Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1358: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (621)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

The car drove all night, and when it arrived near the Gorejing Farm, the desert in front of it finally turned into a farm town that looked very normal, but the town seemed very barren, surrounded by green space, and it could be seen in circles. There are a lot of hard-working people in the various crops there, and all of them are busy.

Feng Ling drove over to find a young man with dark-skinned skin, looking at the skin and facial bones of the country typical of each other, and looking at other people, it was the same. It seems that this Gore net farm The people here are all ethnic groups born here, not foreigners from other countries.

The young man was a little confused when he saw Feng Ling. So Feng Ling tried to talk to him in English, but the other party obviously didn't understand. He turned around and talked with the old people next to him, and threw her in here. It just doesn't bother.

Feng Ling guessed that they might not understand English, but she did n’t know the language of this country. When driving by in the barren and deserted town of Gorejing Farm, many old people watched with their children by their side. I don't know if it's frightened or curious.

After all, this is a war country. Everyone is afraid of any external interference. Judging from the situation here, it should have been affected by the war. When I just passed there, I still saw some traces of old smoke and black soil. It's just that it should be calm for a long time without being disturbed by war anymore, but the old people here will still be afraid. When they see such a large off-road vehicle coming in, everyone's eyes are full of emotions.

The road ahead couldn't drive any more, Feng Ling had to get out of the car. In order to prevent these people from being wary of her, she took some cookies out of the car and gave them to the children around her. The children were just excited. They came over, but were almost forcibly dragged back into their arms by the old men, and then dragged the child guardedly and turned away, not allowing them to approach her.

There was only a twelve-three-year-old boy with dark-yellow skin and a skinny skin who seemed to be taken care of by no one. He was hungry. When he came forward and saw that she really wanted to give cookies, he hurried over , After taking it, he desperately put it in his mouth.

Feng Ling looked at him and took out a bottle of water for him, and the skinny boy took it again. He was so desperate to eat cookies and drink water. After both packages of cookies were eaten by him, he squeezed the water bottle in his hand. Then, looking at her with a pair of black eyes, she finally spoke.

But the language is still incomprehensible to Feng Ling.

She whispered in English to the boy: "Do you guys here don't know a little English? Or, can you speak other languages?"

The little boy looked at her for a long time, took another sip of mineral water, and then her bright eyes looked at her again. Feng Ling paused, understood what he meant, and gave him two packets of biscuits and two bottles of water. .

The little boy was smiling and holding the food and drink in his arms, and suddenly he took a bite fluent but could still be understood by Feng Ling and said, "You, will you, Chinese ...?"

Feng Ling's expression flickered: "I will."

The little boy nodded strongly, and suddenly pointed at the road in the town: "There ..."

"What's up there?"

"Yes ... in Chinese, Chinese ... Mother-in-law ..."

Feng Ling listened, no longer asked, nodded directly to the little boy, parked the car on an open space next to it that would not affect them to go in, and then gave some food to the little boy for his help. After a while driving, he explained that he was not a bad person and would not hurt them, so he told the people here not to be afraid of her, and then quickly walked in the direction he said.

When I was outside that place, I didn't expect to actually see a typical red blessing only in China in front of the family's yard. It looks a bit old and should be posted in the New Year. After many months, the wind was blowing, the red background and black letters were a little faded.

And it seems that the word should be written by the host himself, it is not very good-looking, but at least it is indeed Chinese characters.

Feng Ling knocked on the door. It took a long time. About four or five minutes later, an old man with gray hair in his seventies came out. The old man had a severely humped back and needed to lift his head to look at her. She stared at her skin color and hair for a long time, and after a long time she was surprised and said in Chinese, "You ..."

"Hello mother-in-law, excuse me." Feng Ling said: "I just heard someone say that there is a mother-in-law here, so I hurriedly came to disturb you, but I'm sorry, but I have something urgent, so I can't help myself ... "

The old lady saw her politely, nodded her head, turned around unhurriedly, and walked into the yard with a cane: "Come in and sit."

Feng Ling was very anxious, but when she saw that the old woman should not be able to urge, she went straight in.

"Recently this little broken farm is really interesting ... there has never been a place for Chinese to go in and out, but there is another Chinese ..."

Feng Ling heard a brow.

The old woman turned around and looked at her again: "What's the matter with you?"

"I have a friend who was affected by the war in Jerusalem and was seriously injured. It should have been washed down the river there. Everyone thought he was dead. I was not willing and could not accept the result, so I found it all the way. Come over and find that the end of the river is near here, so I ... "Feng Ling paused, reorganized his emotions and language:" I guess he will be here, I want to look here, But the people here do n’t speak the language, and they ca n’t communicate in English, but I did n’t expect that there would be a mother-in-law who speaks Chinese ... ”

"Ah, I came when I was very young." The old lady had a deep voice and still spoke slowly: "When I was young ... At that time, we didn't have any free love, I was forced to marry at home and fled in a fit of anger. Came out, fled to Europe with that money, and fled here all the way ... At that time, there were still a lot of people on this Gorejing farm. It was a very prosperous ranch, but then the war was too frequent, and it was dead. I ran away, and the desert became like this. I married a farmer here, with children, and granddaughter, and lived here from generation to generation. Did you come into contact with the street children here? Those kids will come to me often to find something to eat, and they will have a little Chinese. "

Feng Ling nodded: "Yes."

The old woman nodded, and stood there with a cane, and thought for a while, and said, "Is the man you are looking for a man?"

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