Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1340: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (603)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng took a deep breath in her palm, and the mood of depression that had been tortured by this woman for many years suddenly came up. She was bad, he was worse than her.


Feng Ling trembled suddenly because of a man's tongue licking in his palm, staring blankly at him: "What are you doing?"

The man raised an eyebrow. Her hands didn't move, and he moved even more.

She quickly drew back with both hands, her face was reddish because of drunkenness, and now it was too red for an instant. She stood up suddenly, watching the posture as if to go away.

As a result, she hadn't moved a step. At that moment, the outside conflict knocked on the door, Feng Ling stunned again, and then suddenly looked back at Li Nanheng and said, "Is Mr. Mike here again?"

Li Nanheng: "..."

Obviously, Yu Zheng was knocking on the door outside. She should be preparing to come in and take away the dining car. She had a disorderly memory after drinking, and maybe she was too impressed by the evasion of Mr. Mike, and now she remembers it again?

Then Feng Ling suddenly reached out and dragged Li Nanheng, who was sitting on the sofa, and pushed her towards the suite bedroom. After entering the bedroom, he hurriedly pushed him to bed. Li Nanheng: "?????"

"Hide in!" She pushed him into bed, lifted the quilt and covered him in the quilt, then looked back at the bedroom door, as carefully as she was avoiding any enemy, ran down and locked the door again. Then, I went back to the bed and looked at the funny man with his head coming out of the quilt. He was about to speak, but suddenly he stumbled again: "No, the person hiding should be me?"

Li Nanheng raised an eyebrow at the little cute in front of him, patted the position next to him, and made an invitation gesture: "Yeah, would you like to come in and hide?"

"Okay." She answered happily, after all, he had an arm injury, but she didn't. She took off her shoes very flexibly, went straight to bed, lifted the quilt and put herself in the quilt. , Lie down next to him, and hold your breath to prevent any precautionary actions that others find.

The quilt covered both of them in the darkness. The air was thin, very quiet, and too close. In such a small space where the air was scarce, Feng Ling's obvious heartbeat because of hiding was almost audible.

very quiet.

It's hot too.

The whole world seems to be isolated by this quilt, but it seems that the belonging of such a party is inexplicably more secure.

She just stabbed in the quilt for a while, as if she didn't hear any sound. After thinking about it, she had to lift the quilt and look at it. As a result, she had to lift the quilt as soon as she raised her hand. Some heavy men suddenly suppressed her by turning over, and the quilt was still unopened. This dark and cramped space was a little stuffy and hot, but the man's hot kiss was posted without hesitation.

Feng Ling lay still, accepting the kiss from the man, but only opened his eyes to see him in the darkness, Li Nanheng didn't go to open the quilt, only deep kissed under such sultry quilt, twitching her again and again His lips, deep, entangled, difficult to separate, until Feng Ling struggling because he was really breathless, trying to push him away with the quilt, as if he felt her intentions in an instant, no Letting go of her, she only opened up the space where the quilt allowed her to resume the unobstructed air to breathe, and then went deeper into her lips.

"Hmm ..." Feng Ling was able to breathe normally, and her hand was pressed against the man's chest, but her fingers were tightened gradually, without pushing him.

The man's kiss gradually fell on her chin, softly chanting: "I just thought you were going to sleep directly with me."

Feng Ling's eyes blinked in the darkness. The lights in the suite bedroom were not on. Only the moonlight outside the window came in, but they could still see the eyes and face contours of the two clearly.

Seeing her not moving, the man half-supported her by the uninjured arm and looked at her like this, his eyes deep: "I didn't want to turn you on the bed, you came up by yourself, You said, if I could let you go back at this time, how could he be a man? "

Feng Ling looked at him for a long time, then suddenly raised his hand and pushed hard.

When Li Nanheng thought he was going to push himself away, she suddenly turned over and pushed her **** the bed, and then pressed him like that.

The surface of the bed was very soft, no matter whether she was lying down or he was comfortable lying down. Li Nanheng stared at her because she suddenly became passive and active, but there was no next action to be done to her, just Looking at her like this, he slowly asked quietly, "You, think, do, why?"

"Sleep you." Feng Ling answered neatly, and suddenly fell down to **** his lips directly.

Li Nanheng lay still, and allowed the woman who was still aching to turn and **** and bite on his lips. He had been patiently teaching her how to kiss every night in the jungle for half a year. Cool, but all her cleverness has been used in the base. She has not been able to learn this. She is always awkward when kissing. Just like she is in the business circle, she works hard to learn. Adapted, but still not as transparent as those who learned the skills in the base.

But this is just the case, just that it is so green that he almost bites his kiss, or makes the blood of the man underneath almost boiled.

As Feng Ling kissed hard, Li Nanheng felt that she should still give her some encouragement, raised her hands on her back of the head, and pressed her head to keep her from leaving. His hand started to unbutton his shirt, and the man gasped a little because of her movements, and gently bit her lips: "Little fairy, move quickly if you want to, you want to kill me ? "

Feng Ling kissed him while unbuttoning his shirt, until the man's shirt was unbuttoned, she sighed on his lips as if in a sigh of relief, and put his hand on his well-defined and perfectly-shaped chest. Stroked, the excited man's muscles were as tight as stones under her body, she even learned how to kiss him normally, little by little, kissed under his chin, and kissed him again Jaw, a little down, kissed the man's protruding throat.

Li Nanheng gasped heavily, pressing her hand firmly against her back, as if to prevent her from abruptly leaving, and imprisoned herself.

Feng Ling couldn't get up, she could only lie on him and kiss her, until she suddenly sucked on the man, she suddenly heard the man's hoarse moan, Feng Ling blinked, and could not help again Go up and kiss his lips.

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