Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1341: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (604)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

After kissing for a while like this, Li Nanheng's shirt was ripped off by her. Her clothes were not moving at all, only a little messy, long hair entangled between the two men's necks, and there were many hairs on several occasions. The silk stuck to his mouth, and the man kissed her inch by inch with patience on her hair.

Just when Feng Ling and the man were kissing on the bed for a long time, Li Nanheng was ready to wait for her to take off her clothes, and she just pulled out her hands to pull off her pants. Feng Ling suddenly opened her eyes full of ambiguous eyes, suddenly Pushed him away, and sat upright in bed again.

Li Nanheng was pushed by her unexpectedly, and she fell unconsciously on the bed like this, suddenly raised her head to see Feng Ling's first dream-like expression, and her heart jumped. Wake up soon?

"No." She sat there, suddenly speaking two words.

Looking at her serious expression, Li Nanheng sat up, his shirt was open, and a large chest was exposed to the air, so he looked at the inexplicable woman.

"I'm still angry and can't be like you."


Fortunately, I didn't wake up all of a sudden, but suddenly I can't go to bed so casually.

Li Nanheng didn't know if he should cry or laugh, and looked down at the obvious change in his pants that couldn't be blocked: "I've been stabbed by you like this, do you suddenly say you're still angry?"

Feng Ling didn't go to see him, and seemed to turn out of bed before hearing.

Mom. He's like this now, she's leaving?

How could Li Nanheng now let her go so easily, she lifted her right hand out of inertia and hugged her back, but Feng Ling pushed him away like an electric shock. This shot was too hard. Photographed on the gauze on his arm, Li Nanheng, who was in pain for a moment, did not hold back for a while, and snorted.

Suddenly he heard his pain, Feng Ling turned back and looked at him again suddenly, seeing that she knew how to care for herself, Li Nanheng just held the arm and fell to the bed, as if she was curled up in bed with pain. Shouting there: "Ah, it hurts ... it hurts ... it hurts ... it hurts ..."

Hearing that he kept screaming for pain, Feng Ling's facial expression of "can't be touched by him anymore" had gradually turned into a slight anxiety, and he looked around quickly, found the position of the bedside lamp and turned on the front of the bed. The wall lamp, through this light, really saw that the gauze on his arm seemed to bleed again. She was horrified by the blood and wanted to pull his hand.

As a result, before she touched his hand, the man retracted his hand and continued to hold his arm to the bed and sighed.

The anxiety in Feng Ling's eyes became more obvious. She estimated that she had forgotten the gauze on his arm or that she had just bandaged him. After being drunk, her memory was so confused that she did not know how he thought his hand was hurt. But it did seem very worrying at the moment.

Li Nanheng called for a while, turned his head to see her expression, and couldn't bear it anymore, he just sat up and gathered up the shirt that had just been ripped open by her. Slowly, the cuffs of the shirt would seeply **** gauze. Covered, looking at her: "Are you still going?"

Feng Ling looked at him dullly, and then glanced at his arm, as if he did not dare to approach, but was worried about his arm.

"Don't do anything, I can't hold you now, you can come by yourself." He said, and chin pointed to the bedside: "Sit down."

Feng Ling glanced at him, then sat down again.

Li Nanheng calmed his emotions, glanced at the lower body again, sighed, and moved to sit next to her, looking down at her quiet look: "Suddenly I remembered that I was still angry, so Should you avoid me so far? Is your principle too strong? "

Feng Ling still didn't speak, but his eyes were on his arms from time to time.

"What? Distressed?" He asked with a low smile, his voice still a little husky, but because of the gentle tone of the tone, it seemed to be confused.

"It's okay not to be at the base, so you don't have to get hurt." She sat there, looking at his arm, as if she didn't hear him, just muttering to herself: "You always get used to using your arm to fight when you fight Block, so apart from the occasional gunshot wounds throughout your body, you have the most frequent arm injuries, and several times your hand almost wasted. "

Hearing that she suddenly said this, Li Nanheng didn't speak, just looked at her.

"I still remember that I was wearing a woman's dress at the bar. The group that was about to be surrounded by us suddenly shot and hurt me. You suddenly protected me. At that time, you were also rubbed by bullets and flowed a lot. Blood. "She murmured.

"But I was a boy then," she continued.

When mentioning this, Li Nanheng sighed and sighed directly: "You are so embarrassed to say that Lao Tzu was bent by you, and then straightened by you again and again."

"Oh." Feng Ling looked at him again, and then at the little tent still under his pants: "What is curved? What is straight?"

Li Nanheng: "..."

Seeing her, she didn't understand it very well. Now she has a rare desire for knowledge. Li Nanheng pulled the quilt and covered her pants, lest she be stared at the evil fire again, and taught her seriously: "You were You should n’t be mixed into the base as a man. If you knew you were a little girl in an orphanage when you first entered the base, maybe I would just take you directly. After all, you can have both skill and agility. The rules are dead. Yes, people are alive, I can change the rules, but you ca n’t lie, do you know that you have been dressed as men in the base for so many years, thousands of brothers have been fooled by you, and I have been blinded by you for years, The people in the entire base are living like thousands of idiots under your influence. Are you proud? "

Li Nanheng's tone sounded harsh and blame.

Feng Ling looked at him, then at his arms, and then at her own hands, as if suddenly waking up to where she had come from, then she dared to be a man in so many men's places.

Seeing her look, Li Nanheng said a lesson with a serious expression: "Remember how many times you had been swindled in the base? Did I punish you? In the end, I was still protecting you, and you never thought of yourself. How bad is the next lie? "

Hearing this, Feng Ling sat right next to the bed, lowered her head, apparently looking like she knew she was wrong and was being humbly taught.

It has always been this woman's serious cold face that disregarded everything, that is, after she drank, she could be so cute and obedient to bully him.

Li Nanheng held his hand and still glanced at her with a serious face. In fact, the laughter had endured the internal injuries.


(I ask for a monthly pass ~)

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