Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1356: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (619)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Feng Ling, don't go, it's too dangerous--!"

With the shouts of Tam and Lin Cheng, the helicopter has been smashed to the ground, only about ten meters away from the little **** the ground. Seeing that the machine will destroy people, Feng Ling's figure has been very negligent. A little girl scooped up on the ground, desperately rushed to the haystack aside.

Feng Ling's speed was not as fast as before at the base, but it was not slow. At least when the little girl was holding her in her arms and pressing someone in the haystack, she heard the crash of the helicopter behind her. People were saved.

The little girl in her arms was crying, Feng Ling quickly turned back, and saw that the plane had landed exactly where the little girl was when she fell.

The huge roar rang in my ears, and the earth seemed to tremble madly at this moment.

Feng Ling's hand was patted on the little girl in her arms. The little girl was already frightened and raised her head in her arms.

"Close your eyes." Feng Ling whispered, hugged the little girl again, and when she turned, she saw a dazzling firelight in front of her.

When the plane crashed and exploded, the secondary explosion and sky-high fire were inevitable, and it was precisely because of this that the crowd around them still ran away in panic.

Feng Ling was hugged by the thick smoke and closed her eyes and hugged the little girl who didn't understand her, and backed away sharply.

Tam suddenly rushed in the car, rushed to Feng Ling under the fire, opened the door and shouted: "Come up!"

Feng Ling hugged the little girl and got into the car. The off-road vehicle drove away quickly and away from the danger zone.

Until the girl was brought to a safe area, Feng Ling still coughed a few times in the car.

"Are you all right?" Lin Cheng sat in the co-pilot seat and turned back to hand her a bottle of water.

Feng Ling took the water, and then turned to look at the child who was scared to cry, and passed the water directly to her mouth. I do n’t know which country she is, she whispered in her ear and tried to use the few she knew. The language of the country was asked again, and it was finally determined that it seemed to be a British child. After comforting the child, he quickly asked Tam to drive the car to the British embassy in Jerusalem, and handed the child over there temporarily. I don't know when the child's parents will come to find her.

After explaining the child, Feng Ling walked out of the embassy. His throat was uncomfortable. Then he went to the car and took a bottle of water. After drinking a few products, he felt more comfortable. At the same time, he held the water bottle and raised his eyes. To Tam: "Where was the place where Ak and Li's accident happened? You said, was there a river nearby?"

"The location of their accident is about forty kilometers from here. There is indeed a river."

"I was just stunned by the thick smoke that exploded when the plane crashed, and my throat was always dry and painful. In the area where that chemical detonated, if they still have the possibility of surviving, they will definitely choose the waterway." Ling said as he quickly got into the car: "Go and see!"

"A Feng has already thought about this, and has already sent people to search along the river channel, but at the end of the river channel is a high waterfall cliff ..." Tam said, his voice was astringent For a moment: "If it is there, there is no possibility of surviving. Even if we firmly believe that the boss and A K are still alive, we can only choose other routes. The waterway must not be feasible."

"It works." Feng Ling put the mineral bottle cap back on, and went directly to the driver's seat, and looked at the two people outside the car: "Or, rent another car, you go to land, I go to water. "

"That would definitely not work, it is impossible to let you go alone." Lin Cheng said, jumping directly into the back seat of the car: "Let's go, first go to the waterway to see if there is really a miracle."

Tam no longer had any objection, got in the car directly, but glanced at Feng Ling when he was in the front passenger seat: "I'll drive?"

"It's okay, you drove all the way, rest, let's change it." Feng Ling glanced at the road in front of it. There were barren colors everywhere, the sun was very bright, and some glare. She took it from Tam. Put on your sunglasses.

Tam looked at her next to him: "Are you wearing this sunglasses a little big?"

It's really bigger, but Feng Ling now has long hair tied behind her head, but her eyes and legs can stay in her hair for a while.

"It's okay, it's better than the sun piercing the eyes." Feng Ling said as he reached out and looked for the direction directly on the navigator, and then clicked on the red dot above it: "Is this right?"

"Yes, the location of the boss's accident is here, but so many days have passed. If he is still alive, he must be far away there," Tam said.

"Get to the place first, then slowly find along the waterway and around." Feng Ling quickly stepped on the throttle in the direction of navigation, and at the same time said: "You contact the base and see what they have found before What are the routes, don't waste time, don't take repeated and useless routes. "

"We are in a stalemate with the base now. We came out privately. How could there be ..."

"You would n’t ask a few good relationships in private? This kind of thing is put on the table to say, do n’t say it ’s Afeng who ca n’t get through, even if the boss is at the base, it ’s the same result. It was private to contact A Feng, and he would tell you the same. "Feng Ling frowned.

Lin Cheng paused immediately, and quickly picked up his cell phone to contact the people at the base.

In the end, it turned out that A Feng sent them an electronic map. All the routes marked in red were already sent by people to search, from the beginning to the end.

While driving, Feng Ling listened to the route that Tam and Lincheng said. One hand controlled the steering wheel, and the other hand was very keen to mark the navigation on the car. Almost everything they said in the population. She was able to mark at the same time, and all the last things that did not fall out were presented on the navigator.

"Waterways, the location they are looking for ends in the area of ​​the waterfall." Feng Ling drove and said, "Wait for a while to pass a place with a rental car, or rent two more cars. We will go in three directions to find, I will go to the waterfall , You go to two other routes that have not been explored. "

"How dangerous is it to get you there?"

"Under the waterfall is the ancient jungle. Have you ever lived in the jungle?" Feng Ling asked.


"I go, you go to other routes, listen to me." Even if Feng Ling is not different from what it used to be, he has added a lot of high-ranking leadership in his tone, and can't refuse to say: "I go down the water, you Choose these two roads and converge at the final separated place 48 hours later. "

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