Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1354: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (617)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

A group of executives and partners at the conference table were frightened because of the two men who rushed in with guns, and they suddenly stood up when Feng Ling suddenly stood up.

"What are you doing? Don't call the police?" A senior executive looked at Tam and Lin Cheng's gun in a frown, shouting in fear.

"It's been reported!" The security responded quickly.

Feng Ling seemed to have heard nothing, staring at Tam and Lin Cheng: "What happened?"

Seeing Mr. Feng seemed to confirm with the two men, and did not seem to mind the guns in the hands of the two men, they immediately looked at each other, wondering what happened.

Tam looked at Feng Ling with red eyes, his lips trembled, holding the gun in his hand, and when the security guard next to him instinctively wanted to come over, his eyes suddenly stared fiercely.

"Don't touch them." After Feng Lingping said in a voice, his eyes lowered again and he looked at the document of the cooperation case at hand.

If she did not make a calculation at this time, this financing project cannot be approved immediately. It must be a project that has been arranged as early as Washington. It will not be until the other party's financing salary is fully prepared. Come here today, but in fact, whether it is TMing or this money that can now raise the entire Feng's money, everything has already been arranged for her.

"The meeting is suspended first. Sorry, if your company can accept it, you can call my cousin Vice President Qin to come and continue the interview."

"Yes, if Miss Feng is in a hurry, you can call another company's regular person in charge. It doesn't matter. It looks like something happened to your two friends, we can understand." The person in charge of the financing company Although I was scared by the two gunmen just now, it didn't seem that they had any intention of hurting them. Seeing Feng Ling again looked quite understandable.

Usually, the partners who can make such a huge amount of financing will not have such a good temper. As the president of a company, Feng Ling left midway when talking about financing projects, but they were still acceptable.

If there is no one in the middle of this financing, she is really not convinced.

Li Nanheng.

What did she say and do in front of him the night she drank too much?

"Thank you." Feng Ling directly lowered the documents in her hand, and decisively and quickly instructed the assistants on the side to call Qin Shuke, and then directly glanced at Tam and Lin Cheng who were still there and gave them a look: " follow me."

Until Feng Ling and the two young men with guns went out, everyone in the conference room looked at each other again.

After leaving the conference room, the corner in front of the corridor was quiet. There were no staff members. Feng Ling turned to look at them both: "What the **** is going on?"

Tam's eyes are still red: "Actually, the base normally sent members to the war country for rescue missions, but I did not expect that there is now chemical poisoning in Israel. Many of the elderly in the base are mostly those of the three teams. They asked to go to the mission. As a result, all the enemy's plans were locked up, and the chemical drugs were very harmful to the human body. They were disabled, and the elite team was dispatched to support them. Fangxin, they all have gas masks, but they are also facing the same situation. Those chemical drugs are not only in the breath, but also hidden in explosives, which will corrode people's hands and feet. The scene is very ... "

Feng Ling heard goosebumps, looked at Tam, and looked at Lincheng again.

Lin Cheng just stood with red eyes. He usually didn't talk much. Although Tam couldn't speak now, he could at least clarify the whole thing.

"Just at the base, he was about to send more than a dozen helicopters to pick up the surviving brothers from Israel. The boss heard about the base outside and rushed back overnight. Xiao Xu Hanjin and some of their elite teams All the members also got on the helicopter. We should have passed with A K, but there was a serious local case in Los Angeles that required snipers to cooperate with the arrest. Lin Cheng and I did not follow to Israel ... "

"It turned out that the situation over there was so dangerous. Han Jin was desperate to rescue the members of the elite team. A K was injured by a chemical explosive charged there and dropped by a helicopter. The boss couldn't bear Ah K being abandoned there, regardless of everyone's obstruction, and went to rescue him alone, but ... "

"What happened?" Feng Ling's complexion looked calm, and his fingers weren't ganged together, but his fingers were always still, his eyes stared at Tam.

"It turned out that the location where Ah K was in the accident was a concentrated chemical explosion zone, and there was a river next to it. At the time when the explosion sounded, all the take-off planes almost trembled and crashed ..."

Lin Cheng originally wanted Tam to explain things in detail, but seeing Feng Ling's eyes was really unbearable, he suddenly interjected and said, "Boss and A K failed to return with the helicopter. Han Jin returned from the injury because of chemistry. The poison of the product is not very clear, and now they have been admitted to the hospital. The remaining brothers in a good condition summarized the situation with us at the time, and only said that the boss and A stayed there. In order to protect most of the base of the base from being hit hard, we can only ensure that everyone goes back first, and the boss and A K are left there because no one can be found at that time. So many days until now, life and death are unknown. . "

"It is said that the life or death is unknown. Han Jin was only stunned by the thick smoke of chemicals in the air, and all of them were admitted to the hospital after returning. Ak and the boss were in the explosion concentration area at that time. Blast, those poisonous fumes are deadly enough! "Tam said as he cried directly:" Xiao Xu they are not allowed to leak this out, but Feng Ling, me, Lin Cheng, and you, These are the only three survivors in the sniper team. We may not be the best in the base, but I believe that because of your feelings for the boss, you must not accept such a result. The two of us want to go to Israel to find the boss and Ah. They It is not allowed in the base. We can only venture in violation of the base regulations. We do n’t want you to go with us, just because you are always one with us. You have the right to know everything. Regardless of whether Lin Cheng can come back, I am afraid that we can't stay in the base anymore, but for the boss, for the sake of K, we must go! "

During the conversation, Tam and Lin Cheng suddenly came out very tacitly and took out two small silver nameplates and handed them to her: "If we can't come back, please ask Afeng to hang our nameplate in front of the base hall door, and I can't live any longer Back to the base, dead also left our souls there. "

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