Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1355: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (618)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling was silent for a long while, raising her hand to take over the two small silver nameplates.

Tam and Lin Cheng looked at her and put their guns in their pockets, apparently ready to leave for Israel at any time.

Feng Ling's fingers gently touched the two famous brands, and then suddenly he took out a silver small same-name brand from their pockets, put them with the two, and compiled them in his palm.

Seeing her movements, Tam and Lin Cheng were speechless for a long time, just watching her.

"I have been away from the base for a long time, but fortunately when I left, this thing was still on me. I haven't worn it for a few years, but it has always been in my pocket." Her voice was calm. Said: "As you said, I am integrated with the XI base and the sniper team, and Li Nanheng's relationship with me ..."

She paused, and then smiled suddenly, generally speaking silently to them: "I thank you for not hiding me, and thank you for telling me before leaving, giving me the opportunity to return to the base . "

Both Tam and Lin Cheng understand that Feng Ling was expelled from the beginning, and there was no chance of returning to base.

Unless, as they said, people can't go back, after death, the brand can go back.

"Feng Ling, we are not taking you to death, we are here to entrust ..."

"Same, who said we will die if we go?" Feng Ling stared at them with clear eyes. "At the beginning, Ak took me into the base. For so many years, you all are indispensable in my life. Existence is the best partner. My temper is too cold and my character is stubborn, but it does not mean that I do not love Li Nanheng. It is difficult for me to blame them for something. "


"A Feng's side, I will send someone to explain to him, I will arrange an air ticket to Israel right now." Feng Ling said and picked up the phone directly.

"You can't go."

"I can."

"If something goes wrong, boss Li ..."

"Every time I have an accident, your elder boss will appear almost. I'd like to see, if I really have an accident in Israel, he will not appear suddenly." Feng Ling said jokingly, But there was no slight smile in his eyes, and he quickly clicked on the phone to find the nearest flight time.

The purpose of Tam and Lin Cheng coming here is really not to let her follow along. They really just don't want Feng Ling to be forced to leave the base for so long after they have been involved in such a big deal.

After all, there is still a family and a company behind her. She has a lot of responsibilities, and she shouldn't follow them.

However, she did not expect that between Feng's and the base without hesitation, she chose the base and chose Li Nanheng.

"Feng Ling, after all now ..."

Feng Ling still looked down at the mobile phone, and said quietly while booking the ticket: "Feng's family has come out of the trough. Although Qin Shuke is a cousin, he can also provide retirement care for the second elder of Feng's family. I'm more selfish, but in terms of my own life, I have to be responsible to everyone. In the past few years, all my efforts and all the hard support are enough to pay off my fertility. I do n’t owe anyone, but I only owe Li Nanheng. The Feng family is going uphill, and they can have a lot, but Li Nanheng is in a certain place in Israel. He only has me, and he is waiting for us to save him. "

Seeing that Feng Ling raised his mobile phone to let them see the flight time shown above. Everyone has been in the base for so long. Feng Ling knows the identity information of each of these brothers around him, and he can quickly book a ticket. There was no need to ask for any passport number, because she remembered it.

Tam and Lin Cheng couldn't speak at all. On the one hand, they were excited by Feng Ling's decision. They couldn't tell whether they were worried that she was following them or whether they were sighing about Feng Ling or the original Feng Ling.

But still a little annoyed, rushing into Feng's to let her know this would not be too unfair to her life that has already been calm.

However, Feng Ling seemed to see what they were thinking, and took off the women's blazer silently, and then slowly untied the cufflinks on the cuffs of the women's shirt, and said quietly and firmly, "I should thank You guys, give me a relief. "


Because of controversy, Jerusalem is the capital shared by Israel and Palestine, and this place is one of the largest arms supply places in the world.

After the plane landed, Feng Lin Tam City rented an off-road vehicle with a large internal space directly near the airport and drove all the way to Jerusalem's urban area.

Fighting here has continued in recent years, but because of the ancient city, there are still many fun-loving places to come and take pictures on vacation.

After arriving in the ancient city, there was a war isolation belt. Feng Ling sat behind the car and looked in that direction. Suddenly, a helicopter appeared above the isolation belt. Helicopters were very common in this kind of place. Someone cared too much until the plane flew and suddenly fell straight towards the open space in front.

There was a lot of vacant land where a group of tourists walked by.

The dark plane crashed down with the light of fire, with the shadow of death.

An exclamation broke out in the crowd at the same time, and everyone around and there was screaming and scattered.

Feng Ling looked at the direction of the open space over there, and was about to speak. Tam was already keenly aware of the situation, quickly turned his head in the direction, and slammed into the bushes on the side.

The off-road vehicle was stuck in the bushes motionlessly at this moment when it was off.

At this time, the bushes were drilled into a large hole, and the front of the car was embedded in it.

Tam slammed his hand firmly on the steering wheel and scolded, "Stuck."

At the same time, under the scorching sun at dusk, the red flames penetrated half of the sky, Feng Ling turned his head and saw the people spread out like birds and beasts.

Suddenly, I saw a little girl from an unknown country. It was probably because of the sudden chaos that she was smashed away from her parents. She was standing in the open space, rubbing her eyes and crying.

The child, about three or four years old, was hit hard by people who rushed away behind him. The shadow on the child's head was getting bigger and bigger. She didn't know how to avoid it. Can't stand, just slumped on the ground crying blankly, helpless and poor, a small ball.

Feng Ling felt cold sweat in his palms for a moment, opened the door suddenly, ignored the shouts and reminders of Lin Cheng and Tam, and jumped in that direction.

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