanheng's heart seemed to have an inexplicable and secretive excitement. Somehow he had a premonition that he could see a little cute side of Feng Ling again. He pulled the person back to the sofa and sat next to her with patience. Waiting for her to say a way to calm her down.

But Feng Ling finally sat next to himself so obediently that it was absolutely impossible for Li Nanheng to do nothing. He would be happy unless he had to do something. He reached out and wanted to hold someone in his arms. Feng Ling sat there. Move, as if still struggling to think of countermeasures that can let her breath away.

After a long time, until the man had gone too far to kiss her auricle and kiss her ears, she whispered, "The mall is really too difficult to mix. I don't feel like I am It ’s too suitable for this circle. Although Feng ’s life is maintained, it ’s not so well maintained outside, especially for financing. It ’s difficult. ”

"Huh? How difficult?" Li Nanheng's hand patted lightly on her shoulder, looking down at the obedient little woman who was embraced in her arms, watching her, who was not resisting, Ren Jun picked Look, smile at the corner of his mouth.

"I can learn a lot of business knowledge, and learn how to manage a company, but I ca n’t learn to smile at others, and I ca n’t learn the methods of interpersonal communication. I heard that some partners like it Touch the female partner's fart. Share, "Feng Ling said solemnly:" Although I have never seen such a scene, I have never seen it in Ji Nuan, Ji Nuan's emotional intelligence is high, she usually avoids such things, And those partners who have bad habits will not cooperate, but she has that capital, but I do n’t have it. Even if I know that the partner is not good, I must come to talk about financing, but obviously people have already come, but I still ca n’t put my face down and keep losing smiles. I find it really difficult. "

After speaking, Feng Ling turned to look at him with some grievances in his eyes: "You shouldn't let me leave the base. I don't have a way back now, and I don't like mixed business circles. I want to be myself."

Li Nanheng looked so cold as her eyebrows moved. She patted her shoulders and then lifted them. She gently stroked her head in comfort.

If he hadn't seen everything for a long time, he wouldn't have hurry to come over to accompany her to Washington.

"I know, but Feng's family cannot be destroyed. This is your only home. Your parents are not here. If you are not willing to resist these heavy burdens, I can accompany you to resist. You only need to bear the title of Feng's name. Enough, I can help you with everything, but you do n’t want to. ”The man patiently said in her ear,“ It ’s too late, as long as you are willing to nod, I can help you with all the things you do n’t like. You can do it yourself, no one dares to force you, even me. "

"But grandpa and grandma have high hopes for me." Feng Ling lowered his eyes. "They are like you, hoping that I can be a towering tree for Feng Family."

"You can think like this, and have high hopes for you just to support the family with your own ability, then if you change your thinking, you can find a good husband by your own ability. Is the result the same? The two of them will not be disappointed, and at the same time they can solve your life's affairs, they must be very happy. "The man followed her in her ear.

Feng Ling frowned.

"Did you understand what I said?" Li Nanheng asked in her ear with a smile in her eyes.

Feng Ling nodded and shook his head, just sitting quietly there.

Li Nanheng continued to join her and said, "So, think about it. As long as the two of us are married, the Feng family and the Li family are really connected. If there is Li family, who would dare to treat the Feng family? Who dares to make you smile at those partners who have bad habits? With me here, you can grow like this tree, and be exposed to the sun in front of me, but you have to be angry with me, myself Grow hard in the crevices of the cold canyon, do you say you are not tired? You have such a big temper, and you are not willing to smile at me for two or three years, you are not unable to go back to the XI base, but you have lost that name. I did n’t let you take part in the battle at the time of Ji Nuan ’s accident. You and the people in the base are no different. I think about everything for you, you ca n’t feel sorry for me, always leave me like this, I He. Mom never did that to any woman in her life ... 唔 ... "

Suddenly Feng Ling raised his hand and covered his mouth.

Li Nanheng raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "唔唔唔, 唔? 唔唔唔 唔 …… 唔唔唔 唔 …… 唔唔唔 唔唔唔 !!!"

He said that she was wrong, that she was unwilling to listen when she was hanging him, and drunk as he refused to hear what he didn't like, and reached out to cover his mouth to prevent him from speaking?

What wrong link did he have in love with this bad woman for so many years!

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